Thursday, October 18, 2018

Management Journal

Management Journal
            During my holiday, I visited two companies and in both, I witnessed different management styles that are in contemporary life. In company A, I saw excellent management n but in company B it as bad management.
Company A: Good Management
Entry 1: Effective Communication
            To learn more about communication, I visited company A to see what they did as far as communication was concerned.  To start with all employees of respective departments were holding briefing meeting on their progress.  The notice board was also being cleaned while new memos were getting stapled on it.  What surprised me was that each department had its uniform.  This was to communicate that they belonged to a particular department. On interviewing one of the employees, he surprised me by learning the each employee had the contacts of their supervisors as well as the human resource.   He asserted that they usually get alerts immediately need arises. Their suggestion box was in use.   In the evening, observe a briefing from the manager which one employee confirmed that it was the way of life in that company. Employees informed me that they were always satisfied with all situations from the fact that they are efficient communication.
Lesson learnt
            I came to know that effective communication is vital in an organization. When the management and the employee have an elegant way of communicating, conflict becomes less, and productivity goes up. I learned that conflict I organization erupts because of poor communication. When all actors agree to share information, it becomes easy for them to solve differences unlike acting quietly and independently
Entry 2: Time Management
            Despite the fact that I woke up early to visit company A, I was surprised that all employees had reported to their workstations. To a greater surprise, all supervisors, as well as the CEO, were already in the company. All people were occupied in their respective satiations.  After looking at their attendance register, I realized that all employees including the management always reached the workplace 10 minutes before stipulated time. On inquiring what makes them be good time managers, they informed me that they do so because they are supposed to meet the demands of the high influx of customers.   Delays would lead to small production and could result in loss of clients.
Lessons Learnt
            Time management remains a major determiner of productivity. It also helps to coordinate activities in an organization.  Time management is also vital from the fact that it contributes to customer satisfaction. It is, therefore, essential that management initiates schedules of activities to ensure that all employees become aware of what they are supposed to do and at what time.  Time management also provides quality in production from the fact the time wasting can lead to compromising some processes.
Entry 3: Decision-making
            Decision making is an art and science that exist in all corporate environments.  They help to initiate and implement policies in the organization.  The right decision makes the company pursue its objectives without any curtail. Similarly, inability to perform strategic decision making can lead to the fall of the enterprise. When I visited company A, I as lucky to witness a situation of decision making. One of the employees was had been summoned over misbehavior in the enterprise. My little intelligence informed me that the employee had a series of cases in the human resource office and in many situations he was forgiven.  He had at one time stolen a computer from the store. He also fought his fellow employee without any reason. Worse of all he had thrown abuses to one of the customers making him avoid the company. During decision making, the management involved the other employees, and all agreed to lay the employee off.
Lesson learnt
            Effective decision-making coupled with inclusiveness is vital in ensuring organizational success.  If the employee could have been left, he could have chased other customers away.
Bad Management
Entry 4: Gender Imbalance
            When I visited company B that, I witnessed two trends that reflected bad management. It was to my great surprise to realize that group only had five ladies while men were 121.  Despite the fact that the company ventured in car assembling, both males and females could have gotten a fair chance.  I was surprised to learn even that their receptionist was a man. It can get argued that employee team was constituted so from the fact that the work needs masculinity but the fact is that it was a failure to the management.

Lesson learnt
            Irrespective of the type of organization, the management needs to implement strategies that can strike a balance in gender issues.  The reason is that a gender is a form of diversity that can enhance the company.
Entry 5: No Standby Workforce
            When I visited company B, I also realized that one of the departments was not working.  The doors were close despite the fact that it was a critical department in as far as assembling is concerned. I was also surprised to hear that the department had ten staffs. All were absent for their personal issues. It was a failure to the management from the fact that it could have implemented a standby force to ensure that the office gets occupied.  The company could have devised a plan to make sure that at no time, one staff could miss in the office.
Lesson learnt
            Many challenges can make an employee not to turn to work. The human resource, on the other hand, needs to come up with a standby team to ensure that the office is always functional irrespective of any challenge. Absence can lead to losing of productivity and ca also results in customer dissatisfaction.
Ugly Management
Entry 6: Harassment at Workplace by a Manager
            Harassment is one of the behaviors present in many workplaces. This behavior promotes fear, hatred, and unwillingness to share information among stakeholders. When I visited company B, I found out that one of the employees was crying. On asking her what had happened, I was astonished to learn that the manager had deducted her 50 dollars from her pay and he had threatened to suck him if he would complain.  This became the worst behavior I had never witnessed among managers. Fortunate enough, I had the manager tell the employee to either go to his workstation or go home.  He similarly asserted that there is nowhere he could be taken.  In fact, this is the ugliest management situating I had never witnessed
Lesson learnt
            Harassing employees are misbehavior in the workplace. It leads to fear and at the same time, it kills the motivation among employees.  Employees end up not buying into the idea of the company from the fact that they are not appreciated.

     Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in legitimate research paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for buy narrative essay.


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