Mrs. Ken human resource officer in Scottline Company approved
my application for a job as a database administrator position in their company.
Before joining the company, introduction, and orientations operations were
required, which took two weeks. During the first half of the first week, I
required having an introduction to Scottline Company structure of the
organization. The session was
facilitated by Mr. Liborio head of internal affairs in Scottline Company. He
was required to guide me through organization policies, rules, and regulations
that govern the entire organization. Requirements for the session included
attending seminars, workshops, and communication training (H, G. Liborio,
personal communication, June 01, 2016). The second half of the first week
included being introduced to organization operations, activities, and
functions. The facilitators during the session were Mrs. Hero the head of
business operations in Scottline Company. Requirements for the session included
understanding organization objectives, goals, visions, missions, as well as
long term and short term strategic plan (K. M, Hero, personal communication,
June 02, 2016).
The first half of the
second week I was required to attend training seminars for an introduction to
basic and essential functions as a database administrator. The training session
was to be facilitated by Mr. Fleming the database and shared resources manager.
Requirements for the session included familiarizing with database basic
responsibilities, tools software, hardware, and devices (L, P. Fleming,
personal communication, June 03, 2016). The second half of the second week
involved being assigned roles, duties, and responsibilities to accomplish
(Rupp, et al., (1999). The session shall involve being allocated jurisdiction
department as well as specific data for reporting in Scottline Company to start
a job as a database administrator. Reporting date shall be confirmed after
introduction period (D. C. Ken, personal communication, June 04, 2016).
I took part in seminars, workshops, and training session
conducted by Mr. Liborio. Through his intervention, I managed to meet various
departmental heads within Scottline Company. He introduced me to order and
structure of the organization as well as the process of communication in Scottline
Company. Hierarchy of the organization was centralized, and communication
operations were based on the new technology of virtual systems. I took part in
formulating organization policies, forming panels for developing rules as well
as familiarizing with industrial standards.
I participated in a forum conducted by Mrs. Hero, who trained me about
organization principles. Through her training, I internalized organization
major purpose of existence. I participated in creating awareness on goals,
objectives, visions, missions, and guidelines that enable the organization to
meet its short term and long term goals. First-week operation involved reading
documents, books, journals, and histories of Scottline Company (D. C. Ken,
personal communication, June 04, 2016).
I participated in training sessions that involved
understanding about database administration. Mr. Fleming guided me on
understanding different functions implemented by organization database
administrators. He introduced me to common devices such as dedicated databases,
servers, hardware firewalls, and other tools. He trained me on how to perform
configuration settings, install software such as database operating systems and
installing hardware tools. Other training included being introduced on how to
maintain computer systems through performing systems upgrading, ensuring better
security practices as well as troubleshooting and diagnosing database systems
(Mackinnon, & Pinette, 2016).
Performance testing, vulnerability testing as well as educating users on
how to embrace IT ethical practices are among basic operations that database
manager should have posses (L, P. Fleming, personal communication, June 03,
Through orientation and introduction to Scottline Company, I
have observed various distinctive features that professionals embrace for
effective and efficient operations within the organization. I have observed
that Scottline Company has channels of communication designed to facilitate
better coordination of activities within an organization. Organization
departments are dedicated to performing various organization functions such as
ensuring all clients are well incorporated and involved in business activities.
Through seminars and introduction to organization processes, I have observed
all organization functions are integrated and automated using computer systems.
Business operations are integrated with Information technology to enhance
better and improved coordination of activities (H, G. Liborio, personal
communication, June 05, 2016). Various trends in the business organization
include ascending to high ranks is the maintenance of data and information in
databases as well as within other repository locations (Benbasat, et al.,
The session involving an introduction to functions and
operations conducted by database administrators has equipped me with knowledge
and information that guarantee effective and efficient tracking of records.
Databases are usually implemented mainly to facilitate online transactions,
store huge data, and information by supporting big data concepts (K. M, Hero,
personal communication, June 06, 2016).
Scottline Company ensures data is always accessible through cloud
computing systems. I observed that Scottline Company implements contingency
planning strategies to guarantee that all transaction, data and information,
and assets can easily be recovered. Through training facilitated by Fleming
department of information and communication management is responsible for
implementing and ensuring organization data can be retrieved and recovered in
the event of disasters. They should ensure that all detailed operations
guarantee smooth running of business. I observed that database administrators
should protect trends such as security and attacks, and intrusion.
A session involving a process of Orientation and introduction
to Scottline Company was well implemented through the effective and efficient
assistance of experts such as Mrs. Hero, Mr. Liborio, Mrs. Ken, and Mr.
Fleming. They have enabled me to acquire new information, knowledge skills as
well as understanding during Orientation and introduction to Scottline Company.
Knowledge acquired shall enable me to work within the organization as a
database manager. Their control and supervision have been well coordinated.
Through seminars and training implemented by Mr. Liborio, I have gained
experience in enforcing policies and procedures required by the organization. I
was able to incorporate industrial standards within organization operations.
Through intervention and interactions with Mrs. Hero, I have gained potential
in executing organization plans and accomplishing goals, objectives, and
missions of the organization.
Through training conducted by Mr. Fleming, I have gained
skills and experience required in implementing technical and operational
activities that are required in database systems. Overall tasks of database
manager include implementing managerial roles associated with position (K. M,
Hero, personal communication, June 12, 2016). All Operations were well
conducted and accomplished. My area of jurisdiction is within the department of
information management and communication. I shall be expected to resume duties
upon receiving acquiring letter for a job assignment. However, the received training
and experience can be incorporated to facilitate effective and efficient
administering of databases in Scottline Company. Future research shall focus on
implementing theory learned into practice through improving database security
(Hassane Tahir, & Patrick Brézillon, 2013). Other improvements shall include database
performance, sharing of resource, and general troubleshooting and diagnosing of
database management systems (DBMS) (D. C. Ken, personal communication, June 04,
Benbasat, I., Goldstein, R. C., & Mantha, R.
W. (1982). A database system for course administration. Computers & Education, 6, 4,
Hassane Tahir, & Patrick Brézillon. (2013).
Shared Context for Improving Collaboration in Database Administration. International Journal of Database
Management Systems, 5, 2, 13-28.
Mackinnon, S., & Pinette, J. (2016).
Considerations and benefits of implementing an online database tool for
business continuity. Journal
of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 9, 3,
Rupp, K., Driessen, D., Kornfeld, R., & Wood,
M. (1999). The development of the Project NetWork administrative records
database for policy evaluation. Social
Security Bulletin, 62, 2, 30-42.
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