The kindergarten students do not have similar abilities
in learning and hence will be necessary to have specific accommodations and
extensions to cater for the learning needs of all. I will have modifications to
the mode of presentation to meet the needs of the special education students,
below average, and those talented differently. I will change the conventional
materials, procedures, and assessments to ensure that they address the needs of
the differing abilities of the students. I will identify the students with the
different abilities regarding the categories of special education, below
average, and the slow learners among others before the start of the lessons and
plan on how to handle them. I understand that the key to success in the
classroom lies in designing appropriate adaptations, accommodations,
extensions, and modifications in the instruction and classroom activities.
Enrichment activities
The learner accommodations and instructional
modifications are designed to support the students with learning problems
within the classroom settings. However, the modification and accommodations
ought not to replace the need for utilizing the effective instructional
strategies for the students with learning challenges. The accommodations and modifications
in the instruction method include:
Three Students; Mary, Joseph, and Laura, have learning
disabilities in reading and writing that impairs their comprehension abilities.
As such, I will have additional time with them to teach the keywords, provide
examples, and introduce one concept at a time for mastery. For instance, in
teaching them to identify the natural landforms from a map, I will introduce
them on how to read a map and identify symbols that depict the natural
features. I will them allow them to identify the features one at a time until
they understand.
Two students, Mohammed and Nancy, are slow learners and
do not understand concepts at a similar pace with other students. The two
students are shy to approach the teacher, hence necessary to include them in a
group of other students with relative capabilities. I will request for group
responses other than individual responses from the slow learners. The method
will help to build confidence to the slow learners and in turn enhance their level
of understanding.
Alejandro is an English-language learner (ELL) who
recently moved to the United States from a non-English speaking nation. He is
limited in the use of English language and hence requires extensive services. I
will use the bilingual students in the classroom to assist them and also
utilize class website and videos to teach the student. I will use audio-visual
aids extensively during instruction to ensure that the student learns to
identify the natural features.
Four students in the classroom have challenges in
visualizing text and objects that are small in size. They will struggle in
identifying physical features like mountains and rivers on the topographical
maps. Thus, I will provide them with magnifying glasses and large printed worksheets
with similar maps during the lessons.
The last category of students comprise of two students
talented in the practical activities, but poor in theory work. I will
accommodate the students by allowing them to give responses through drawings
other than emphasizing on the written work. However, I will assign them to a
tutor who will take them through the content to understand the basics of the
of Student Mastery of Objectives
The unit for kindergarten kids was designed to enhance
their level of understanding regarding the natural features within their
locality. The students also learned how to appreciate the environmental
features in their locality and the benefits to humanity and other elements in
the ecosystem. The objective of the first lesson was to sensitize students
about the different landforms using practical examples they have come across
and also the vocabulary used in the unit. I assessed students' understanding
using oral questions regarding the natural features. The objective for the
second lesson was the use of existing resources like topographical maps in
identifying the natural features in South Carolina. I assessed students’
mastery by use of oral assignments of naming all the features identified during
the lesson and their locations as well as a takeaway assignment of making
observations and noting the features they identify. The third lesson involved the use of
audio-visuals with natural features to be identified by the students.
I was certain that the objectives were met by a majority
of the students based on their scores on the assessment given after the third
lesson. Out of a class of thirty (30) students; twenty-one (21) scored more
than 70 %. The results indicated that an approximate of 80 % of the objectives
was met. I think that the mastery levels were average and the data obtained
informed me of the areas to focus on to enhance student understanding of the
concept. The strategy of reviewing the previous day's work before the lesson
helped the students to do well. I could have provided more resources like
documentaries to the students to ensure that they learn more about natural
features in their locality. One objective of ensuring maximum mastery level in
recognizing the natural features was not met. I will allocate the extra time of
instruction and also organize a field trip to see the natural features to
enhance the students’ level of understanding.
I learned that the method of instruction is critical in
determining the level of understanding of the students, hence necessary to be
accommodative. The three-day lessons were successful in meeting the set
objectives. The unexpected issues that happened include machine failure when
using the audiovisual and unruly student who disturbed others in the classroom.
I requested for another machine which worked efficiently and counseled the
unruly student after the first lesson on how to conduct himself in class. The
students benefited from the lesson as I had planned as evident from their
performance. The most important aspect of changing to increase student learning
is the method of instruction to avoid over-reliance on verbal method and
adopting real-life experiences.
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