Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Internship action research paper

In this iteration, I had my roles and responsibilities explained as per the internship requirements for an Android web application developer intern. The roles and responsibilities included the Reporting Manager details, a list of day to day activities and the time log details. All the employees have handouts that have business requirement details, technical documents and reference materials (Bengali, personal communication, February 05, 2015).
In the training day, I got myself ready for the day’s task and at 8 am I was in the Klogic Inc. premises. I reported to the reporting manager guided me to my Assistant Android web application developer who was to take me through the training session on my roles and responsibilities. The developer led me to the training room where I met other internees, and we had an exchange of ideas before the training commenced. We had the guide through some of the requirements, rules and regulations under which the company operates. The rules included National regulations on the applications that are in development concerning any business activities of a company. He asked us about the basic programming skills especially about HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript as they were the baseline for the Android web application development task. The thorough knowledge of the web development languages would be useful during the rest of the internship period in the company ( J. Peterson, Personal Communications, February 07, 2015).

I received a work schedule in the roles and responsibilities training session with which I would be counterchecking to see the areas of concern. The script contained the tasks that I was to be in involvement in, and I was required to be keen and attentive as they would set the baseline for the rest of the internship period in Klogic Inc. If I performed well in the Internship period that I would be there, they would consider taking me as one of their employees after the Internship ( J. Peterson, Personal Communications, February 07, 2015). Those made me develop more interest and closer attention during the training session on my responsibilities as I understood that if I got it wrong on the session then I would lose a lot. The familiarization on other Android development tools; the ADTs was also essential to everything about Android application development needed to be on my fingertips.
Training on Android development tools
When the introduction to the day’s activities was over, we embarked on the serious business of the training session that was the major activity of the day. The development was to take place on a PC, but it would have deployment on mobile phones and other platforms.  We used Android version 4.2 and API Level 17. He guided me in downloading the ADT bundle and its extraction in a place that is sensible.  He taught me on how to name the fields in an Android project following the required rules. He then guided me to the opening of the SDK manager file from where I was to work. He guided me through the development of Jellybeans using the Android SDK Tools and the Android SDK platform Tools. We also used the Eclipse IDE development platform through with the ADT plug-in that is the custom plug-in for Eclipse.  After that development, he showed me how to debug the app.
Training on HTML5
I learned of the DOCTYPE declaration as well as the character encoding/charset declaration.  I then had training on how to utilize the new features in HTML 5 including the semantic, control attributes, graphic elements, and multimedia elements. I learned how to apply the features in my responsibilities as an Android web application developer and they gave me more insight. I also learned on the HTML5 application programming interfaces. The APIs included HTML Geolocation, drag and drop, web workers, local storage, application cache and SSE.
Training on JavaScript
JavaScript is a web application language that helps in the creation of dynamic web pages (M. Crane, Personal Communications, February 20, 2015).  I learned about functions; the reason for their usage and how the to use them. I also learned how to create loops in JS, that is, the for loop and the while loops. I learned on how to go about in the control flow of a program. Finally on JS, I learned how to create arrays and data structure objects.
Training on CSS3
CSS3 helps in controlling the style and layout of multiple web pages all at once. I learned how to use CSS3 in defining the margins, tables, fonts, the borders, padding, the alignment, positioning, floating, etc. I followed the developer closely as I made necessary inquiries where and when necessary.
Training on ADTs
The training session was quite informative as it gave me the opportunity to acquire many new ideas that I did not have before. I learned through the training on how to create Android web apps that are market-oriented and how to build them to meet customer demands. I observed that the naming of the fields is essential when beginning a project before any coding takes place. It helped me to know how to debug an app once you create it and to make it scalable. I learned a lot of things writing that very short period that were very crucial in the light of my internship period with Klogic Inc. I learned that millions of people interact with Android apps, and that gave me an interest to venture into the field in the future.
Training on HTML5
I observed that there were many features in HTML5 that are not in the basic HTML or other versions of HTM. The new features aided in the development of dynamic web pages that were attractive and well aligned.
Training on JavaScript
I observed that when you integrate the script language into the HTM documents, there are added functionalities included in the way the page looks. The JS scripts also help in the creation of connections to other pages and the server. The JS helped in the designing of fields in the forms that could take data and make it possible to refresh the field forthwith.
