science and technology has shaped the foreign policy
Course title:
The decisions by the governments and
intergovernmental; organizations tend to be political process; however, in a
technology-driven world, science and technology advice is necessary for the
political decisions. The forces of technology tend to be ushering a new age of
openness. The journalists, governments, and non-governmental organization can
now harness the flood of open source information from different technologies so
as to reveal hidden activities in contested areas. Technology tends to be
having a magnificent change in the world we live in and the changes do have
significant impact on different policies. Technology is praised on how it has
changed our lives through enhancing communication, raising awareness,
empowering individuals, and spreading democracy across the world. In this
paper, I will discuss how technology is helping in shaping the foreign policy.
Technology and foreign
Foreign policy or foreign affairs
consists of the self-interest strategies that the state select to safeguard its
national interests and also achieve goals within its international relations.
The foreign policy does dictate how the country should act with respect to
other countries economically, politically, socially, and militarily. Thus, the
foreign policy tends to define how a nation can relate to other nations in
international affairs that may impact its multilateral and bilateral relations
with other countries (Skolnikoff, 1969). The policy should be flexible enough
so as to harmonize the national interests with the regional interests and also
routed in clear convictions regarding certain national priorities that may not
be compromised irrespective of the external compulsions. The rapid development
of communication technologies did have multiple effects on tools and forms of
foreign services. Technology is not the end in itself, but it represents a
means and communication tool for the ministry of foreign affairs in increasing
efficiency in certain operations. Technology is greatly shaping the areas of
foreign policy. Science and technology have had an impact on American foreign
policy in constraining, enabling, and forcing new choices in positions that the
US government can take in the promotion of its global interests Malik A (2016).
The new technologies tend to ease or
burden of our collective and individual lives. The technology advances have
been a cornerstone of the military planning and security planning, mostly since
World War II. Technology innovation does enable people to do things, for
instance, the development of the nuclear weapon and the inter-continental
ballistic missiles that change the nature of warfare and geopolitics (Malik,
2004). The science and technology developments tend to be central factors in
determining our national economic competitiveness. These developments also have
a profound effect on values, institutions, and the patterns of decision-making
of the society. Technology has helped shaped foreign policy through
accelerating transformation in areas of institutions, security, dialogue, and leadership.
How technology is
shaping foreign policy
People claim that the traditional
underlying impact of state power is no longer a dominant catalyst at play. That
is true, and the evolution of technology has helped in empowering people and
has created commanding media that is capable of challenging the existing
national supremacy while at the same time directing a new world order. In the
modern world, technology is intimately embedded in the national priorities and
international areas that it is becoming an inseparable component of foreign
relations (Firlej & Kluz 2015). In the era of the fast information transfer
and the rapid development of new generation technologies, the foreign relations
among states tend to be conflicting. However, technology can bring concurring
interests and valued into a constant confrontation without sufficient and clear
evidence of the guilt and responsibilities.
The science and technology collaboration
between countries provide useful channels and networks of communication that
may be used in supporting wider policy goals. The scientific community tends to
work beyond national boundaries on the problems of common interest; thus, it is
well placed to support the emerging forms of diplomacy that can need
non-traditional alliances of nations (Malik, 2004). When aligned with the wider
foreign policy goals, the channels of scientific exchange do contribute to the
coalition-building and conflict resolution. The satellite technology
capabilities tend to have major dual-use potentials, and modern society is
becoming dependent on the satellite-based systems for international
interactions (Skolnikoff, 1969). These technologies have been helpful in
allowing for communication between nations when discussing issues relating to
foreign affairs.
Technology is shaping the foreign policy
through redefining actions by institutions and alliances. The international
organizations and alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization tend
to benefit greatly from the data-driven technologies that enable them to
deliver better services and also exchange volumes of information in real-time
Malik A (2016). With the large data, the institutions can use the advanced
technologies in solving some of the global problems and concerns. The
availability of technology is facilitating smoother foreign relations. Science
and technology tend to offer soft power to the countries for their
international outreach objectives. While focusing on the foreign policy, the
scientific exchange and the technology cooperation tend to contribute to the
coalition building and in conflict resolution, which is vital to international
The interconnection of science and
technology with the foreign policy are very important in the globalized,
multi-polar world of today (Firlej & Kluz 2015). Most defining challenges
of the 21st century from the human security to concerns about global climate
change and from the security of outer space to security of cyberspace tend to
have scientific and technological dimensions Malik A (2016). These are some of
the global issues, and there is no one country that can resolve the problems on
its own. The techniques, tools and tactics of foreign policy are adapting to
the changing world of increasing scientific and technical complexity.
Science and technology are shaping
foreign policy regarding dialogue, whereby the technology is reinventing the
art of diplomacy and international policy. The advances in ICT have helped to
increase the speed, efficiency, scale, and geographical scope of each of the
processes of foreign policy (Firlej & Kluz 2015). With the advancement in
technology, the policy makers tend to be responding to events with the internet
speed if they want to frame how a certain issue is perceived by the public.
Today, the time and speed on how they affect international processes are not
defined by the access to transportation and communication facilities. The
breakthroughs in technologies are enabling the instant contact; hence, creating
ease in managing diplomacy and also organizing the political dialogue.
Traditionally, formal representatives did have to wait for months to receive a
relevant course of actions and instructions. Today, the new technology channels
tend to have replaced the outdated forms of communications. The officials tend
to have continuous access to information and live networks that empower
organizational dialogue and also provide international communications; thus,
enhancing the action, responsiveness, and regulation Malik A (2016). Today,
most of the politicians and ambassadors are using social media platforms such
as Twitter to interact with policymakers, officials, and citizens. Twitter
tends to have two major positive effects on the foreign policy.
