Friday, December 21, 2018

Role of Colony Integration in Metabolic Scaling of Colonial Animals

Research Summary
            Metabolic scaling refers to the change in physiological process in proportion to body size. The measures of metabolic rate integrate different functions performed by animals. For colonial animals, their metabolic allometry has been hypothesized to be different from unitary animals. For instance, unitary organisms can be modeled a sphere with volume increasing more rapidly than surface area. Colonial organisms can be modeled as a cylinder with r >> h (r = radius, h = height).Consequently, in the later, surface area increases in proportion to volume. Thus, they might exhibit isometric scaling of metabolism. The animals can increase their total biomass beyond the environmental constraints operating on their modules. The research proposal includes a background discussion of metabolic scaling law as well as colony integration. The proposed work utilized two colonial species that differ in colony integration. Sympodium is a “distributed” colony, using cilia to propel its gastrovascular fluid and obtaining food from symbiotic dinoflagellates. Hydractinia is an “integrated” colony, consuming prey with large centrally located polyps and using muscular contractions to pump food-rich gastrovascular throughout the colony periphery. Measures of oxygen metabolism versus size will test the effects of integration and geometry.

            The constraints in physiological rates of animals as evident in metabolic allometry describe a disproportional relationship between body size and basal metabolic rate. The relationship is described using a power functionY = YoMb . Metabolic allometry occurs when the scaling coefficient, b, is not equal to 1, and the mass-specific metabolic rate changes as the body size increases. The empirically measured value of scaling coefficient approaches 0.75 in different animals, and many theories help to explain the dominance of ¾ scaling across different sizes. The different theories predict a scaling exponent of 0.75, or 0.67, or 0.86 depending on the assumptions applied for two-dimensional organisms like colonial animals. There is an alternative view of metabolic scaling that proposes a range of scaling exponents predicted using surface area, and mass (Hulbert, 2014).
            Colonial animals are expected to deviate from negative allometry because their structures exhibit modular iteration. Their shape can be modeled as a cylinder with r >> h, Thus, isometric scaling where the scaling exponent is 1 of the colony metabolic rate and mass is predicted as an emergent property of modularity. The colony metabolic rate is a linear function of the number of component modules. For colonial organisms, the metabolic turnover rates like growth and reproduction converge towards isometric scaling (Hartikainen, 2014).    
            Size can be easily manipulated in colonial organisms. The body size is an influential variable measured to understand the inter-specific variability in the metabolic requirements. Metabolism refers to the rate at which an organism exchanges and transforms resources from the environment. The main issue on the study of body size and metabolism has always been how metabolic rate changes with the size of the organism. The changes could have a basis on a broad category of measures that include length, surface area, and mass. The change in the size of an organism is the change in scale. The metabolic scaling theory has interrelated concepts and empirical observations that help to create links between different levels of the organism in biology and ecology. The theory attempts to provide a unified theory to understand metabolism as a driving pattern and process in biology from the cellular level to the biosphere (White & Kearney, 2014). 

