Monday, December 10, 2018


            Asthma defines a condition of the respiratory system that affects the bronchi of the human lungs resulting in the difficulty in breathing. In the ordinary cases, the condition comes as a consequence of the human allergy to some components and the other normal forms of hypersensitivity. The asthma exacerbations define the worsens of the disease symptoms that may cause death in the case of previous administration of the appropriate medication. According to the cases, the death occurs severely within the little time the condition of the asthma worsens to the children. It gets to outline the factor of age about other factorized conditions. The pathology of the acute asthma and the chronic asthma gets defined by the commonly identified cause of the conditions. On the asthma exacerbation, the conditions take to worsen with the influence of the components that causes the inflammation within the affected individual. It gets understood that majorly the asthma conditions takes to occur with the inflammation and the spasm of the air passages that gets to follow with the swelling of the air passages. Once the air passage swells, the lung secretions thicken, and there will be an increase in the mucus production that will fasten the condition of reducing the air passage to the lungs. As a result, the occurrence of the difficulty in breathing of the asthmatic individual. The realization of the above is under the influence of the human allergy to some components such as the dust, some plants, some foods, molds, the animal dander and other components. Also, the infections of the lungs may cause the condition, the air irritants such as the dust, smoke, the bad smells and the overall affected human exposure to the occupational chemicals and other reactive components. However, the pathology of the acute and the chronic asthma exacerbations gets realized with the activities undertaken by the asthmatic individual such as the exercise. At times the conditions of the asthmatic person of having the viral infection and the exposure to the previous mentions causes of the conditions result in the respiratory failure. As a result, the loose of the individual. The severe case of the asthmatic conditions has the relation to the changes with the arterial blood gas changes. The arterial gas analysis has the effect of the vast understanding of the asthmatic individual acid-base status about the oxygenation in both the acute and the chronic asthma. The pattern gets affected with the different of the oxygen and the carbon (IV) oxide as well as the PH of the patient blood (Barnes, 2009). The difference in the volumes of the gases defines the effectiveness of the oxygen delivery to the blood by the lungs and the other hand removal or rather the elimination of the carbon (IV) oxide gas from the blood by the lungs. The arterial blood gases takes to change with the progress of the asthma condition from the mild condition to the moderate state to severe conditions and extremely severe conditions. The gas change is related to the PaO2, the PaCo2 and the PH. At the start of the disease within the individual, the conditions of the gases tend to fall while the PH of the blood rises. With the acute asthma and the chronic asthma exacerbation, the changes in the gas pattern take the trend of PaCo2 gas starting to increase with the continuation fall in the PaO2 while the PH of the blood takes the trend of moving back to the normal. At this state the level of the PaCo2 is high, and the level of the PaO2 is low resulting in the state where the lungs get unable to blow off the more carbon (IV) oxide gas from the blood. The failure of the lungs gets the asthmatic patient to fail to breathe, and thus, the only thing to take place is death. The exposure to the pathologies of the asthma goes to facilitate the change in the arterial blood gas pattern that causes the difficulty in breathing. According to the cases, the children failed to sustain the high volume of the carbon (IV) oxide within the blood and thus the difficulty in breathing as a result of the unfavorable environmental conditions.
            The case study defines the children of the age below 12 years who gets affected with the asthma and dies before the standard medication gets administered to them. The age as factors that affects the asthma as a condition gets to define modality of the disease. At some time the condition may be genetically influenced with the affected individual inheriting from the parents and the viral infections at the early ages gets the persons suffer severe conditions of the disease. It is very had to diagnose and detect the symptoms of both the acute and the chronic asthma conditions in the young ages the children. The influence gets to have the hardship in the differentiation of the child behavior that defines the infection of the acute and the chronic asthma. The children will tend to require a contrary keen and concentrative examination as well as the monitoring to have the determination of the conditions. The lower age persons undertake some actions that are normal to the faster-growing tissues that will require the regular and the faster supply of the clean, fresh oxygen. The children are at times stubborn that will get into contact with the irritants and other allergy components even with the caution about them (Tony, Jamie, Koelmeyer, Peter & Tracey, 2000).
            The diagnosis of the disease in children gets to have the follow the performance of the confirmatory diagnostic test in the relation with the functioning of the lungs. Also, at times, the diagnosis may be based on the previous medication provided to the child. However, the undertake of the lung test to the age below five years it is a little bit difficult as a result other actions get taken. The diagnosis of the acute and the chronic asthma in children involves the close examination of the child history of choking and the child breath sounds. The wet coughing of the child should get followed if it gets to persist. The observation of the focal signs of the child in the chest, the finger clubbing and the purulent sputum are the indicators of the asthmatic condition in the child. The wheezing in the child should get monitored. However, other conditions such as vomiting and aspiration are the possible signs of the condition infection to the child (Mannix & Bachur, 2007). It should get understood that in the chronic asthma drugs get not administered for the treatment of the asthmatic condition. In the acute asthma, the treatment may involve the ensuring of the flow of the oxygen at the standard rates through the pressurized metered dose inhaler (PMDI). Administer the dose of 2 to 4 puffs of the beta2 agonists. The dose should get provided within the duration of every 20 to 30 minutes. Apply the oral steroids to children who cannot shallow otherwise consider the oral prednisolone.
            The epidemiology of the acute asthma is basic with the ages above 23 years as according to the United Kingdom 1 out of 11 children may get affected with the condition, and 3 out of 11 adults are prone to the condition. The severity of the disease is high in children with the failure to determine the symptoms than in adults. Chronic asthma in children is better clinical presented as the acute condition in the children is critical to both presentation and diagnosis. Treatment in the adults is more advanced than in children, and the children are still under the challenge of the faster growing of the child tissues (Barnes, 2009).

Barnes, P. J. (2009). Asthma and COPD: Basic mechanisms and clinical management. Amsterdam: Academic.
Mannix, R. & Bachur, R. (2007). Status asthmaticus in children. Curr Opin Pediatr. (3):281-7.
Story RE. (2007). Asthma and obesity in children. Curr Opin Pediatr. (6):680-4.
Tony, R., Jamie, C., Koelmeyer, T., Peter, P. D. & Tracey, W. D. (2000) "The Effect of Age and Duration of Disease on Airway Structure in Fatal Asthma", American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 162, No. 2, pp. 663-669. doi:
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