Iteration 2: Gaining Real Time Experience
time experience improves on the competency of the network administrator as the
personnel gets equipped with the first-hand skills and knowledge of handling
the actual tasks that relate to network administration. The iteration of
gaining the real time experience came after a good time of understanding the
networking concepts. To make sure that the iteration is well developed the job
seeker organized the action in distinctive tiers.
the network administrator candidate began with addressing the experienced
challenges in the earlier iteration, so that are not repeated. The actions
relating the process included the misallocation of the time to the activities,
poor planning for consultations. The process of gaining real-time experience
will require the consultations, and this requires the addressing of the early
mistakes. The second segment of the iteration involved the studying of the
networking tools which was undertaken in the nearest networking firm where Mr.
XXXX works as the assistant network engineer. The process was to have the
first-hand understanding and working with the available and different
networking tools. The process took me a period of 4 days.
third section of the iteration was the implementing of some task as assigned by
the internship supervisor within the TechBiz It Solutions Company. The process
was undertaken within 5 days where the network administrator candidate
performed a short internship. During the internship, the network administrator
got the chance to attend one seminar which was conducted for two days.
last fourth segment of the iteration was the consultations to the network
administrator professionals. The experts and professionals provided guidance on
how to approach technical tasks and challenging issues that result within the
existing network.
make sure that the project of understanding how to get the network
administrator job is well done, the network administrator candidate had to
address the early challenges. The follow-up action of the real-time experience
was done with reflection to avoiding the earlier challenges. The solution was
that consultation gets done in parts by ensuring that single task is handled at
ago, and task was allocated time stamps according to the weight of the required
knowledge to gain from the same. The network administrator candidate had to
kick off with a deep studying of the different networking tools. The study was
undertaken in Naloki IT Company. The process was accomplished by downloading
some documentations and tutorials about the tools to have their understanding.
This marked the early steps of the process. I finalized the study by physically
trying to use the tools on its own, however; the network administrator
candidate was on the monitor of the friend MR. XXXXX.
network administrator candidate moved to undertaking an internship within the
TechBiz It solutions firm. At this point, there was the actual undertaking of
real networking tasks under the supervision of Eng. XXXX. The network
administrator candidate was assigned some task that ranged from simple to
complex tasks towards the end of the internship program. The tasks were
provided with the possible solutions which were implemented by the candidate.
During the internship, the network administrator candidate attended a
networking seminar whose objective was about the network security.
seminar provided a good understanding and ideas on how to implement and enhance
security within an organization. After then, the network administrator
candidate went ahead to have the guidance of the professionals. Questions were
asked basing on the internship tasks that were hard where the professionals
responded by provided the appropriate solutions.
process of acquiring the real-time experience was enthusing and educative as
much was learned and gained. It was essential that the network administrator
candidate began with rectifying and making sure that the earlier challenges and
mistakes are not repeated. The mind provided a good preparation of the process
as the operations were done accordingly and within the designated time. The
network administrator candidate began with the studying of the different
networking tools ad it was outlined that there are many networking tools that
are specialized for monitoring and analysis of the network. The tools provided
a good way of diagnosing problems and better methods of addressing the issues.
Some of the studied tools and experienced included the Nagios, Microsoft
network monitor, OpenNMS, Advanced IP Scanner, Capsa Free, and Fidler. Other
tools included the networkMiner, Pandora FMS, Zenoss Core, PRTG Network Monitor
Freeware, and the Dude, Slunk and Angry IP Scanner and many others (Tabona,
2015). The tools were well understood through the downloading of their use
documentations and tutorials. The real use was with the assistance of the
assistant network administrator of the TechBiz IT solutions company.
experience was facilitated with the undertaking of internship within the
TechBiz IT Solutions. The internship involved the undertaking of some assigned
tasks. The tasks were done accordingly as the supervisor provided the network
administrator candidate with the possible solutions to the identified issues.