            The metabolic scaling law is an extension of Kleiber’s law that posits that the metabolic rate of organisms is the basic biological rate that explains many of the observed patterns in ecology. Metabolic scaling theory attempts to offer a unified theory for the importance of metabolism in driving the pattern and process in biology (Agutter & Tuszynski, 2011). Allometry is a technique previously used to analyze the relative growth and showed basal metabolic rates to vary with the 0.73-0.74 power of the body mass (Glazier, 2014). It usually follows a power function: Y = YoMb where Y= a measure of metabolic rate, Y0= normalization constant, M= body mass or some other size measure and b = allometric scaling coefficient (the slope after log-log transformation).
Y = YoMb
Kleiber suggested the use of mass ¾ due to its easy calculation with a slide rule. However, there have been other scaling exponents ranging from 0.80 to 0.97 and the scaling of mammalian metabolic rate during growth displaying multi-phasic allometric relationships with scaling components more than ¾. The relative tissue size is crucial in the determination of metabolic rate.      
The 3/4 exponent is found only in resting metabolic rate. Higher levels of metabolic activity produce higher exponents. Many researchers accept the reality of allometric scaling but contend with the basal metabolic rate being 0.75 (Farrell-Gray & Gotelli, 2005). The skeptics claim that the true value is 0.66 or 0.67 since the principal determinant of metabolic scaling is a surface-to-mass ratio.
Allometric metabolic scaling implies that bigger animals have a different metabolic rate per unit mass as compared to smaller organisms. The metabolic rate of animals gets measured as the rate at which an animal uses oxygen or produces carbon dioxide. When oxygen is present, gas exchange is not a problem for small animals due to their high surface-to-volume ratio.
The relationship between metabolic rate and body mass has been well-studied in biology due to several factors. This relationship among species is interpreted as a primary constraint by which ecological processes, from individuals to ecosystems, aregoverned. The second aspect is that there is still considerable debate over the exact value and mechanistic basis of exponent b (Glazier, 2005). The basic principle for whole-organism metabolic allometry is that the volume, hence the body mass, of cells converting energy increases faster than the total effective surface area across which energy and material resources get exchanged with the external and internal environment as animals continue to grow.
The mechanistic theories have different assumptions concerning the flow and partitioning of assimilated energy into and through an animal. The West, Brown, and Enquist (WBE) model, for instance, makes the assumption that the entire animal metabolic rate gets limited by the internal transport of resources through a volume filing, hierarchical, fractal-like, pathway. The Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model, on the other hand, is based on surface area to volume relationships that determine the uptake ad use of food and oxygen. The Metabolic-Levels Boundary (MLB) model makes the assumption that the energy utilization and power generation for an activity are limited by volume and scale isometrically with mass while fluxes of metabolic resources, wastes, and heat get limited by surface area and scale allometrically with mass as two-thirds.
The form of an organism has a close linkage to its function, and the relationship is important in the organisms whose individual form is highly flexible. The modular organisms consist of repeated building blocks which may be reflected in the ability of a colony to reallocate priority of resource transport among its units. For the social insect colonies as well as individual animals, the rate of biological processes scales with the body size.
Metabolic integration:
The extent to which parts of a colonial organism are physically or physiologically integrated influences the pattern of metabolic scaling. When modules are physiologically similar and independent, the entire colony metabolic rate is expected to be the product of the metabolic rate per module and the total number of modules and hence scale isometrically.
Modules are not typically co-dependent as tissue and organs are in unitary organisms; however, the more the modules become physiologically dependent on each other, the more the relationship scale allometrically similar to unitary organisms. Resource-transport systems are a significant element of colonial integration that is critical in understanding variation in metabolic scaling. Various benefits emerge from the internal metabolic integration and include the sharing of resources throughout the organism, enhance an expectation for integration to take place in modular animals under several conditions despite the costs. The evolution of transport systems is a central component in the evolution of multicellularity in animals (Parrin, 2010).
 The power of metabolic allometry in ecology derives from the diversity of life exhibiting a non-linear scaling pattern in which the metabolic rates are not proportional to mass (Agutter & Wheatley, 2004). One theory postulates that the supply of energy is a significant physiological constraint and another postulate that behavior regulates the demand for energy. There is the likelihood that the increase in colony size reduces the proportion of individual active engagement for scaling at a colony level. Some colonies exhibit a hypometria allometry in which exponent < 1(Agutter & Wheatley, 2004).
            Colonies can live in different states comprised of loose, highly integrated, or a transition to a fully integrated individual. The highly integrated colonies have a high likelihood of exhibiting standard metabolic scaling (with exponent = ¾) as the case in the fully integrated individuals when measured at resting metabolic rate(, 2012). 
Testing theories:
In modular animals, the expectations and consequences for metabolic isometry are precise; however, there are many reasons to expect varying scaling exponents that deviate from isometry. Various scaling exponents have emerged for modular animals, together with a more detailed explanation of the biology of modular organisms. The representation of modular growth has always been the perpetual addition of identical units.  However, when modules within colonies vary in size and shape, modules still vary as a result of differences in age, ontogeny, reproductive state, nutritional state, and position. The degree of increase of respiration of an entire colony together with the number of modules added will, hence, be dependent on the particular arrangement, integration and functional responsibility of individual modules influencing the uptake and utilization of energy. The differences among genotypes, growth forms, and species in the aspect of variation that takes place among modules and during the lifetime of an individual is likely a great source of information concerning the limitation or enhancing of variation surface area, volume ratio of the transport system in metabolic scaling. This variability is sometimes biologically critical rather than being noise and offers a great chance to understand the causes and impacts of metabolic scaling. The interest of metabolic scaling in modular animals also can be attributed to the aspects of these organisms that allow differentiation among theories, since it is possible to artificially manipulate body mass, size and shape. The predictions of b for competing for mechanistic theories are similar, and it is necessary to use manipulative experiments of size and oxygen metabolism to determine the cause and consequence relationships between body mass and metabolic rate (White & Kearney, 2014).
            More integrated colonies have metabolic scaling exponents of 0.75 in the resting state and less integrated colonies have a higher exponent and no clear resting state.
Study species and culture conditions:
     Colonies are explanted as two-polyp fragments and grown on 12 mm diameter and cover glassto larger and smaller sizes. Colonies grow to reach the edge of the cover glass nearly, for the larger sizes. Some colonies grow as small part of the edge of the cover glass, for the smaller sizes, and the assays are done 3 h or 24 h after feeding. Colonies of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and Sympodium sp. are used. The growth of the colonies was limited to one side of the coverslip.
            Sympodium sp. can be either blue or green and grows in reefs and shallow lagoons of the ocean. They are a fast-growing, sheet-like species that colonize or encrust the rocks and shells on which they grow. They are widely available due to fast growth and adaptability to the aquarium environment. They get most of their nutrients through symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) contained within the coral. They can also do well when they receive nutrients from phyto-plankton filtered from the water currents but are not directly fed.  Their gastrovascular fluid is driven by ciliary action (Harmata, 2013).  Sympodium sp. is cultured at 27° C, dKH 9, pH 8.2, specific gravity 1.026.
            Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus are among the many hydractinia species that are widely known. Hydractinia feed on smaller invertebrates found in the shallow mud, but in laboratory environments, they feed on brine shrimp. They consist of a network of gastrovascular canals in a plate of tissue called the stolonal mat.  Large polyps in the center of the colony feed and then, using myo-epithelial contractions, pump gastrovascular fluid to the growing peripheral zone of the colony.Hydractinia is cultured at 20.5° C, dKH 9, pH 8.2, specific gravity 1.021.
Materials and Methods
Study Species and Culture conditions for Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and sympodium sp.
            All the experiments will be carried out using single clone of each of the hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and sympodium sp. H. symbiolongicarpus are sheet-like due to the formation of a stolonal mat in the initial stages of development and produce varying amounts of peripheral stolons.
            The colonies will be cultured at ~20.5 °C on 15-mm round glass cover slips suspended in floating racks in an aquarium having Reef Crystals artificial sea water with 32% salinity and under gravel filtrations illuminated for 12 hours per day. The water will be changed on a weekly basis and colonies fed to repletion three times a week with 3-day-old brine shrimp. The replicate colonies will be produced by explanting 1-3 polyps surgically and connecting the tissue from a source colony to the cover slips. Explants will be held in place using nylon threads fastened to the cover slip by aquarium glue. After the explants are attached to the cover slips, they begin to grow into small colonies and the threads and glue removed. The cover slips will be cleaned twice weekly on the non-feeding days by use of a paint-brush. Additionally, colony growth will be restricted to one side of the cover slip by scrapping the stolons from the reverse side with a razor blade. The experiments will be carried out at ~20.5 °C in culture aquariums except when kept in glass finger bowls in incubators (Harmata & Blackstone, 2011).