Training on CSS3
This most recent version of CSS comes with the inclusion of many features that make the organization of pages to look professional and appealing. I observed that you can arrange the tables, fields, paragraphs, and the content in any way that you desire using CSS3. I observed that with CSS3, you do not have to define page organization for every page, but rather you can define all pages at once using a single CSS file.
Training on ADT
The training on the use of ADT tools gave me a quality of insight that I always desired to possess as an Android web applications developer. I got to know how to use the tools, each with its purpose and the way to handle them.

Training on JS
The training on JS added to the knowledge that I had from school. The training unfolded many issues that I did not understand before. It gave me the confidence to handle any task of Android web application development that requires the application of JS knowledge.
Training on HTML5
The training on HTML5 was beneficial to me through most of the things taught were those on which I had prior experience. I suggest that the training should major on the areas that the intern does not have thorough knowledge so as to save time for other essential tasks.
Training on CSS3
I came to find out that the many problems with the design of web pages have a solution with CSS3. With only one or two CSS3 pages, you can organize the whole web project without much difficulty as much as you understand clearly the pages’ requirements. The training on the functionalities of CSS3 took much time because of the many features found there. It was very helpful to me as I did not have much experience with CSS. I developed an interest in it and after the session, I was able to carry out a small task to implement the knowledge learned on CSS3. I had conviction that I would take up any task for Android web application development in future.

Iteration 3: Development of web pages, design, analysis, implementation, maintenance and testing
The core tasks in this iteration were the development of web pages using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Other tasks also include assisting with design, analysis, implementation, maintenance and testing of software. I was to take part in the setting up and configuring development servers via code versioning software. I would have involvement in carrying out research on emerging trends in tools and frameworks and incorporate them into existing systems. Web development would take place in IDEs like Eclipse and source control tool (Bengali, personal communication, February 05, 2015).
I took some time at home to review what I learned during the last iteration of the training on my roles and responsibilities. I also had an opportunity to have a look at the website of Klogic Inc so as to find out the tasks involved in what I was going to be doing in this iteration. I met with the Android app web developer that was responsible for taking me through this session and had the review of the responsibilities. I was to be performing all my tasks under his guidance and consultation where necessary. He told me the rules to follow in all the activities in the web development and how to carry out each stage of SDLC as required. He gave me the schedule that I would be following and insisted that I had to complete everything according to that schedule.
He told to follow all the rules of programming as outlined in every programming language where applicable and to do a consultation before carrying out any critical task. He provided me with the PC that I would be using during the performance of my tasks. Failure to follow the rules laid down by the organization would be a punishable offense (M. Crane, Personal Communications, February 26, 2015). I planned to abide by the rules as required so that would not find myself on the wrong side of the law and thus fall victim of the punishment. I would ensure that I work to meet the objectives, the mission and vision of the organization as I gain experience as an intern in Android web Development application.
I gathered information that would be relevant and helpful in developing an e-commerce Android web application. The requirements gathering techniques involved observation, survey, interview and questionnaire. I gathered enough information from various users of Android devices and also the project team members and this gave me a good background on where to begin. I did the analysis of the gathered information on requirements under the help of the Android developer. The gathering of requirements was vital as it would aid in developing an Android web application that can have implementation by many companies and Android mobile users. Development an app specifically for Android meant that the app would reach many people as many people nowadays use the Android devices (S. James, Personal Communications, February 27, 2015). After I analyzed the requirements gathered, I draw a sketch of the plan to help me in knowing the areas I should consider and how different parts of the app have linkage.
I created the HTML5 pages and ensured that they worked properly. All of the pages and the images were in a common folder so that linking them would be easy. Every page had a link to the connection page that was in JavaScript. I ensured that the pages had the right mixture of colors and images that would be captivating to users and at the same time be easy to use. I developed the form page with JavaScript and HTML5. That is because an e-commerce application would require a form that helps in the accomplishing of transactions online. I defined the structure of all the web pages using CSS3, and this is the task that gave me some hell of a time. After I had developed all the web pages, it was now the time to carry out the tests of all the pages to ensure they worked as required. The testing took place by the help of the project team as I remained watching to note where I made mistakes in my work. Every single test involved the creation of test cases that would aid in pinpointing the areas where more testing was needful.      
After the testing was over and the review by the testing reviews team, the app was ready for implementation. The testing covered most of the platform so as to make sure that the app was platform independent. They first of all tested the app on the personal computer that I was using, and when it worked as required, they did the necessary changes for optimization purposes and deployed it on Android device. The task of the development took the required time that it was to take in light of the schedule, and all the objectives were in achievement. The Android web application senior developer, other developers, and the testing team complemented me for the work well done.
