Iteration 1: Brainstorming
session involved conducting meetings with intellectuals and experts to
determine the network architectures that are desirable for supporting business
intelligence systems. The main objective of the meeting was the determination
of the network requirements that support business intelligence. The sessions
shall discuss the various network topologies, the network standards and the
network hardware and the software standards. The entire session opened the
various security issues to solve and implement in the network. The session also
considers the implementation of the hardware components of the proposed network
to support business intelligence. The proposed network project looks at
implementing both the wireless and the wired connection. The final process of
the network discussion involved the solution to the future increase of the
users of the network. The session also discussed the process of implementing of
the future technological that support business intelligence.
director of Information Technology Mr. Sung provided the network schedule that
implemented the laying down of the wireless and wired network. The project
development took two weeks. Mr. sung’s meeting schedule involved three
facilitators namely Mrs. Angel, the director of Wide Area Network WAN and Local
Area Network (LAN) networks. Mr. Dan the
system designer. Mr. Alex the network administrator. The first session involved the preparation of
the meetings, and then Mr. Dan was the supervisor. According to Mr. Dan
preparation of the meeting involved the setting and configuring of the network
in the meeting venues. The subtask includes setting the network access points
in the meeting hall. The session required the projectors and laptop. The
preparation of the session also required facilities like the installation of
video configurations devices. The session also required the installation of the
webinar enabling l drivers and setting and fixing hardware and software devices
(P.M. Dan, personal communication, 03 January 2016). The session took two days.
Angel facilitated the first training on the introduction of Wide Area Network
(WAN) and the LAN networks. The subtask in the meeting included the
installation of the simulation software from Cisco. The session required
opening the control manager, accounts password and installation graphic
enabling drivers (G.N. Dan, personal communication, 09 January 2016). The session
training took four days. The expected
results after the training include understanding the Wide Area Network (WAN)
and LAN networks, designing network architectures and running models of
proposed network.
Alex led facilitated training on the topologies and the networking protocols.
The session included tasks involving field practical in laying down the
real-time network. The requirements of training session included the fiber
optic cables, the Ethernet cables and the wireless enabling devices (J.M. Alex,
personal communication, 05 January 2016).
The session took four days. The expected results of the meeting included
acquiring skills in establishing a real-time network with all the requirements
both LAN and Wide Area Network (WAN).
participated in the two weeks meeting conducted by Mrs. Angel, the director of
Wide Area Network WAN and Local Area Network (LAN) networks. Mr. Dan the system designer. Mr. Alex the
network administrator. Through the guidance of Mr. Dan, I took part in the
preparation of the meetings. Mr. Dan
preparation helped me in setting and configuring of the network in the meeting
venues. I participated in setting up,
the new switch to support the meeting. I
also connected the switch to the main bus that connected to the router. Mr. Dan
Demonstrated on how to establish network access points in the meeting
hall. I connected the projectors and
laptop for the facilitators. I took part in downloading and installing
facilities like the video conferencing configuration device drivers on the
training computers. I installed the webinar enabling device drivers.
I took part in the meeting facilitated by Mrs.
Angel. I actively participated in the training on the introduction of Wide Area
Network (WAN) and the LAN networks. Mrs.
Angel demonstrated the installation of the packet tracer the simulation
software from Cisco manufacturers. I
opened the control manager and changed the setting for user accounts password.
I installed graphic enabling drivers. I participated in the meeting facilitated
by Mr. Alex I took part in training on the topologies and the networking
protocols. I participated in field practical. Mr. Dan demonstrated laying down
the real-time networks both the wireless and the wired networks. Mr. Dan guided
on fixing of the fiber optic cables, the Ethernet cables, and the wireless
enabling devices.
observation made during the iteration session included the effective and
efficient training by professionals and experts in IT who included Mrs. Angel,
the director of Wide Area Network WAN and Local Area Network (LAN)
networks. Mr. Dan the system designer.
Mr. Alex the network administrator. The preparation of the meetings facilitated
a wonderful session in the brainstorming and training session. The network
setting and configuring of the hardware devices led to the expansion of the
network by having another network terminal. The new switch supported the
meeting thus making the process of brainstorming successful. The process of connecting switch to the main
bus contributed to the network accessing through the router (P.M. Dan, personal
communication, 09 January 2016). The established network access points in the
meeting hall led to the creation of an alternative source of the network in
case the Ethernet network connection could fail. The connections accomplished
for the projectors contributed to clear presentation of the meeting objectives.
The laptop portable device as opposed to the workstation facilitated easier
movement of the facilitator from one place to another. The laptops facilitated
mobility. The downloaded and installed facilities like the video conferencing
enhanced the online training (G.N.
Angel, personal communication, 11 January 2016). The issue of the unavailable
facilitators was addressed trough the video conferencing. The webinar enabling
device drivers promoted the online seminars as well as remote access to the
facilities involving training.
training on the introduction of Wide Area Network (WAN) and the LAN networks
led to the establishment of networks. The installation of the packet tracer
made the simulation of the network developed more easily. The training
introduced the components of the Cisco.
The management of the control manager allowed easier working and access
to learning sites. The changed the setting for user accounts password removed
the administrators based configuration. The graphic enabling drivers supported
the simulations and the packet tracer software. The training on the topologies
and the networking protocol promoted clear distinguishing of the required
standards. The laid down the real-time networks both the wireless and the wired
networks gave the power to solve the issues of network failure. The process of
fixing of the fiber optic cables, the Ethernet cables, and the wireless
enabling devices led to the accomplishment of the objectives of the session of
training session was effectively and efficiently accomplished. The main goal of understanding the network
systems required improving the business platforms was implemented. The understanding of architectures that
supports the distributed systems was well demonstrated. The expected results
after the training include understanding the WAN and LAN networks, designing
network architectures and running models of proposed network. The brainstorming
session equipped me with knowledge, skills, and understanding as I always
aspired. The expected results of the meeting included acquiring skills in
establishing a real-time network with all the requirements for both LAN and
Wide Area Network (WAN.
training session has not covered the areas dealing with the security of the
network. The networking module on the basic and important issue like security
was never addressed in the entire brainstorming session. The security issues
shall be analyzed in the next iteration. Similarly, the hardware compatibility
was never accessed within the brainstorming session since the materials applied
in the brainstorming iterations was meeting. The tools required were expensive
to test and prove that the demonstrated network could support future trends
(P.M. Dan, personal communication, 17 January 2016). The brainstorming session
was limited to the time and the main ideas in networking that can support business
intelligence. The session was a preparing a network infrastructure that
determining the efficiency and effectiveness of business intelligence
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in college research papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for order research paper.
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