The general imaging protocols
            For the experiments to be conducted, the images will be acquired and analyzed using Image-Pro Plus software. Whole-colony images will be acquired with a Hamamatsu Ocra-100 cooled CCD camera attached to a macro lens. For the images of mitochondrion-rich cells and that of gastro vascular cavity, the camera will be attached to a Zeiss Axiovert 135 inverted microscope. The colonies will be imaged in seawater in disposable chambers with frequent water changes for temperature maintenance. All the statistical analysis will be performed using PC-SAS software.          
            The experiment will also be performed on the colonies of sympodium sp. which will be grown and studied in the lab. They are symbiotic-containing octocorals that belong to the Holaxonia-Alcyoniina clade of octocorals. Sympodium sp. belongs to the family Xeniidae. In regard to thermal and light perturbation, the symbionants leave the tissue and accumulate in the lumen of the gastrovascular system. The sensitivity of sympodium sp. to thermal perturbation is relative but not as high as that of Sarcothelia sp.
            The control and treated colonies will be explanted from the same mother colony for each of the experiments. The experimental colonies will be grown on 12 mm and 15 mm round cover glass and cultured using the standard methods. The conditions for culturing include; 27 °C, 1.026 specific gravity, 8.2 pH, 400 ppm calcium, 1200 ppm magnesium, 0 ppm nitrate and 12 h dark, 8 h illumination at 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1, 4 h illumination at 110 μmol photons m-2 s-1. Only fresh materials will be used for the experiment and the colonies will be grown on the cover glass 1 to 2 weeks before use.