I observed that with good knowledge and experience in Android web application development, plus the knowledge of the web programming languages is vital. With the thorough and experience on the same, you could develop an Android web app without much difficult even though you were not an excellent developer. I observed that the Android web application developer that was assisting me with consultation was a good man that was willing to help where necessary. The pages required were many, and their organization was hectic, but with the knowledge on the relationships among the pages, their organization would not be a problem at all. I also made the observation that with in-depth knowledge on CSS3, the structure of the pages was a very easy task as it helped you to define the structure of all the pages. You however needed to link the page to the CSS3 file depending on which section of the code you wanted to have an effect on a particular part of the page.
I observed that every project must fully follow the stages of software development life cycle because it is the standard guide to the development of every project. The requirements gathering and the testing process among the other stages of SDLC were very crucial. The gathering of requirements helps you to understand how to proceed in meeting your objectives. The testing process helps you examine whether the system meets the set objectives as well as optimizing the newly developed system or software. The testing took a lot of time because of the long process of carrying out unit tests, creating test cases and the time-consuming review process.
Through this session where I practically participated in the actual tasks, I was able to learn many things especially in light of the challenging situations encountered with during the entire process. I was able to complete the project assignment within the required time span and with barely nothing lacking concerning the objectives of the project. I learned how to work under a busy schedule without arguing or complaining as I used to. Also, the interaction with other staff and the team members inculcated a team spirit in me that would be imperative in my future career. I came to understand how a timeline is vital for any activity that one carries out as there was a timeline in Klogic Inc for every task in which employees engaged.
I realized that there had to be a review taking place after testing, and that was an obligation of the review team. The team would review the test cases and recommend for further testing to take place. I however did not have involvement in much of the testing and in the entire process of reviewing test cases. I suggest that vital processes like the testing of the new system should involve interns as they are there to learn. That would help them to know how to counteract any occurrence of the situation in their future career. The interns also had involvement in many tasks unlike the actual employees, and this made some of the employees to be idle instead of finding out something else to do. I suggest that the company should assign the employees other tasks when even though interns are there to help them.

Iteration 4: Database design: forms and reports
In this iteration, I explain how the designing of a database in a given application area. In particular, I had involvement in the building of forms, reports, and their authentication.  The forms and reports are a major point of interaction between end users and web apps, and the many apps are usually in deployment in cloud computing (Bengali, personal communication, March 01, 2015).
    Before the actual day of the activity, in met with the database administrator who explained to me what I was to do during this iteration. He gave the timetable schedule that contained the activities I was to carry out. The rules and regulations under which I was to work had a clear explanation. He gave a day to prepare for the same before commencing the assignment. The assistant Android Developer, Mr. Moffat was the one to supervise my working and offer me the necessary assistance where and when needed. I went and carried out some research on how to design database forms, reports and integrate them to authenticate users. The forms and reports would be for an advanced app that can have deployment in Android environment. I went through the functional, and nonfunctional requirements, as well as the objectives so, has to comprehend what I was to do.
The schedule was tight this time, but I had a determination to put more effort in ensuring that the work had accomplishment in the given scope of time, quality, and resources. Mr. Moffat encouraged me on how to create a plan on the way I would go in accomplishing the task vested in me. He emphasized the importance of making a consultation in case I would be in a quagmire.  I planned to work as per the expectations and to make necessary consultations with Mr. Moffat so as to develop something that would be of high quality. I gathered all the necessary information that would aid in carrying out the assignment.
With Android’s SQLite Database, I would be able to create database tables that would communicate with forms and reports. But my obligation was to create tables and forms first.
I created forms as per the requirements, including all the text areas, radio buttons, list boxes, dropdowns, file upload fields, hidden fields, checkboxes, and date fields with calendar selection. I created the cascading fields that would prompt users with relevant options whereby the selection of one dropdown is the one to determine the values of a second drop-down. I included the voice CAPTCHA for the visually impaired.  I created the auto emails to generate automatic notifications via email upon form submission. I also included the image resize for the purpose of managing large images. I also included conditional rules for the making of the form dynamic to fine tune fields based on user entries.
