Recruitment and selection are essential
in ensuring worker performance and positive organization outcome. Recruitment
refers to the process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for a
certain job. Selection is the process of choosing individual with relevant
qualifications so as to fill projected or existing job openings (Dowling,
2008). A good recruitment and selection
plan is helpful to the organization as it will enable the company to succeed
through the effective utilization of its human resources. The aim of this
program is to help provide uniform and consistent standards for recruitment and
selection of employees. The program aims to ensure that the members of staff in
the company are recruited based on their ability and be able to attract and
recruit high caliber staff. The program applies to all the external and
internal applicants for the jobs available. The Saudi Company wants to make
sure that it employs qualified employees for the several vacant positions in
the company so as to help the firm continue achieving its objective. Thus, this
recruitment and selection program will be effective in ensuring that the
company acquires the best employees for the positions. The company must meet
its workforce needs through the selection procedure that is designed to
identify, attract, select, hire, and develop human resources necessary for the
present and future work requirements. All the positions must be recruited
through the Human Resources.
2.0 Equal
All through the recruitment and
selection process, it will be essential to avoid discrimination. The company
will not discriminate on protected characteristics such as gender reassignment,
marital status, age, gender, race, color, nationality, disability, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, or religion (Jain et al. 2003). The company does not
discriminate indirectly or directly on the grounds of politics or any grounds,
which is not justifiable at any stage of selection and recruitment process. The
company has a commitment to interviewing candidates who meet the minimum
criteria for the job vacancy.
3.0 Data
All data that will be obtained during
recruitment is covered by the Data Protection Act. the act requires that
personal data should be processed lawfully and fairly, adequate relevant and
not excessive, processed for limited purpose, not kept for longer than
necessary, accurate, secure, processed in line with the data subjects rights,
and not transferred to countries that do not protect personal data.
4.0 recruitment
and selection model schedule
hiring managers and recruitment team provides due consideration to the unit
staffing when formulating hiring need.
approval for the recruitment is sought from the appropriate direction. When
approval is granted, consideration must be given on if the main
accountabilities of roles may be met on job-sharing or part-time basis.
external advert is arranged where applicable and internal advert circulated in
the company. After that the applications prepared and dispatched for short
Short listing starts and the interviews are
scheduled. Candidates are later invited to interview and applicants information
sent to the interview panel.
employment offer is made and the HR makes salary offers and later the HR
determined the successful and unsuccessful candidates.
the candidate starts employment.
5.0 Determining
the vacancy
an established post is vacant, or a new position is proposed, the hiring
manager must advise human resource. The hiring manager with the assistance of
human resource assesses the need of filling the position.
hiring manager will review the role and then decide whether there are changes
needed that the new person will need to fulfill.
manager formulates the job description and reviews the role so as to have an
understanding of responsibilities, duties, relationships, and roles.
case there are any significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of
the position, the job description is revised by the hiring manager and then
reviewed by HR for appropriate classification and the business need. To cover
the costs of advertisement, the department with that vacancy will provide the
account number that the HR will charge for all recruitment costs.
6.0 Job
description and personal specifications
job description include vacancy number, salary range, knowledge and skill
requirements, salary grade equivalency, application period, knowledge and skill
requirements, minimum training and experience, and appropriate contact
7.0 Advertising
the vacancy
The company will normally advertise
vacancies both externally and internally. The company will make sure that where
the vacancy exists, the posts will be advertised externally unless in
exceptional situations.
7.1 Internal
All the job vacancies should be
advertised so as to welcome applications from many eligible candidates. The
company is committed to promoting qualified employees, and it provides priority
to its employees. When there is a vacancy that provides advancement or
promotional opportunity for employees already in the company, the department
head can request in writing that the opening is filled with only the current
permanent and temporary employees.
The HR can approve internal posting when
the availability of women and minorities in the applicant pool is greater or
equal to the availability in the external labor market for that particular job.
When the internal posting is done, and it fails to provide the desired
qualification, the department can proceed with public posting.
The Saudi Nationals are given preference
over the non-Saudi employees. If there are no suitable or qualified Saudi
employees, then the non-Saudi employees are considered for the position.