Measures of oxygen uptake rate and data analysis
            The rate of oxygen uptake is assayed in colonies using Strathkelvin Instruments oxygen meter. The oxygen uptake measurement is taken in a 3-minute span for over 30 minutes in the dark. Slopes of linear regression versus time is used to calculate metabolic rate (mg O2 L-1 min-1), which then serves as the outcome for regressions using size as the predictor.  Colonies of the two species will be tested on feeding and non-feeding days.  It is expected that this will affect metabolic rate in Hydractinia, but not in Sympodium, since the latter are not fed. To gain further insight into the metabolic state of these species, experiments on oxygen metabolism and mass will examine starved colonies (minimum metabolic rate) and uncoupled colonies (maximum metabolic rate).
Measurement of oxygen metabolism
            Oxygen generation can be helpful in the determination of the health of colonies and the assessment of whether photo systems are functioning correctly. The net oxygen consumption is observed in the dark due to respiration whereas the net oxygen production takes place in exposure to light due to photosynthesis. The use of an inhibitor, DCMU, to block photo system II makes oxygen metabolism in the light to resemble that in the dark (Netherton, Scheer, Morrison, Parrin & Blackstone, 2014).
            Strathkelvin 1302 electrode and 781-oxygen meter in a glass chamber will be used to measure dissolved oxygen. A Neslab RTE-100D recirculating chiller operating at 27º C will help to maintain a constant temperature. The colonies of sympodium sp. will be grown on 12 mm diameter round cover glass to fit in the 13 mm diameter glass chamber. A magnet will be attached at the back of another 12 mm cover glass for stirring having a drop of silicone grease to the cover glass on which the colony resides. The oxygen uptake readings will be recorded for 21 minutes in total in the dark and 21 minutes in the light in 1 mL. seawater with 12.5 μL dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The process will then be repeated in 1 mL. Sea water with 12.5 μL from a stock solution of 0.008 mol L-1 DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) dissolved in DMSO to a final concentration of 100 μmol L-1. Five colonies will be used to measure oxygen metabolism. For each colony, the slope of oxygen concentration versus time will be calculated for the untreated colony in the light as well as in the dark and for the same colony treated with DCMU in the light and the dark. The slopes will be averaged and pair comparison t-test performed. The mean slope in light for the control experiment will be compared to the average slope in the light for the treated colonies and the average slop in the dark for the controls compared to that in the dark of the treated colonies.   
Protein assay
            The size of small, experimental colonies size can be measured by total protein (Agutter & Wheatley, 2004).  The relationship between total protein and mass can be determined for larger colonies and extrapolated to small sizes. Bradford protein assay is an analytical procedure used to measure the concentration of protein in a solution. The assay relies on the observation that the absorbance maximum for an acidic solution of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 changes from 465 nm to 595 nm when protein binding occurs. The hydrophobic and ionic interactions cause stabilization of the anionic dye shown by a visible color change (Ku, 2013). Total protein compares absorbance of sample to a standard to determine total protein and hence size.
CBTM Protein Assay
            An improved Coomassie Dye based protein assay is based on the Bradford Protein Assay. The assay is appropriate for the simple and fast estimation of the protein concentration. The assay has a basis on a single Coomassie dye based reagent. The binding of the protein to the dye results to a change in color from brown to blue. The change in the color is proportional to the protein concentration and protein estimation is performed using little protein.  The CB Protein Assay uses a simple protocol and ready to use reagents that do not require pre-filtering or dilution. The procedure involves simple mixing of the protein solution with CB Protein Dye and reading the optical density. The protein-dye complexes attain a stable end point within 5 minutes, and the CB protein Assay method is compatible with the reducing agents and various laboratory agents. The assay has a traditional bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein standard or non-animal protein standard. DMSO at a concentration of 10 % is compatible with the CB protein assay, hence will be appropriate for the protein assay experiment involving the colonial animals. The method is highly sensitive, has a flexible protocol, is ready to use the assay reagents without any preparation, and has a long shelf life up to 12 months of stability.  
Agutter, P. S. & Tuszynski, J. A. (2011). Analytic theories of allometric scaling. J. Exp. Biol. 214, 1055-1062
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Farrell-Gray, C. C., & Gotelli, N. J. (2005). Allometric exponents support a 3/4power scaling law. Ecology, 86(8), 2083-2087.
Glazier, D. S. (2014). Metabolic scaling in complex living systems: Systems, 2(4), 451-540.
Hartikainen, H., Humphries, S., & Okamura, B. (2014). Form and metabolic scaling in colonial animals: Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(5), 779-786.
Harmata, K. L., Blackstone, N. (2011). Reactive oxygen species and the regulation of hyperproliferation in a colonial hydroid: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 84, 481-493.
Hulbert, A. J. (2014). A sceptics view: “Kleiber’s Law” or the “3/4 Rule” is neither a law nor a rule but rather an empirical approximation. Systems, 2(2), 186-202.
Ku, H., Lim, H., Oh, K., Yang, H., Jeong, J., & Kim, S. (2013). Interpretation of protein   quantitation using the Bradford Assay: Comparison with two calculation models. Analytical Biochemistry, 434(1), 178-180. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2012.10.045.
Netherton S.E., Scheer D.M., Morrison P.R., Parrin A.P. & Blackstone N.W. (2014)          Physiological correlates of symbiont migration during bleaching of two octocoral species:         The Journal of Experimental Biology 217; 1496-1477, doi:10.1242/jeb.095414
Parrin, A. P., Netherton, S. E., Bross, L. S., McFadden, C. S., & Blackstone, N. W. (2010): Circulation of fluids in the gastrovascular system of a stoloniferan octocoral. The Biological Bulletin, 219(2), 112-121.
Ponczek, L. M., & Blackstone, N. W. (2001): Effect of cloning rate on fitness-related traits in two marine hydroids. The Biological Bulletin, 201(1), 76-83.
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Waters, J. S. (2012). Metabolic and behavioral integration in social insect colonies: Arizona State University
White, C. R., & Kearney, M. R. (2014). Metabolic scaling in animals: methods, empirical results, and theoretical explanations. Comprehensive Physiology, 231-232.
White, C. R., Kearney, M. R., Matthews, P. G., Kooijman, S. A., & Marshall, D. J. (2011) A manipulative test of competing theories for metabolic scaling: The American Naturalist, 178(6), 746-7.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