I had a requirement to create reports that were powerful and easy to manage, analyze and secure data as well as streamlining the processes. Created rich user interfaces by utilizing different report layouts, for instance, tabular, grid, list, and calendar view. I created business intelligent dashboards by integrating various charts and reports on the pages. I enforced the record level security so as to allow each user to view only the data authorized by them. I created advance reports that would have the capability to perform calculations, aggregation and groupings such as totals and averages. I included the capability to allow users to download their search results, and I also included the capability to view files and location-based data on Google maps.
I authenticated the users from the following perspectives: self-registration, record level security, allowance for a password, username stamp, single sign-on and encrypted passwords. The authentication took place with the help of JavaScript at the reports and form level. I connected all the pages to the database as the database would be responsible for providing the necessary general authentication for the app. I did the authentication keenly so that there would be no information security loophole.
I observed that the creation of forms entailed a lot that I thought before because of the many fields in involvement. I needed to be cautious in the way I arrange the fields and the exact data that the fields would be able to receive. There were to be fields that could take text only; others would take characters only while another field would take alphanumeric characters. The cascading fields were normally vital, and their structure was something of utmost importance (B. Jobson, Personal Communications, March 03, 2015). That is because I had to put the relevant and related information in the drop down menu as the selection of any fields in the menu would determine what followed next. Another hectic task was the inclusion of the voice CAPTCHA for the visually impaired people, something about which I had to be careful.
I observed that the reports were something very crucial in any web app as they carried the information on the processes where the users had interaction. The reports were to display the necessary information to the users that would help them to make decisions about their actions and progress. I observed that the reports had to be of different layouts as that would aid the users in selecting the report layout that would be most appropriate for their tasks. Also, the possibility for the user to download reports is something that would make a web app attracts more usage by many people. That is because many users of the Internet would require not only viewing reports but also sometimes being able to download and archive those reports for future references.
Authentication was a vital element according to my observation because if there would be no authentication then there would be insecurity issues on the information. Without proper authentication, some intruders can access the accounts of other users that they should not have access to and thus bring out other flaws. I observed that authentication needed to have provision at the user level and the database level. All the passwords for users had to be safe in the servers of the company because the app would be a cloud computing service.
Many web applications normally involve interaction in a two-way process whereby the users have to communicate with the service providers and vice versa. Through the forms, the user had to provide all their credentials that would help the service provider to know which type of clients they were dealing with and what type of information the clients wanted. I learned that the forms had to have a good structure with all the features that were necessary to allow the service provider of the app to acquire the critical information on their clients. It aided me to refresh my knowledge and insight on creating of forms. I realized that forms entailed more than I knew before.
Web apps ought to contain reports, and so is the Android we app. It gave me an opportunity to create reports that I did not know how to create before, thus giving me more experience with and Android web app application. The knowledge of the different report layouts assisted me in comprehending on how to create reports that satisfy the needs of various users of Android web apps. I understood on how to design the database so as to accommodate the various reports and images that would be in provision by and to the users of the app.
Through the process of authenticating users, I learned how to provide the various levels of authentication, for instance, the record level authentication and user level authentication. The authentication ensured the integrity of information because information is very vital, and there should be tampering of the same without authorization by the owner. The iteration helped me a lot in gain more insight that would help me in my future career as an Android web application developer.

Iteration 5: The Application Interface Programming
 In this iteration, I had involvement in the creation of an application interface development for the e-commerce developed early in my assigned project. I was to utilize the third party APIs like Amazon, eBay, etc., which holds data in JSON would have a conversion to the desired format and would conform to the business needs.  The web would be a responsive one that would use the libraries like Bootstrap and needed to be device compatible (J. Peterson, Personal Communications, March 07, 2015).
I had a meeting a meeting with the senior Android developer Mrs. Chess, who was to take me trough the development of the API for the e-commerce app. She had nine years of experience in the field of Android web application development and with her long life skills; I would gain more understanding as my internship approached the end.  She explained to me what I require to do and how she would assist me in the technical areas so that the app would be of high quality and would have deployment in Android powered devices. The interface is the interaction point between Android web app users and the Android, service provider. With a poorly developed app, many companies would not utilize it in making transactions as it would not attract many clients. So the API had to take place in the most captivating ways as possible so that companies would be ready to use in their Internet business transactions.
I drew the rough sketch utilizing the wireframe model on how the interface should look with reference to the leading e-platforms like Amazon and eBay. We planned to do every task as require within the specified time span that we had from the Klogic Inc. With her long experience, I knew that Mrs. Chess would help in much of the tasks as it was my first time to have involvement in such a complicated task. We planned to do everything and to underscore all the objectives of that project as outlined in the project requirements.