The procedures for implementing tasks were provided. The seminar provided the
knowledge and a good understanding of the importance of security enhancement
within an organization. From the seminar teaching, a network should be well
protected with appropriate techniques of restricting accessibility, protecting
the networking devices, using firewalls to filter the traffic and provide
possible solutions against spoofing, snooping and other threats.
time experience provided the first-hand experience of working with the most
applied tools during the undertaking of the networking duties. The process was
indeed necessary to get the network administrator candidate equipped with the
first-hand knowledge, skills and competency of providing network engineer
duties. The iteration was developed in the way that every anticipated skill is
gained. The studying of the tools provided a good way of understanding the different
ways that a networking tool can get applied. The process was accomplished since
the network administrator candidate was under the guidance of the MR. XXXX. The
assistant network administrator who was dedicated to making sure that the
candidate gets the required information. The internship program acted as the
climax of the process as it got the network administrator candidate equipped
with the most required information.
iteration development was once challenged by the fact that consultation program
was not well adapted to provide the required information. It was realized that
some of the professionals did not provide the solutions according to the
requirements as they approached the tasks in a more advanced level that got the
network administrator candidate with no understanding. It was defined that the
network administrator candidate did consult many times over a single task thus
less skills gained. As the network administrator candidate prepares for the
networking job it was appropriate that it gets to acquire the necessary
certifications and skills of networking. Therefore, it moved to acquire the
required certification and skills.
Iteration 3: Acquiring Certifications and Additional
more job seekers win the opportunities by proving to have the required
certifications and skills that will get the company to acquire the required
personnel for the networking purposes. Certifications come after gathering the
basic knowledge of the networking. The education aims at equipping the candidate
with the most required skills and competency of fitting to many jobs within the
market. The iteration of acquiring the certifications and additional skills was
developed in different phases. The initial step of the iteration was the
undertaking of the one to one meetings with the networking professionals to
seek advice on the potential certifications that will suit the network
administrator candidate. Subsequently, the network administrator candidate was
also required to have guidance on the skills that are required to facilitate
the undertaking of networking related tasks.
second phase of the iteration was developed through undertaking a personal
research to have the certification before enrolling for some other
certifications in the nearby certified training institutions. The studying did
involve the use of the downloaded tutorials, presentations, and slides. The
process took some time, a period of 14 days. It required having the early
qualifications of diploma education or the higher education qualifications.
During the studying, the process focused on the understanding of the networking
tools, and other relates aspects that any network.
the last iteration segment included the assessment and the seeking of the
first-hand use of the studied skills. The purpose of the section is to get the
network administrator candidate equipped with the required competency and
first-hand power of working with the tools and deploying the skills. Therefore,
every action was taken with its consideration.
are critical such that it requires the undertaking a certification in the area
or the field that the network administrator candidate has the passion. As much
as the candidate is aiming and seeking the job as the network administrator, it
must have some strength in one selected area. It required that the network
administrator candidate has undertaken a keen and thorough consultation to make
sure that appropriate certification and additional skills are acquired. The
network administrator candidate began by conducting a one to one meeting with
selected professions. At this point, it began with the identification of the
potential professionals that stood to provide the required information. Mr.
XXXXX and Mr. XXXX working in TechBiz IT Solutions Company and Naloki It firm
respectively. The consultation began with the simple understanding of the
critical requirements that a network administrator must have regarding
certifications, qualifications, and skills to fully fit to work with large
firms. The second section of the interview was the guidance to the network
administrator candidate about the appropriate certification and skills to get
equipped during the remaining session.
network administrator candidate assessed the situation and decided on the
certification to pursue. In acquiring the certifications, the network
administrator candidate began with attending the seminars and workshops that
had been advertised for the purpose of getting young networking interested
personnel to attend. It focused on the government sponsored seminars and
workshops. In facilitation to that the network administrator candidate enrolled
for a certification within the Chicago University in Cisco certification of
CCNA. Information was acquired, and the network administrator candidate moved
to assessing the acquired knowledge and additional skills which were
accomplished by having a real first-hand applying of knowledge and skills.