The emergence of 3-D printing has introduced an innovative as well as the interesting model of designing objects in the context of developing digital designs into three-dimensional objects. The process is both convenient as well as affordable in the developing of prototypes and finished products, the main reason it has become famous among investors, businesses as well as hobbyists. The creation of 3D objects encompasses the use of an additive process whereby an object is created through the laying down of successive layers of structure material until the object has been created. Each of the layers can be seen in the form of a thinly sliced horizontal cross section of the eventual object (Olakanmi, Cochrane & Dalgarno, 2015). One of the diverse 3D technologies employed in the world today is the selective layer sintering.

In the selective sintering process, there is the fusing of tiny particles of ceramic, glass or plastic together through the use of heat from a high-powered laser to form a solid, three-dimensional object. The sintering technique has been adopted widely in the creation of everyday objects as porcelain, bricks, and jewelry. In the same way that all the other 3D technologies work, the creation of an object using the SLS techniques entails the use of an SLS machine that is a computer aided design (CAD) file. In this case, CAD files are consequently converted to a.STL format that can is going to be understood by the 3D printing machine (Shirazi, et al., 2015).  The material can be printed using this technique range from anything as ceramics, nylon, and glass to some metals that include silver, aluminum or steel.
In all the 3D printing techniques, the materials that are to be used are normally powdered. Before the commencement of the printing, all the powdered materials have to be dispersed above the build platform in a thin layer, with the build platform always being inside the SLS machine. The consequent step encompasses the directing of a direct layer down to the platform. The control of the layer is by a computer, an attribute which makes the computer designer to easily determine what is going to be fabricated using the laser (Shirazi, et al., 2015).  Once the laser has been directed to the platform, it traces cross sections of the designed digital object onto the powdered material.
The main reason that is played by the laser is in the heating of the powder below the melting point fusing the small particles together for them to forms a solid object. Once the initial layer has been developed, the platform of the SLS machine drops by approximately 0.1mm thus exposing the new layer of the powdered material of an additional cross section of the object that is going to be traced and fused together by the laser. The process consequently repeats itself over and over until there is the fabrication of the entire object (Shirazi, et al., 2015).  Once the fabrication is complete, the object is given time to cool off properly before it is removed from the SLS machine.

