Thursday, November 1, 2018


            Wells Fargo is an international banking company based in the United States and headquartered in San Francisco, California. Wells Fargo is the group of the largest banks in the United States along with Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America. As of the end of 2015, the bank had over 8,500 retail branches and 13,000 ATMs. Additionally, Wells Fargo operates in 35 countries, and its global customer base adds up to 70 million. In 2014, Wells Fargo became the most valuable bank in the world for the second year running (Bank, 2007).
            Wells Fargo is a virtual bank. Being a virtual bank, Wells Fargo uses a system of banking in which all its transactions are carried out online with minimal contact with the physical branches of the bank. Virtual banking is the latest technological breakthrough that Wells Fargo has implemented thus providing its customers all over the world with the ease of banking while on the go. Virtual banking enables the customers not to necessarily walk in the bank thus enabling them to operate their accounts or other banking services online.
            Virtual banking is one of the quickest ways of banking and also the cheapest because it saves both time and money. Customers can easily access their accounts virtually. Additionally, the banking system does not have banking hours thus enabling customers to operate their accounts at any time of the day. The growth of the virtual banking has given way to many associated problems. However, virtual banking operated by Wells Fargo is vulnerable to security and technology issues such as maintenance of sophisticated technology standards, verification of digital signatures, fear of virus and spyware, encryption and decryption (Fargo, 2005).

Assessment Agreement
            Cross-site scripting is a known dangerous attack on computer networks. Once the attack has been released on the network (virtual banking) operated by Wells Fargo, it can comprehensively control the entire application. While testing for cross-site scripting for the Wells Fargo virtual banking network, Metasploit will help in identifying the weaknesses of the network and that database that has been attacked (Araine, 2006).
            The project intends to identifying ways in which the Wells Fargo virtual banking network is prone to vulnerabilities and how easily the attackers can utilize the freely available information such as the emails of the customers accessing their accounts online. Wells Fargo virtual banking network is a target for hackers and malware because of the easiness of the process and the fact that they would cash on the hacking. An hour of hacking of the Wells Fargo virtual banking network would make millions of dollars for the hackers thus making it more vulnerable than any other virtual network (Singh, 2012).
A.    Rules of Engagement
1)      Internal, external of both approaches where the process will gather all usernames and the passwords for the customers using the virtual banking. Through the process of testing, the testing team will then login to verify access upon accessing the network (SriNithi, Elavarasi, & Raj, 2014).
2)      White approach and gray approach

B.     What will be tested
Virtual banking network, telephony, database, wireless applications, web servers, email servers, VPN, data leakage protection, VoIP, IDs, router, switches, firewall, and DMZ
C.    Ways in which it will be tested
1)      Wells Fargo virtual banking network will be scanned to help check vulnerabilities of the network. Through scanning, database and network information will be accessed thus helping in dragging the customers’ usernames which will then be subjected to brute force attack in. The testing team will also identify all the plugins and themes installed during the extraction of the usernames (Anthes, 1999).
2)      Kali Linux will be useful to help the penetration testing team to identify all items within the virtual banking network which can easily be exploited. Additionally, the tool will also help find all exploits through which the attackers can break into the network.

Penetration Testing Scope
In Scope
Out of Scope
(i)     The testing team will test the virtual network, login approvals, and customer review segments
(ii)   Testing will be conducted by the organization of the application and deployment of the application on the network.
(iii) The network modules
(iv) The FTP server
(v)   Authorized IP
(vi) All virtual manager virtual computer
(i)     The Web server
(ii)   Viewing the data that is unauthorized
(iii) Testing online policy module
(iv) Testing other vulnerabilities that are beyond the scope
(v)   The testing team will not interfere with the Domain Server information
(vi) The testing team will not interfere with the IP addresses

Scope of Penetration Tools
In Scope
Out of Scope
(i)     Linux
(ii)   JavaScript
(iii) HTML
(iv) Virtual Banking Network Scan
(v)   Nikto
(vi) Kali Operating System
(i)     Password Crackers
(ii)   File Manager Information
(iii) Data Information

Acceptance Criterion
Presentation of the testing process
Electronic presentation
Definition of the of the process scope studied by the testing team and approved by the project manager
Documentation and delivery of the virtual banking network vulnerability report
Electronic presentation
Definition of the of the process scope studied by the testing team and approved by the project manager

Team Members
Project Manager
Nathan James
Responsible for the success of the project and answerable to the team members
Project Sponsor
Suchit Reddy
(i)     Representative of the project third party stakeholders.
(ii)   He will be addressing all personnel issues. Furthermore
(iii) Linking the team members and the stakeholders
Team members
(i)     Klaas Nime
(ii)   Claude Plat
(iii) Hanadi Saeed
They will take active roles in ensuring the project has succeeded.