of certification and additional skills required that the process gets defined
with a good plan that will outline the appropriate activities. The activities
were well implemented by the fact that the network administrator candidate had
a good plan for the same. The requirement was that the network administrator
candidates gets the certifications that will have them an added advantage over
others regarding academic qualifications, skills, and competency as well. Other
than the actions, the selection of the professional was influencing as the
personnel provided the first-hand information required.
network administrator candidate began with conducting a one to one meeting with
the selected professionals so as that the best selection of certification is
undertaken. During the interviews, the professions provided the advice that was
building to my career in the networking field. It was outlined that the network
administrator candidate must have a good understanding of network security as
the most challenging tasks and problems of networks are related to security.
While attending the seminars and the workshops, it was the observation of the
network administrator candidate that there was an emphasis on securing the
networks to ensure that availability efficiency, confidentiality, and integrity
of the information being transmitted over the network.
seminars were educative. The network administrator candidate had to have a
personal assessment which was facilitated with the undertaking of networking
tasks on its own. The aim was the assessment of the skills acquired during the
entire process.
a network administrator job seeker, it was essential to have the network
administrator candidates get equipped with the necessary knowledge and
additional skills. The certification and additional skills focused on acquiring
a good understanding of different networking tools, their applications, and techniques
of approaching challenges and tasks. It got defined that the process was
conducted on a basis of making sure that appropriate knowledge is acquired. The
process was successfully conducted as the planning was done well and according
to the requirements.
initial task of consulting the two professionals provided a good understanding
of the tools that I was to master basing on the fact that most network
administrator candidates’ likes to go the way of switching and routing which is
the basis of networking. In that case, the tools studied were focused on the
network analysis, troubleshooting, and monitoring (Mobley, 2011). The
professionals provided the necessary information that later got the network
administrator candidate decided to pursue the Cisco certification of CCNA. The
process of studying was also done properly as the network administrator
candidate attended several seminars and workshops that upon finishing the
sessions, candidates were assessed and awarded some certification papers. The idea
of attending seminars and workshops was essential as it provides a good
acquisition of the current trends in the network field.
process was only challenged with the limitation of time. Otherwise, everything
was accomplished according to the plan. By this time, the network administrator
candidate would have acquired and equipped with the required knowledge, skills
and experience and it stands to take up tasks without supervision. As a
procedure of acquiring a job, the network administrator candidate should then
prepare for the interviews that it has been invited.
Iteration 4: Preparing For the Interview
are the determining process that the network administrator candidate will get
through before the network administration job is offered. Several activities
must be undertaken in the preparation for the interview and overall preparing
for the interview. The iteration reflects son the last stage of acquiring the
job. Then the process was developed through several phases. The first tier of the
iteration was the application of the network administration jobs. The process
was outlined with some other activities of understanding the requirements of
the job advertised as well as the potential employers. The stage acts as the
opening phase of the preparation for the interview. The preparation comes only
upon being invited for an interview after applying.
second tier of the process defined the starting activities of preparing for the
interview. According to the network administrator candidate, the primary action
was the updating of the curriculum vitae to make sure that all required and
possessing skills are included as well as the academic qualification. The
follow-up action within the same tier will be researching on the Company that
has invited the network administrator candidate for an interview. The research
should be fully involving.
third part of the iteration will be the reviewing of the networking basics as a
matter of revising the skills and the experience in practical application. The
phase begins with defining the networking practices. Within the same iteration
tier, the network administrator candidate will rehearse on the possible and
common questions that are regularly asked in the interviews. Therefore,
research was also required to have the task accomplished. Lastly, the
appearance was addressed by preparing the attire as well as the overall
presentation before the panel.
