Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Key Terms

Chapter 1
Separation of Powers
It is an act of differentiating the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government into the separate independent entities to avoid exercising the major functions of another. 
 Tribal Police
They are the police officers hired by the Native American tribes and have a constitutional government who work under the community policing concept to ensure the safety of the tribal members.
Procedure Law
Procedure law comprises of the rules used by a court to determine the fate of a civil lawsuit, criminal or the administrative proceedings.
Case Law
Case law is a set of decisions from tribunals and other rulings that are cited as precedent and usually, are established by the outcome of the former cases.
Rule of Law
It is the legal principle that law ought to govern a nation other than the reliance on arbitrary decisions of individual government officials.

Substantive Law
Substantive law explains the rights and duties like crimes and punishments in the criminal law and the civil rights and responsibilities in civil law. The law is enacted through an initiative process and may have modifications as desired.
Task Forces
A task force is a unit established to work on a defined task within a particular period to tackle the issues and challenges within a system or organization.
Special jurisdiction police
They are full-service departments offering similar services to the local police but have special geographic jurisdictions and enforcement responsibilities.
Criminal law
It is a system of law concerned with punishing the people who commit crimes and seeks to regulate social conduct.
Public Safety agencies
They are either state or local government agencies whose responsibilities include fire and rescue services, fire prevention and suppression, conducting public awareness, training, and education on emergency response and disaster preparedness.

Chapter 2
Kin Policing
It is a system of shared and informal policing in which individuals are considered responsible for the relatives as a method of maintaining social control.
Posse Comitatus
It is a common law authority of a law officer to recruit the non-disabled man to assist him in keeping peace and pursuing the arrest of a lawbreaker. 
Night watch
It is a person or a group of people who keep order at night and are stationed to look out for danger or trouble.
Frankpledge system
It was a method dividing a community into groups of ten men in which each member had responsibility for the behavior of the other and to maintain peace and order.  
Disorder-control theory
The theory explains the concept of developing a policy regarding the need to control and reduce mob violence.
Urban dispensation theory
The theory explains that police departments were developed not from need but because other cities and urban centers had them in place.
Patronage system
It is a practice that involves giving plum government jobs to the supporters, friends, and relatives of a political party that wins an election as a reward for their hard work.
U.S Marshals
U.S Marshals comprise of an enforcement agency within the U.S Department of Justice and works for fugitive operations, transporting prisoners, protecting the offers of the court, and ensuring smooth operations in the judiciary. 
It is a process in which any occupation transforms into a true professional character and status to enhance the quality of service delivery.
Vigilante is a member of a self-organized group of people who perform law enforcement activities in the community without legal authority. They claim that the legal agencies are inadequate.
Chapter 3
Probable Cause
It is a provision in the fourth amendment of the U.S constitution that requires the police to have it before making an arrest, conducting search, or giving a warrant.

Reasonable suspicion
It is a legal standard of proof in the United States provisions and is less than the probable cause. It is a legal standard for arrests and warrants but must have a basis on specific and articulate facts.
Exclusionary Rule
It is a law that hinders the use of illegally acquired evidence in a criminal trial. The evidence acquired in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights is inadmissible in a court of law.
Plain View Doctrine
The doctrines that describe the exception to a warrant requirement and allow the officers to seize items observed as evidence and are lawfully present in the protections by the 4th Amendment.
Open Fields Doctrine
In the U.S criminal procedure laws, the doctrine explains that a warrantless search outside the property’ owners dwelling place does not violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. 
Intentional Torts
It is a category of wrongful acts resulting in harming and referred to as a civil wrong from an intentional act on the part of the wrongdoer.

Negligent Torts
They are wrongful acts but not arising from deliberate actions and usually present when a person does not act reasonably to others whom he/she owes a duty to. The negligent action results in personal injury or monetary loss.
Bright-Line Rule
It is a defined rule having objective factors that give a limited room for changing an interpretation. The major purpose of the bright-line rule is to generate predictable and consistent results.
Good Faith
It is a fair and transparent deal in human interactions and requires sincerity, honesty, and beliefs despite the outcomes.
Breach of Duty
Breach of duty occurs when an individual or a company with an obligation fails to live up to the agreed standard. 
Chapter 4
Community crime prevention
It is a program designed to effect some changes in the community infrastructure, culture, and the physical environment to reduce the level of crime. 