Olakanmi, E. O., Cochrane, R. F., & Dalgarno, K. W. (2015). A review on selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/SLM) of aluminium alloy powders: Processing, microstructure, and properties. Progress in Materials Science74, 401-477.
Shirazi, S. F. S., Gharehkhani, S., Mehrali, M., Yarmand, H., Metselaar, H. S. C., Kadri, N. A., & Osman, N. A. A. (2015). A review on powder-based additive manufacturing for tissue engineering: selective laser sintering and inkjet 3D printing. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials16(3), 033502.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.

Lesson Unit for kindergarten kids

            The kindergarten students do not have similar abilities in learning and hence will be necessary to have specific accommodations and extensions to cater for the learning needs of all. I will have modifications to the mode of presentation to meet the needs of the special education students, below average, and those talented differently. I will change the conventional materials, procedures, and assessments to ensure that they address the needs of the differing abilities of the students. I will identify the students with the different abilities regarding the categories of special education, below average, and the slow learners among others before the start of the lessons and plan on how to handle them. I understand that the key to success in the classroom lies in designing appropriate adaptations, accommodations, extensions, and modifications in the instruction and classroom activities. 

Extension/ Enrichment activities
            The learner accommodations and instructional modifications are designed to support the students with learning problems within the classroom settings. However, the modification and accommodations ought not to replace the need for utilizing the effective instructional strategies for the students with learning challenges. The accommodations and modifications in the instruction method include:
            Three Students; Mary, Joseph, and Laura, have learning disabilities in reading and writing that impairs their comprehension abilities. As such, I will have additional time with them to teach the keywords, provide examples, and introduce one concept at a time for mastery. For instance, in teaching them to identify the natural landforms from a map, I will introduce them on how to read a map and identify symbols that depict the natural features. I will them allow them to identify the features one at a time until they understand.
            Two students, Mohammed and Nancy, are slow learners and do not understand concepts at a similar pace with other students. The two students are shy to approach the teacher, hence necessary to include them in a group of other students with relative capabilities. I will request for group responses other than individual responses from the slow learners. The method will help to build confidence to the slow learners and in turn enhance their level of understanding.
            Alejandro is an English-language learner (ELL) who recently moved to the United States from a non-English speaking nation. He is limited in the use of English language and hence requires extensive services. I will use the bilingual students in the classroom to assist them and also utilize class website and videos to teach the student. I will use audio-visual aids extensively during instruction to ensure that the student learns to identify the natural features.
            Four students in the classroom have challenges in visualizing text and objects that are small in size. They will struggle in identifying physical features like mountains and rivers on the topographical maps. Thus, I will provide them with magnifying glasses and large printed worksheets with similar maps during the lessons.
            The last category of students comprise of two students talented in the practical activities, but poor in theory work. I will accommodate the students by allowing them to give responses through drawings other than emphasizing on the written work. However, I will assign them to a tutor who will take them through the content to understand the basics of the unit.  

Analysis of Student Mastery of Objectives
            The unit for kindergarten kids was designed to enhance their level of understanding regarding the natural features within their locality. The students also learned how to appreciate the environmental features in their locality and the benefits to humanity and other elements in the ecosystem. The objective of the first lesson was to sensitize students about the different landforms using practical examples they have come across and also the vocabulary used in the unit. I assessed students' understanding using oral questions regarding the natural features. The objective for the second lesson was the use of existing resources like topographical maps in identifying the natural features in South Carolina. I assessed students’ mastery by use of oral assignments of naming all the features identified during the lesson and their locations as well as a takeaway assignment of making observations and noting the features they identify.  The third lesson involved the use of audio-visuals with natural features to be identified by the students.
            I was certain that the objectives were met by a majority of the students based on their scores on the assessment given after the third lesson. Out of a class of thirty (30) students; twenty-one (21) scored more than 70 %. The results indicated that an approximate of 80 % of the objectives was met. I think that the mastery levels were average and the data obtained informed me of the areas to focus on to enhance student understanding of the concept. The strategy of reviewing the previous day's work before the lesson helped the students to do well. I could have provided more resources like documentaries to the students to ensure that they learn more about natural features in their locality. One objective of ensuring maximum mastery level in recognizing the natural features was not met. I will allocate the extra time of instruction and also organize a field trip to see the natural features to enhance the students’ level of understanding.      