7.2 Public
The company uses some options in
generating interest from people outside the organization. That may include
placing advertisement via recruitment agencies, specialist journals,
newspapers, company’s website, and online job boards. The company also provides
an incentive to the existing employees to help in the recruitment of their
personal contacts. It is a strategy that is used so as to help generate a
larger pool of applicants.
All advertisements are designed and
presented effectively to make sure that a wide range of candidates is
attracted. The company’s advertisements are non-discriminatory. “We are an
equal opportunities employer” is a statement that should be added to all the
advertisements. In case the applicant pool fails to offer the desired
qualification, the department may consider re-advertising and extend the
deadline or even close the recruitment and initiate a new advert at a later
If the hiring manager decides to make
changes on the vacancy announcement after it has been made public, the advert
should be repeated in the same media of the original announcement. The
personnel specification should be drawn for every post. It is a document
setting out the selection criteria that will be used in assessing job
applicants to determine the one who is best for the job.
8.0 Applying for
All job applicants should submit an
application via the identified channel. In certain situations, the company will
accept submission of curriculum vitae as an application for a vacancy. In some
cases, the company will ask candidates to submit more information so as to
demonstrate their suitability for the role.
The panel should treat applications as
confidential and make sure they constantly assessed against the criteria. The
panel should also record the reasons why applicants are shortlisted or not. The
company will keep open application period for each recruitment exercise for
about three weeks.
9.0 Short
The short listing panel meets and short
lists the candidates based on the person specifications and their academic
qualifications for the post. Decisions on short listing are based on the
minimum and the preferred qualifications and also the required skills,
abilities, and knowledge as stated in the vacancy announcement.
Short listing will be done using a short
listing form where the panel will record the scores for the candidates. 0- not
met, 1- partially met, 2- met, and 3- exceeded.
The listing of preferred qualification is necessary and may include
directly related experience or training that is of immediate value. The
information about the applicant provides the criteria against which the
candidate can be assessed through recruitment process. The HR will send invites
for interview to all the shortlisted candidates.
10.0 Reference
The reference check is necessary to
verify the job-related information. The panel should get an applicant’s
permission before contacting their references. In the case panel finds that a
candidate’s reference is unsatisfactory, the decision to withdraw the offer is
considered with the help of the HR. all the hob offers will be subjected to
satisfactory references.
11.0 Interviews
Interviews are necessary for all
positions. They help access the quality of the applicants so as to ensure that
the best selection for the role is made (Arthur, 2012). The recruitment team
prepares the interview questions based on the selection criteria before the
interview. The questions must be relevant to the position and get information
on the specific abilities and skills to perform the job (Wilkinson & Redman
2001). Those questions that do not pertain to the requirements of the position
should not be used.
Additional questions might be asked so
as to probe matters raised or even to clarify issues that emerge during the
interview. The applicants will have the chance of presenting any further
relevant information. The panel will consider of members who have sufficient
training regarding the fair, non-discriminatory recruitment methods.
Interview questions should not aim to
obtain personal information about the applicants such as sexual, orientation,
disability or health, religious belief, date or birth or age, and the marital
status or family status. During interviews, all applicants must be asked the
same pre-set questions, and they must be treated fairly. The panel will decide
the applicants recommended and their ranking based on the application,
qualifications, referee reports, interview, and any other assessment
Recruitment panel carry out the initial
candidate interviews and then shortlist the appropriate candidates for further
interviews. The panel must not exceed four people.
For recommendation of appointment or
decision not to appoint, the majority decision should be reached by the panel.
The selection procedure should be job-related, and the results appropriate for
the company’s purpose. The vacant post should be offered to the most qualified
11.1 Disabled
In the case of disabled applicants, we
are ready to make the standard applications forms available in other formats so
as to help any disabled candidate to apply.
Pre-employment checks
The company is not allowed under the
immigration law to employ people who are not legally entitled to work in Saudi.
So as to comply with the law and avoid unlawful racial discrimination against
migrants, the recruitment team will have to check that all people who we are
employing are entitled to work in the country. Health information is only
sought when particular needs of the job need us to know. For the disabled
applicants, the company will consider the reasonable, adjustment that might be
needed to the working arrangements or the workplace.