The first is that it fosters beneficial
exchange of ideas between the policy makers and the civil society and second it
enhances ability of diplomats to gather information and to analyze, anticipate,
manage, and react to events Malik A (2016). Technology does provide the
opportunity for creating effective digital platforms that may be used in
assisting in critical decision-making process between governments (Weiss,
2005). In most cases, authorities tend to struggle to cooperate on some of the
essential issues during the regular summits and in multilateral forums.
However, the advancement in technology is creating an opportunity for
sustainable and prominent platforms for dialogue and decision-making so as to
enhance the global governance and responsiveness.
The technology revolution has been
effective in foreign policy making. States tend to be recognizing the role that
technology play in enhancing diplomatic functions. The use of technologies like
virtual and online conferencing and e-mail at international negotiations has
made it possible for the delegations to communicate in real time with home
office for the information on official positions or even the in formulation of
advice to anticipated issues (Malik, 2004). The IT tools are enabling
resource-deficient states, which would not be able to attend the meetings, to
maintain a virtual presence and participate through electronic media.
Technology does play an essential role
in exercising influence and control. The foreign policy is handled by the
foreign ministers, ambassadors on diplomatic assignments, and government
secretaries who are using technological advantage available so as to achieve
diplomatic objective (Skolnikoff, 1969). The impact of technology is now
increasing in the modern world and leveraging the technology for political or
economic gain is becoming a norm. The technological knowledge is an essential
component for retaining the diplomatic effectiveness and also for meeting the
challenges in the global affairs (Firlej & Kluz 2015). The emerging
knowledge society is demanding that statecraft should include new sensitivities
the of electronic medium that does allow for instant communication and the
information diffusion, which is due to the wide access to the modern
information and communication technology. The advanced technology has helped in
bringing in various new techniques for the quick information dissemination and
situational awareness on the sensitive issues (Weiss, 2005). As a result of the
new technology, it has helped in reducing the time slot for diplomatic
dialogue. Also, technology has helped in shaping the security in regards to
foreign policy as it has made it possible to have real-time access to the enemy
communication; thus, fine tune our strategy in real time.
Technology is also playing a role in
shaping soft power of nations and their foreign policy (Firlej & Kluz
2015). The management of global public goods such as the World Wide Web is an
important instrument of America soft power in the 21st century. The internet
does rely an on global network of satellites, most of which the US government
own. The government has developed advanced terrorism intelligence system that
world closely with high-tech satellite and equipment. The foreign assistance
through the organizations such as USAID and leading contributions to UN
development activities are critical instruments of America’s soft power (Malik,
2004). The ability of America to use technology in various aspects demonstrates
that a nation with large amount of soft power can build coalitions and even
persuade other countries to comply through persuasion and not coercion. The
advances in information technology have helped in increasing the power of the
non-state actors to influence the events through making it easy for them to
gather information and exchange the information and coordinate their
The science and technology has had a
significant impact on the practice of foreign policies. In the past, the
foreign policy decisions were once the result of secret negotiations. However,
new players have entered the diplomatic state and uncontrollable flow of
information and the directional shift in communication is changing the social
structures. Monopoly of power has moved from the states the to corporation,
small organization, individuals, and media (Weiss, 2005). The progress in
technology is making anyone a potential diplomat. As technology allows for an
easy flow of information, it is possible for the policy makers to have access
to sufficient information that they can use during the decision-making process.
Today, our world is increasingly defined
by the technological innovations and scientific advancement. Most countries
such as US and China view the national security, economic competitiveness, and
well-being of the population as linked to their capabilities in technology,
innovation, and science. Science and technology tend to be a high-priority for
all nations and even the poor developing countries are investing in building
technology core competence for the rapid enhancement in the national power.
Science and technology is important to more facets of the foreign policy. The
country’s foreign policy is usually designed in a manner so as to preserve and
promote national, interest in the changing dynamics of the international
politics. Today, foreign policy is depending upon the ability of the country to
integrate current scientific and technological knowledge into the diplomacy for
projecting the comprehensive national power in the international affairs. It is clear that science and technology
knowledge, a culture of innovation, technological self-reliance, and
techno-economic superiority does represent the core of national power.
As the modern technology continue
empowering individuals with amazing capability, it is increasingly clear that
it is a quality of people that does make the nation great in future and quality
of awareness that will drive the human quality enhancement. Technology is a
driver of power and legitimacy in areas of foreign policy and we need leaders
who do understand the complexities of technology who will use the technology in
promoting a global culture that meets the legitimate needs of people. It is
necessary that we recognize the impact that technology can have on our country.
The future technological breakthrough will be able to transform our world in
the same way the internet did; thus, leading to rebalancing of the global
economy and also the power within it. It is important that the foreign policy
should consider drawing the maximum benefits from the advances in technology
since the globalised and interdependent world will be demanding different
approach to foreign affairs and the foreign policy should adapt to the new
C (2005). Science, technology, and international relations. Technology in Society. 27
A (2016). The role of technology in
international affairs. Pentagon Press
A (2004). Technology and security in the
21st century Oxford University Press
M & Kluz, A (2015). The impact of
technology on foreign affairs. Foreign Policy Association.
E (1969). Science, technology, and
American foreign policy. The MIT Press
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in best nursing writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for custom nursing papers.
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