            I learned that the method of instruction is critical in determining the level of understanding of the students, hence necessary to be accommodative. The three-day lessons were successful in meeting the set objectives. The unexpected issues that happened include machine failure when using the audiovisual and unruly student who disturbed others in the classroom. I requested for another machine which worked efficiently and counseled the unruly student after the first lesson on how to conduct himself in class. The students benefited from the lesson as I had planned as evident from their performance. The most important aspect of changing to increase student learning is the method of instruction to avoid over-reliance on verbal method and adopting real-life experiences.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.

Networking trends

The telecommunication industry has been a critical area within the global since it has plays the vital role of uniting the world regardless of the difference in distance. Communication provides a comprehensive understanding of how resources “information and ideas” can be shared thus distributed globally. The development of the communication process over the decades well highlights the evolution and thus the trends within the telecommunication industry. The introduction of networks got the greatest impact on the communication sector as it got things done simpler than before and the most enticing thing was the internetworking that got the attention of every business and any individual that is informed.
The connection to the global network has increased tremendously, and this creates some sought of issues that must get handled accordingly. The demand for the network has seen the growth in threats of attacks thus the demands for having standards and better techniques of managing the networking as well as the used devices. Thus, the interest is to have the understanding of the trends in the sections of the network security, the current wireless networks, and the software-defined networking.

Network Security
Computer network security has become the area of interest with technological change that has seen challenges to do with network intrusion. Network intrusion was initially considered as a simple task that network engineers could handle. However, it has been found that delivering integrity, availability, and confidentiality within a network has become a total issue. At any given time, the establishment of a network that has no appropriate security measures will mean a challenge in delivering the network functions.
The enhancement of security within networks has been improved such that network engineers are incorporating the security measures from the scratch that is the initial stages of developing the network. The determination of appropriate security measures was a little challenging in the past unlike the current availability of scanning devices that provide recommendation over the vulnerable devices and points that are susceptible to attacks. The current increase in the use of networks has seen the increase in demand for bandwidth, new computing approaches which have introduced change in network security designing and management. It comes about that the network will deliver the given function upon having best security extension measures (Sengupta, Kaulgud & Sharma, 2011).
The security measures were initially being integrated at selected levels within a network. However, the current network security integration has seen the implementation of the security measure at all levels in the so called the in depth approach to controlling network intrusion and attacks. In the initial designs there existed a big communication gap between the vendor of security approach and the network designer hence rendering the network susceptible to attacks. However, the current approaches have seen the introduction of better authentication, non-repudiation and authorization approaches. These approaches have given the power of easily detecting and blocking the malicious threats of SQL injection, Trojans, Viruses, denial of service, sniffing and others. This has been achieved with the use of programs such as the Network Mapper, and Nokto that run within our networking devices and works by scanning the network devices including the servers.
The notable trend that has taken the attention of network analysts and engineer is the protocol trends. The network was laid within the IPv4 protocol that was limited in the number of IP addresses that it could provide to the global. The demand for IP addresses did increase with the technological advancement of developing application that has the capability of connecting to the global network. Therefore, there is the full experience of moving from the IPv4 protocol to the IPv6 protocol that has no limited IP address generation. The IPv6 protocol is characterized by the extension of the IPSec security mechanism at all network levels and this has even boosted the management of the network (Raicu & Zeadally, 2003).
Confidentiality extension within the network is a critical attribute that been improved by the introduction of this powerful protocol IPv6 protocol, the secure socket layer (SSL), intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intelligent firewalls. The mechanism has ensured that the attacks of Denial of Service (DoS), Sniffing and IP spoofing have been well controlled. On the other hand, the integrity attribute has been given the power with the introduction of security mechanisms such as the integration of secure socket layer, PSec, intelligent DS as well as the intrusion detection systems (IDS). Furthermore, network function availability have been guaranteed against the  Systems Boot Record Infectors, Spamming by the adoption of intelligent firewalls, Secure Socket Layer, advanced authorization and  authentication techniques, and suitable Anti-Malware software.