Team policing
The concept involves building relationships within the community in which the law enforcement partners with the community to address the security problems and also reduce crime.
Tactical Dimension-Elements to Community Policing
It is an element of community policing that involves the establishment of a basis for crime prevention programs as well as problem-oriented policing. The police interact with the community and create partnerships to help in problem-solving.
Strategic Dimension-Elements to Community Policing
The strategic dimension to community policing uses the key operational concepts that translate philosophy into action. The concepts are the links between the ideas and beliefs underlying community policing as well as the programs and practices used in the implementation.
Philosophical Dimension-Elements to Community Policing
The philosophical dimension considers policing as a new philosophy of policing and constitutes a paradigm shift from the professional method of policing. The element involves citizen input and personal service.
Problem-oriented policing
It is a policing strategy involving the identification and analysis of a particular crime to develop effective response strategies.

It is a part of the tactical dimension in which the police ought to partner with the community in dealing with crimes by directly collaborating with the public and other private agencies. 
It is a method used to seek for solutions in a community by the police and the citizens taking every opportunity to deal with the conditions causing crimes and related incidents.
Chapter 5
Broken Windows Theory
Broken windows theory is a criminological theory of norm setting and signaling effect of the urban vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior.
Procedural Justice
It is the idea of being fair in the processes of resolving disputes and allocation of resources. The criminal justice system ought to demonstrate legitimacy to the public it serves.
Zero-Tolerance Policing
The concept involves the crackdown on the minor offenses in the attempts of reducing the major crimes as well. It is a strict law enforcement approach that is tough on crime.
Police Legitimacy
Police legitimacy is the demonstration of rightful access to and exercise of power to the citizens of a police force.
National Incident-Based Reporting
It is a system used by the law enforcement agencies to gather and report data on crimes. The local, state and the federal agencies create NIBR system data from the record management systems.
Disorder Index
It is a reference value that classifies and measures the instances of disordered behavior. The index is useful since it allows a judge without the knowledge of other behaviors to have a qualitative and quantitative assessment of cognitive slippage.
The term stands for Computer Statistics and is a combination of the management, philosophy, and organizational management tools used in the police department.
Paramilitary Model
The paramilitary model is a method of bureaucratic organization that is inappropriate for the policing function. It structures, tactics, training, and functions are similar to that of the professional military but not included as formal armed forces. 
A generalist is a competent person in various fields or activities and has a wide array of knowledge. He/she can also survive in various habitats and take food from multiple sources.  

Public Information Officer
The officer is a communication coordinator or spokesman of a government organization.
Chapter 6
Quality leadership
Quality leadership involves organizational leadership with a central ethical point focusing on people, social responsibility, and the quality of work duration.
Experimental police district
Experimental police district emphasizes on the quality of service delivery, quality of life in the community, and the quality of life in the workplace.
Organizational Change
It is a process of transition from the current state to the desired future state and involves the change of strategy, minimizing employee resistance and cost to the organization.
Beat meetings
Beat meetings are intended to allow the beat residents, community stakeholders, and the police to discuss the major problems on the beat and also engage in problem-solving using the CAPS five-step problem-solving method.

Advisory committees
The committees are essential in initiating and providing recommendations, advice, and information to an organization as required. The information is obtained from the external experts but leaves the organization or agency to make the final decision.
Internal change
An internal change arises from the forces within an organization or agency that refer to a change of events, people, and systems to assist in achieving the short-term and long-term goals.
External change
External change occurs as a result of external factors that influence the agency operations like the economy, consumer demand, and completion.
Winning the hearts and minds (WHAM)
It is a concept expressed in the resolution of the war, insurgency, and other conflicts where one side seeks to prevail by use of emotional or intellectual appeal and not force to sway supporters to that side.
Learning organization
A learning organization facilitates the learning of the members for a continued transformation.
Job redesign
It is an attempt to review and reallocate the job responsibilities to enhance the output. The strategy leads to the improvement of both productivity and job satisfaction.
Chapter 7
Problem-based learning
It is a method of learning in which students learn about a subject by experience and solving the open-ended problem. The learners obtain both the thinking strategies to solve a problem and domain knowledge.
De-escalation of force
They are the actions, techniques, and tactics used by the police officers to minimize the likelihood of using force during an incident and also increase the likelihood of compliance. 
Bonafide occupational qualifications
They are the genuine attributes that employers ought to consider when making decisions on recruiting and retaining employees.
Screening out
It is a system for initial appraisal and selection of personnel to suit their particular jobs. Screening out usually seeks to identify those people not acceptable for a job offer.
Screening in
It is the practice of selecting candidates in a profession based on certain prescribed guidelines to either accept or reject.

Pedagogy is a disciple that handles both the theory and practice of education in which the instructor learns how best to teach and assist the learners acquire particular skills.
Four-fifths rule
The rule is described by the guidelines that involve a selection rate for any race, sex, and ethnic group which is less than four-fifths of the rates for the group with the highest rate and termed as evidence of adverse impact. 
Roberg R.R., Novak K. & Cordner G. W. (2008) Police and Society, Oxford University Press,     2008; ISBN 019537035X, 9780195370355

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