preparation for the interview process was defining with relatively involving
activities. The network administrator candidate began with searching for the
advertised network administration related jobs. The process was to provide a
good model of standing the chance to make applications to the several companies
that advertised the post. The process was developed through the online
research. Through the job advertising sites had less network administration
jobs, the network administrator candidate decided to make visits to the nearby
firms, organizations, and companies. In fact, it was where an invitation for an
interview was made. I moved to the follow-up action of making sure that the
curriculum vitae are updated to get attached to the application letter. After
invitation, the CV was once more reviewed and updated with the current
information regarding education, personal profile, skills, experience and
went ahead to research the company that had invited the network administrator
candidate for the interview. The purpose was to have a good understanding of
the company. This involved the online research that was not sufficient and
resulted to visiting the company. The network administrator candidate acquired
the information and went ahead to preview on the skills as it gets prepared for
the choosing of the attire. The dressing code was advised by Mrs. XXXX, who was
a costume expert. The recommended clothes/ dresses were acquired readily for
the day. The network administrator candidate then finalized the preparation by
having a review of the most common asked questions (Caan, 2013).
undertaken within the step of preparing for interview were done chronologically
with the consideration that the core objective gets accomplished. The process
began with the searching for the jobs so that the network administrator
candidate can apply. The search was done in all direction using the internet
and manually visiting the available nearest companies, organizations, and
firms. It was determined that the interview was invited from the company that
the network administrator candidate had visited manually. Thanks to the network
administrator candidate for such a good idea. The process was involving and
tiresome, but the fruits were later revealed. Through the entire process of
understanding the process of how to get a network administrator job, the
preparation for the interview iteration required the application of inborn
curriculum vitae were updated severally while applying for the jobs and before
going for the interview. The process was intended at making sure that the
education qualifications, the skills, and experience possessed are all composed
in the curriculum vitae. The other interesting part but important was the
researching on the company. The process aims at providing good know-how about
the organization. But it was seen that the network administrator candidate had
to visit the main office of the company to get the information. Once more the
idea still generated and enabled the meeting of the objective. The dressing
attire selected was a black suit, white shirt, red tie and black official
shoes. The hair should be short as observed.
are determined with the preparations. The network administrator candidate was
dedicated to having a good preparation such that it can present professionally
with the release of tensions. The preparations begin from the time the network
administrator candidate applies for the job. The applications get the person in
deep study of the jobs that have been advertised to have the selection of the
matching job with the qualifications and possessed skills as well as
experience. The entire process of interview preparation was conducted
systematically, and the possible necessary steps and activities were done well.
The network administrator candidate began with a research of the network
administration related jobs online and by visiting the available companies as
the only tactic that got the appropriate companies. The process was successful.
The network administrator candidate followed with the examination of the
curriculum vitae to make sure that it is updated according to the academic
qualifications, skills, experience and competency. The CV updating was
relatively done faster.
most critical apart was studying of the company that had invited the network
administrator candidate for the interview. The information was less provided on
the internet, but the process was made successful with the making of
pre-visiting the Company for the data collection (SJSU, 2015). The dressing
code was defined by one of the neighbors who was a costume expert all defining
the success of the iteration.
process was faced with fewer challenges only that there was less preparation of
reviewing the networking aspect. The section was critical, and this demanded
that the network administrator candidate have a good concentration. Otherwise,
the process was done well. It is just now for the network administrator
candidate to get ready for the day and maintain the status of experts with
being composed to face the interviewing panel. The network administrator
candidate was advised to get early to the venue to reduce anxiety and panic.
Caan, J. (2013). Seven Steps to Prepare for an Interview.
Mobley, H. (2011). Top 10 free open source tools for network
admins. Retrieved from
SJSU, (2015). 5 Steps of Interview Preparation.
Tabona, A. (2015). The Top 20 Free Network
Monitoring and Analysis Tools for Sys Admins.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in research paper company if you need a similar paper you can place your order for pre written essays.
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