Administrative matter after interview
The interview assessment sheets should
be transferred to the Recruitment File for storage. For those successful
applicants, they will receive offers of employment, which is subject to
satisfactory pre-employment checks that may be needed. For the unsuccessful
applicants, they will be informed in writing about the decision.
14.0 Approval
and offer of employment
After passing all the tests, the HR
authorizes the hiring manager to extend the offer of employment to the
applicant with a specific salary. The HR approval is necessary so as to extend
an offer. The starting salaries are approved by HR, and the salaries should
conform to the advertised hiring rank and consistent with the employee’s
qualifications (Tinline et al. 2003). Before making an offer, the HR and hiring
department should ensure that funds are available for the position so as to
support the proposed salary.
The employment offer is conditional
until the HR department can receive a receipt of qualifications for
verification and satisfactory references. The employment offer form is used for
preparing the employment contract.
When the candidate signs the employment
offer, they will receive an appropriate employment contract. The employment
contract that is used by the company has dual language, which is English and
Arabic for legal purposes.
For all the positions, the contract
period is a minimum of two years. The employee grade and salary will be fixed
based on their experiences and qualification with the approved job description
and qualification requirement.
15.0 Evaluating
the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection program
The Human Resource Department must make
sure that during recruitment and selection, the above program is observed for
any vacant position. The successful recruitment and selection of employees
prove to be an integral part of the company success. Recruitment and selection
are a core human resource planning activity, and it is a vital part of the
overall strategic plan of the organization (Wilkinson & Redman 2001). A
good recruitment and selection program results in an improved organizational
outcome. The more effective that organization recruits and select candidates,
the more likely the organization is to hire and retain satisfied employees.
The recruitment and selection programs
aim at filling vacant positions in the company with employees who have the
knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience for the jobs. Thus, the
effectiveness of the program can be evaluated by whether the company managed to
fill the vacant position with the qualified personnel for the job. The
effectiveness of the program is possible to be observed if the company hired an
individual with the qualifications necessary for the position. Through hiring
the appropriate personnel for the vacant positions, the program proves to be
effective in ensuring the success of the company as it enables the company to
have the personnel necessary to help in the productivity of the organization.
It is also possible to evaluate the
effectiveness of the recruitment and selection program through identifying
whether the program helped the company to ensure employee diversity. The
company is an organization that ensures equal employment and the program
ensures that during the selection process, discrimination should be avoided.
Therefore, the program can be considered as effective in ensuring organization
success through making sure that employees are hired because of their
experience and skills and not based on their age, gender, disability, religion,
or color. Thus, when following the program, it will be observed that at the end
of the process, the employees who are hired into the position can fulfill the
responsibilities and duties of the job leading to increased productivity of the
It is also possible to evaluate the
effectiveness of the program through determining if the employees who receive
the employment offers accept the request. There are some situations where
employees may decline the employment offer may be because of the salary for the
job. Therefore, determining the appropriate salary for the position is
necessary during the recruitment and selection process. An effective program is
one, which ensures that the employee filing the position gets a reasonable
salary. Hence, the number of employees who agree to the employment offer can
help determine the effectiveness of the program. When a majority of employees
take the offer, it means that the organization has achieved the intended
objective with its program and it is an effective program for recruiting
The number of candidates who apply for
the job posting can also help determine the effectiveness of the program. When
a company is posting a vacancy, it usually aims at getting a large pool of
applicants that are ready to fill the position. However, when a job vacancy is
not able to attract a lot of employees, it means that the program was not
effective in achieving the objective. A good recruitment program should attract
people who have the skills and knowledge for the job position so that the
recruitment team can be able to select from the group. However, when the
company fails to get the appropriate number of candidates for the position, it
means that the program is not effective and certain changes need to be made to
ensure that the company gets the necessary personnel.
D (2012). Recruiting, interviewing,
selecting & orienting new employees. New York, AMACOM
D., Robertson, I. & Tinline, G., (2003). Recruitment and Selection. London: Thomson
P (2008). International human resource
management. Cengage Learning
F Sloane, P & Jain, H (2003). Employment
equity and affirmative action. M.E Sharpe
A & Redman, T (2001). Contemporary
human resource management. Prentice Hall
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