Specific Roles
Phone number
Klaas Nime

Hani Jalal
Claude Plat
Computer Network Admin

James Walker
Hanadi Saeed
Database Professional

Khadar Bashar

 Escalation Path
             The problem with Wells Fargo virtual banking network will be tested at the top level management. The bank's chief information officer (CIO) and the administrators are the top level management capable of listing the main problems with the network. In case the problem will be above the law, the organization has a ready centralized administration officer to whom the problem will be transferred (Wilhelm, 2010). The virtual banking of Wells Fargo is comprised of several departments where each department requires a point of contact as follows:

Points of Contact
Point of Contact
Method of Contact (Phone)
Project Manager
Nathan James
Head of Application Development
Suraj Mahant
Network Administrator
Claude Plat
Quality Assurance
Sudhakar Reddy
Database Administrator
Hanadi Saeed
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Emma Granderson

(i)     Dates and Times – After consulting and agreeing with the bank management, the dates for the project were set on 1st December 2016 to 15th December 2016. Testing will be done daily except on holidays and weekends from 8 AM to 5 PM.
(ii)   Retest Policy – The testing team has organized for a retest in case the bank will not be satisfied with the work. However, the retest will be according to the policy. The testing team will only retest the virtual network modules that will not have met standards and quality of work according to the policy. Additionally, the bank must request for a retest before the first month expires.
(iii) Working Conditions – The testing team will perform the testing on its premises. However, the bank will have to give all critical database servers and virtual network applications to the testing team. The testing team will also have an agreement with the bank if the testing can be carried out at the team’s premises (Ceraolo, 1996).
(iv) Non-disclosure Agreement – The testing team will ensure that it has protected the bank’s data and information during the testing time through a non-disclosure agreement between the bank and the team.
(v)   Liability Insurance – The team will be fully responsible for any destruction of the bank’s information system or the network infrastructure. However, ways in which the testing team will be responsible will be through an agreement (Weidman, 2014).
(vi) Legal Issues – The bank will have a right to take the testing team to court in case it violates the agreement and vice versa.
(vii)  Quality Assurance – The testing team must assure the bank that their work will fully meet the quality and standards needed by the organization. Therefore, the bank will hire an independent quality assurance team to rate and assess the work.
Information Gathering
              The testing team will gather information for the testing through active and passive information gathering. Through active information gathering the testing, team will get information from the administration at the beginning of the test where information such as authorization and login will be gathered. On the other hand, passive information gathering is the information about penetration testing the testing team already has. One of the tools the testing team will be used is the crawler which will enable the testing team gather and comprehensively understand information about penetration testing and the content management system the bank uses. Additionally, the testing will actively use the virtual network scanning for scanning all plugins that attackers might have installed in the virtual network and the server (Engebretson, 2013).
Network Mapping
              The testing team will map the virtual banking network and in a way comprehensively understand the network infrastructure. Additionally, through virtual network banking mapping, the team will identify the underlying concepts of the Internet. This understanding of the network and the underlying facts about the internet will speed up the process of penetration testing. Under the guidance of the network administrator, the team will compile various components of the virtual banking network and where they are located within the infrastructure (Hurley, Rogers, & Thornton, 2007).

Figure 1: Network of XSS Attack
            The testing team will use vulnerability analysis in the estimation of a potential vulnerability on Wells Fargo’s virtual banking network. Through the analysis, the team will define, identify, and classify security vulnerabilities in the virtual banking network. Therefore, the testing team will find all the plugins that the attackers might have installed in the network and customer experience blog by typing the code below:
Wpscan-url –u
Upon typing the code above, the result will be:
        [+] Name: wp-super-cache
         |  Location:
        [+] We could not determine a version so all vulnerabilities are printed out
        [!] Title: WP-Super-Cache 1.3 - Remote Code Execution
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/wp-cache.phpwp_nonce_url Function URI XSS
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/plugins/wptouch.php URI XSS
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/plugins/searchengine.php URI XSS
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/plugins/domain-mapping.php URI XSS
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/plugins/badbehaviour.php URI XSS
        [i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
        [!] Title: WP Super Cache 1.3 - trunk/plugins/awaitingmoderation.php URI XSS
[i] Fixed in: 1.3.1
Penetration Testing
            Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability is a destructive virtual banking network flaw. It manifests itself when a file that has not been filtered well is stored in the server after which it will be sent to the client browser. During penetration testing, the web server will start automatically when the penetration testing team boots the tail. The team will enter http://<IP> on the browser to start penetration testing using the Kali Linux tool. The <IP> represents the IP address of the Kali Linux tool. The tool will display the page below:

A terminal will then get opened which will then update the METASPLOITABLE tool as indicated below:

The testing team will then start the Metasploit by carefully typing msfconsole in the terminal above. Immediately after loading, the XSSF will be updated by typing XSSF on port 666. Below is the resultant page:

Upon loading, XSSF will display various options when the team will inject the script. Wampserver is vulnerable to XSS. It will immediately change to =”>. Below is the error confirming the presence of XSS:

The team will injectand src="more vulnerability. Below is the displayed window:

That will not be enough and the team will want to display more cookies by typing msf > use auxiliary/xssf/public/misc/cookie and then msf>. In case anyone will want to interrupt the auxiliary, they will use xssf_logs1 and all cookies will be displayed as follows:

The penetration testing will then carefully check for an auxiliary capable of sending alerts to remote machines within the virtual banking network. The code Msf> type auxiliary/xssf/public/misc/alert will be injected. The code will then be configured by typing show options and the screen below will be in display:

The team will then compromise the target machine with the network by using ms10_046 which is a shortcut file. It will points to the malicious DLL. The shortcut file will run an arbitrary payload when it is accessed and in the process display the window below:

By typing msf>jobs the testing team will note that background job is 0 which is basically its id. The exploitation will immediately start. By sending the shortcut file the malicious DLL will be continued. The team will have succeeded in exploiting the vulnerability and the meter session below will be opened:

The screen below will be displayed as a confirmation of XSS in the URL

The form above will be submitted and immediately JavaScript code will be executed. Below is the display:

Vulnerability Table
Exploit description
Source of exploit
Customer Blog
Segments can easily read the feedback of the customers
Cross-site scripting java
Cross-site scripting java
Complex scripts
Permits message containing the iFrame
iFrames presented on the customer blog with a cookie catcher
iFrames presented on the customer blog with a cookie catcher. Upon clicking the iFrame it sends cookie to the attacker
Complex scripts

            In phase 3, the testing team will close all activities of the penetration testing. This phase will also give the penetration testing an opportunity to communicate with Wells Fargo management on what they have found with their virtual banking network and the vulnerabilities associated with the network (Halfond & Orso, 2011).
1.      Reporting
The team completed all the activities according to the agreement with the management at the bank and process of identification of various vulnerabilities with the network. The network was checked for vulnerabilities within the dates and time. While gathering information, the team applied various exploits which enabled them to identify various ways in which Wells Fargo virtual banking network could easily get exploited by vulnerabilities.
2.      Follow-up Actions
Upon the completion of the penetration testing, the team presented their findings to the management at Wells Fargo. The team then followed their findings with some recommendations which the company was going to use to prevent the occurrence of XSS attacks in the future. Besides that, the information technology team was trained in ways to which they would be able to prevent the occurrence of such attacks in the future. While making observations, the penetration testing team in collaboration with the management at the company concluded that everything went according to the plans. Additionally, the management saw it important to preserve all examination reports and frequently refer to the report. This is one way which was going to help the IT security team to free the company from dangers and vulnerabilities of XSS (Ramachandran, 2011).
3.      Archiving
Wells Fargo Bank will store all the electronic and manual documents about this penetration testing. The bank might find it necessary to appoint personnel at the IT department to be in charge of the findings from the penetration testing. The testing team advices the bank to store the findings from the process for at least one year. However, the team will continue being in touch with the bank concerning the security of the virtual banking network and exploitation of the vulnerabilities. In addition to this:
(i)     The testing team will work closely with Wells Fargo Bank in ensuring that all critical data that can be used by attackers has been deleted.
(ii)   Wells Fargo Bank will archive all non-disclosure contracts as well as the endorsements. However, the company will also store some of them for a period not exceeding five years (Allsopp, 2009).

Allsopp, W. (2009). Unauthorized access: Physical penetration testing for IT security teams.          West Sussex: Wiley Publishers.
Araine, R. (2006). Covert pen testing has arrived. Eweek23(33), 27
Anthes, G. H. (1999). `Cyberterrorists' Could Be In Your Own Backyard. Computerworld33(39), 24.
Bank, W. F. (2007). Wells Fargo Bank. NA, as Documentation Agents.
Ceraolo, J. P. (1996). Penetration testing through social engineering.Information Systems   Security4(4), 37.
Engebretson, P. (2013). The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and        Penetration Testing. Waltham, MA: Elsevier.
Fargo, W. (2005). News Releases,“The New Wells Fargo Electronic Deposit Services Break         Through Banking Boundaries in the Age of Check 21”, San Francisco Mar. 28, 2005.             Retrieved from the internet.
Hacking the hackers. (2015). Economist414(8931), 83-84.
Halfond, W. G., & Orso, S. R. (2011). Improving penetration testing through static and dynamic             analysis. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 21 (3), 195-214.
Hurley, C., Rogers, R., & Thornton, F. (2007). WarDriving and Wireless Penetration Testing.        Rockland, MA: Syngress Publishing.
Ramachandran, V. (2011). Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing: Beginner's Guide.     Birmingham, Uk: Packt Publishing.
Singh, A. (2012). Metasploit penetration testing cookbook : over 70 recipes to master the most       widely used penetration testing framework. Birmingham: Packt Publisher.
SriNithi, D., Elavarasi, G., & Raj, M. (2014). Improving web application security using     penetration testing. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology ,          8 (5), 658-663.
Weidman, G. (2014). Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking. San Francisco,   CA: No Starch Press, Inc.
Wilhelm, T. (2010). Professional Penetration Testing: Volume 1: Creating and operating a            Formal Hacking Lab. Burlington, MA: Syngress.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in college research paper services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for best essay services online.

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