Thursday, November 1, 2018

SDLC 7 Step Model, 4 Step Model And Comparison And Contrast Of Both

Business projects start with a certain idea. Planning stage involves a brief defining what the project is intended to do as well as its benefits to the business organization. It defines the purpose, and the aims that project will accomplish (Lewis, et al., 2008).
Systems Analysis and Specification
The Systems Analysis process involves conducting the feasibility study to determine the significance of entire system in an organization. The proposed system is defined regarding referring inputs and outputs to the system. System users define the outputs and become the System Specifications. The stage gives precise and clear details about what the new system will be required to do (Abdulhak, & Kang, 2012).  The deliverables in this stage include a logical model of the new system. Approval of the requirements gets agreed upon, and the specifications are used to design models done by the system designers.
Systems Design
The stage deals with implementation of the requirements of proposed new system. The stage defines how the logical model is implemented through programming which gives physical system. It involves system designers developing models and prototypes. They are checked and tested to evaluate if they meet all requirements and specification defined (Pollard, Gupta, & Satzinger, 2010). The systems design process may also involve performing simulations on the designs and models developed. The one that comes closest to the proposed system and most cost effective regarding equipment, tools, and personnel is selected. Modular programming is applied where it is broken down into more detailed specifications.
Development stage involves a physical transformation of design into development fully functioning program. The process is done through writing code. The designs and specifications deliverables provide enough details for the programmers to write codes and test individual modules. Developed modules in various units are tested to ensure that they meet the requirements and the specification of the users (Pollard, Gupta, & Satzinger, 2010).
During the testing process, there are different levels of testing which includes unit testing which is usually performed in the development stage. The second type of testing is called link testing that is implemented to ensure that programs work together and communicate with each other. It guarantees that the input data passed from one program to another is in the correct format. Another important type of testing is called user acceptance testing which is carried out by the various users in stages to guarantee and ensure that the system is usable (Felderer, & Katt, 2015). During this stage, modifications are passed back to the system design stage. The changes required are made as required and later passed to the development team.
After the process of testing user’s satisfaction is determined and when approved, the entire system, or parts of it, is installed in various departments. The implementation process ensures that the users can start using the system to conduct various business activities. The two main approaches applied during implementation a project includes. A phased approach which involves installation of stand-alone subsets of the system which are implemented over a given period (Felderer, & Katt, 2015). The second one is the big bang approach which involves installation of the whole system to operate all business operations at once.
Maintenance involves providing deliverables and documentation of the developed system. The detailed description of the system is presented to system users to enhance activities such as training. 
Four Steps SDLC Model
Requirements Analysis
The business requirements analysis stage analyses a series of business problems and define their possible solutions. The business problem and possible solutions are presented to management regarding business proposals or improvement options. The various proposals and options are supported by deliverables and other technical documents which include high-level Data Flow Diagrams (DFD's), Logical Data Models (LDM), as well as Work Practice Models (Abdulhak, & Kang, 2012). Requirements analysis stage contain a report with financial and risk assessments based on presented and supported analytical outline on hardware and software requirements and implementation descriptions. The requirements and analysis stage involves conducting data and information collection from users to specify the requirements and specifications as well as analyzing the flow of data and information in various systems. The session involves deriving various system functions and developing user role specifications based on organization operations.
Systems Design
The session comes up with full developed prototypes and process specifications. The session expands on the business idea with links to the feasibility study. The session involves making drawings for the purpose of referencing during the development stage. Design stage states the objectives and the scope of the project. It defines how long development stage will take to implement the design. The main role of the designer in the design stage is to provide an architectural design that resembles the current proposed system at a high level. The various drawings used include second class Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (Felderer, & Katt, 2015). They are used to describe and show how the current system performs by illustrating the known problems. The structural designs are carried out for all projects, functions, and operations.
Development and Implementation
The implementation stage has two phases the first stage involves producing an outline designs based on requirements and specification defined during data and information collection stage. The first stage includes all the inputs and outputs as defined by users. The detailed designs containing prototypes for the selected designs are produced to facilitate the direct integration of data and information. The phase includes deployment process which is composed of processes such as cleaning and clearing databases. Deployment process takes into consideration two types of system implementation which include cut over or production and pilot methodologies (Pollard, Gupta, & Satzinger, 2010). During the deployment process, some systems may require special programming or tasks to convert existing data and information into a format usable by the new system. The requirements and the process of changing data and information into a format acceptable to aid transfer from the old system to the new are the processes of conversion. The database backup operations may be implemented to ensure that data and information within an organization can be easily retrieved.
Maintenance and Review
The session involves verification and validation process to ensure the developed system is high quality and acceptable. Session conducts system testing ensuring that the entire system as a whole performs according to various design specifications. Systems recovery procedures are tested in combination with normal operation procedures. The stage ensures that the system is put into place. The rest of operations are regarded as maintenance which ensures continuous improvement of the developed system. Maintenance process includes regular reviewing and evaluating the system to ensure that it is achieving its main objectives, through identifying all aspects that can lead to improvement of all operational problems (Lewis, et al., 2008).
Comparing and contrasting seven Steps and Four Steps SDLC
The similarities that exist between seven steps and four steps SDLC include that both support procedural development and implementation of projects and software development processes.   Both systems are well implemented using specific consideration of business users. Their development life cycle involves ideas developed from users, system users, development team’s experts and stakeholders. Most of the stages involve are similar and share common activities and tasks. Some similar phases include systems analysis and requirement analysis phase, design phase, development, and implementations as well, as maintenance stage (Kim, & Peterson, 2003). In both systems quality and the acceptable final system is guaranteed through involving various deployment approaches for users to test the developed system.
The differences that exist between seven steps and four steps SDLC include; seven steps SDLC involve more steps hence more time consuming. It has more iteration those developers require to pass through. However, four steps SDLC have less number of steps thus making development process simpler and more compressed.   The seven step model involves a modular process of system development where experts are allocated specific units to develop individually. On the other hand in four steps SDLC all systems developer collaborates in the development process to design a specific module together.  In seven steps SDLC users are involved during requirements gathering and systems analysis stages to gather business requirements and specifications. In four steps SDLC users are involved in all steps and entire development cycle they are part of the system in the development process (Lewis, et al., 2008).   Seven steps model uses reductionism approach while for steps model applies both reductionism and holism approaches.   

Pollard, C. E., Gupta, D., & Satzinger, J. W. (2010). Teaching Systems Development: A Compelling Case for Integrating the SDLC with the ITSM Lifecycle. Information Systems Management, 27, 2, 113-122.
Kim, C. S., & Peterson, D. K. (2003). A Comparison of the Perceived Importance of Information Systems Development Strategies by Developers from the United States and Korea. Information Resources Management Journal, 16, 2, 1-18.
Abdulhak, S. A., & Kang, D.-K. (2012). Effectiveness of simultaneous blending of user experience and system development lifecycle models in application developments. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 6, 2, 167-172.
Lewis, G. A., Morris, E., Simanta, S., & Wrage, L. (2008). Effects of service-oriented architecture on software development lifecycle activities. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 13, 2, 135-144.
Felderer, M., & Katt, B. (2015). A process for mastering security evolution in the development lifecycle. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 17, 3, 245-250.

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