We used the common pattern for building the API utilizing JSON via the Pragmatic REST, building the second native app (Android), then a mobile website and finally making the web responsive. By the help of the senior developer, I built the JavaScript pages that would allow for continuous enhancement of the app. Then utilizing the Pragmatic REST structure, I created the website in a way that the users would be able to choose which information to view at an instance. I include the hypermedia types like Hal and collection+ json as they are the hypermedia types that JSON supports. I utilized the Adaptive Web Design strategy (AWD) to create a dynamic API that would allow progressive enhancements.
For the provision of more functionalities and support of a variety of devices, I utilized the semantic markup for HTML5 as well as the microformat style for the domain specific information. Through the adaptive web design, I was able to make provision for desktop and mobile browsers with adaptation even for the continuous updates to those browsers. The application would work in real-time, and it was an API-centric application that would have functionality across devices through API calls. For more functionality and web app responsiveness, I included the Cordova wrapping technology to give more power to HTML5.
The technology would give the HTML5 application the access to native features of the devices such as cameras via a JavaScript bridge API. I made the user interface to be as captivating as possible so that business enterprises would be able to use that web platform in doing their business. The senior developer, Mrs. Chess helped to make the API more appealing and also in the optimization of the same. We ensured that the interface contained only the necessary information with the space for images of products. We also utilized the reports and forms of the last iteration to make the app more practical and applicable. The app had a review by the quality review team, and they gave a go-ahead for the implementation of the app. It would go to the market so as to get the necessary views of users, if there would be more functionality in requirement then the app would have improvement before full implementation.
The process of API development was a hectic one that required more concentration and the working of the development from the perspective of the users. I observed that the gathered information in the requirements gathering phase was very much indispensable. The information on requirements was useful in helping us understand where to start and where to progress to next. The forms and reports that I created in iteration four also helped a lot as they saved us the effort of having to create other forms again that would contain all the features needed. I observed that much had to take place in regard to the interface just like in the coding.
I observed that with the proper know-how and literature review, it possible for one to create an interface that is functional all round as per the area of application. It was necessary for the app to support all Android powered devices but also by extension, it would have to support a variety of devices so as to reach many consumers. I observed that Android apps are easy to create and that there is a lot of information available that is imperative to help Android developers to develop web apps that are market-oriented and fully functional.
Another vital element that I noted is that before you carry out any activity you have to have a plan before beginning and work as per that plan’s guidelines. I also observed that any system had to follow the steps of SDLC, whether it was a simple app or a complicated system or software. The SDLC is the standard procedure that all projects have to undergo so as for the developers and those concerned about the outcome to have conviction and contentment in the developed system. User involvement in a project that has a market orientation provides the required ideas, and their ignorance would lead to failure of the project (B. Jobson, Personal Communications, March 25, 2015). I observed that the work of Android web app development was very involving because of the many coding that one had to carry out and the need to outdo the many Android apps in the market.
The API development project gave me a lot of insight in the area of Android web application development. I had to interact with a number of development tools (ADTs) by the time I would finish the development of the project. The API development was one of the most enjoyable tasks I had involvement in Klogic Inc and the one that was very enriching with information. You had to put yourself in the shoes of the users of the Android web app so that you design an app that entailed the functions in a requirement. I did not have much knowledge as I never had any chance to have involvement in such as a complex and critical project.
With the interaction of such technologies such as Cordova, SQLite and the related ones useful in Android web app development; I acquired enough confidence in my area of profession tasks. The company gave me a good chance as an Android web application developer intern to have more practical oriented work that would help boost my skills in that area of interest. Everything went on as planned, and the project development was in the required scope of quality and schedule. I developed the skills of working under a tight schedule and with minimum supervision without compromising the objective of quality results.
The whole process in the Klogic Inc was an involving one and captivating at the same time as I was eager always to learn something new, and I achieved my objectives. With that essential knowledge gained from the internship, I would take up any project regardless of its complexity that involved Android web app development in the future.  With the motivation of my supervisors and other employees of the company, I developed a different perception regarding the area of Android web app development. After the session, I had my morale for my career provoked and through that I knew I would become an expert Android app developer in the future. I discovered that my career was very vital through the internship in Klogic Inc.

Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.

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