Software-defined networking
Software-defined networking is an approach that has got the network engineers administrators to undertake their roles, duties, and responsibilities on an OpenFlow protocol. They will get confined to eh principles and procedures of managing the network highlighted services by using abstraction approach of the considered lower level functionality. The businesses and organizations are ever aiming at improving the functionality and service delivery of the networks towards meeting the defined objectives. Therefore, software-defined networking is a technique that means a lot to industries and businesses since the approach gives the network engineers and administrators to provide responses promptly so as to meet the ever-changing requirements of the business.
The software-defined networking technique has given the communication industry another face that has given the users of the network guarantee when it comes to technical support. The most enticing thing that has changed over the time is the assurance to the network users of the availability of service delivery at all times that is at the right time and the right place. The software-defined networking has provided the capability of working within a limited space with the negligible experiencing human error in service rather function delivering (Xia, Wen, Foh, Niyato & Xie, 2015).
The software defined WAN (SD-WAN) newcomers for instances the CloudGenix and VeloCloud have got the hard time to suit within the industry regardless of the support that is offered by the experienced SD-WAN vendors. The most concern of these experienced SD-WAN vendors is the increasing of the services than the number of vendors. Therefore, they sound to focus on the service delivery rather the service providers. According to such trend the service function chaining will fortunately take over the current adopted business data centers that seems to work collaboratively with the network virtualization and multi-tenancy in provision of the subsequent service towards accomplishing the business needs and requirements.
Wireless networks
The networks were initially designed such that it used a dedicated channel for transmission of signal which is a cable. The wired network gave network engineers headache in management of the physical cabling and this have given business challenges with the common issue of physical damaging of the cables. During the time the technologies developed did support the wired network specifically and this inhibited the growth of networking industry. The wireless networks got their introduction with the invention of signal transmission in the air and the approach of networking is taking over the old wired networks. Businesses and organization are considering less cabling to reduce the extra expenses as well. The network model is an influencing factor when t comes to determination of the network functionalities and the associated good network attributes that business at all time will desire to possess. Therefore, this wireless network has become ubiquitous to most businesses, institutions, organizations and even in homes.
The wireless network began a supplement to the wired network which did play part of the reducing the number of networking devices and other associated expenses of configuring subsequent connectors of the devices. At the same time, it came up to improve on the number of persons that can be able to have the connection to the network as establishing a new user or link within wireless networks is such simple and easy. The wireless networks did rely on the microwave technology at most but we can bear witness what the satellite technology is doing when it comes towards connecting the global (Bolla, Bruschi, Davoli & Cucchietti, 2011). The world has become a small village that can get navigated within the shortest time possible. An enticing thing is the current HD displays that are accomplished via the satellite technology when it comes to football displays from Europe and this is common worldwide.
The integration of security in this wireless network is relatively friendly, and this is amongst the top factors that are pushing for the business to consider applying the wireless networks. At the same time, the movement and adoption of wireless networks have seen improved ease management of the network. Currently the introduction of wireless routers, data links have ensured that network connection is advanced. This is a trend that has been influencing when it comes to advancement with wireless networks. It is evidenced by the move from the Wave 1 to Wave 2 as at 2015.
 The mobile networks give another trend as far as wireless networks are concerned. The mobile phones are being used as networking devices in the creation of networks through the current technique of network tethering using the mobile phone. Also, the use ad-hoc network provides another scenario of network tethering. The standards governing the wireless networks are changing with the introduction of the LI-FI based transmission that uses light that is outdoing the wireless local area network (WLAN) that at most adopts the 802.1 standards.
Communication is critical when it comes to the success of business and understanding at the level of human living. The establishment of networks did facilitate the process of communication is majorly about sharing of resources which are limited. However, the networks have been entailed with some concerns that must get addressed to make sure the established function is accomplished. It requires the appropriate management that will ensure the delivery of the functions accordingly.
The most concern is the security which is an attribute that has really given network engineers a headache. However, based on the outlined trends the section is under control accordingly. In the current networks, we are assured of confidentiality, availability as well as the integrity of our information. The increase in the number of devices accessing the global network shows why new technologies are coming up to ensure the umber is well accommodated. Ideally, all these are brought about by the wireless networks.
Bolla, R., Bruschi, R., Davoli, F., & Cucchietti, F. (2011). Energy efficiency in the future internet: a survey of existing approaches and trends in energy-aware fixed network infrastructures. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 13(2), 223-244.
Raicu, I., & Zeadally, S. (2003, February). Evaluating IPv4 to IPv6 transition mechanisms. In Telecommunications, 2003. ICT 2003. 10th International Conference on (Vol. 2, pp. 1091-1098). IEEE.
Sengupta, S., Kaulgud, V., & Sharma, V. S. (2011, July). Cloud computing security--trends and research directions. In 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services (pp. 524-531). IEEE.
Xia, W., Wen, Y., Foh, C. H., Niyato, D., & Xie, H. (2015). A survey on software-defined networking. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(1), 27-51.

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