Standardization refers to research
process that involves careful selection of test items. It also involves
administration of items in a sample drawn from defined population as well as
statistical analysis of results that establishes age based norms that develops
instructions and response scoring procedures. Standardized test is required to
be self contained by having all needed stimulus materials as well as various
recording forms should be specified. Instrument should facilitate uniform
administration and scoring responses implemented by different examiners within
a valid setting to minimize any influence of different examiners. Instruments
should ensure that settings are implemented on skills being measured.
Standardized test are usually norm
referenced. A norm referenced test refers to test that ‘are standardized. Norm
referenced tests helps in comparing client’s performance wi0th another
performance of another group of individuals referred to as normative group. A
norm refers to performance measure of given normative group based on a tested
skill. A normative group refers to a representative sample of individuals of
same age as well as same sex wi0th client where possible.
Selected normative sample should
have the following characteristics
Size of sample should be less than 100 making
sample meet minimum requirement of sample size. Otherwise, sample results to
test of extremely limited application
Selected standardized sample should reveal ethnocultural
and social economic levels. Various varieties of samples should be selected as
well as different sub samples to facilitate effectiveness of test
During selection of children participants various
variables like IQ or medical status of selected sample should tested. Sample
should reveal range of education and occupation of parents
The sample should show descriptive statics. It
should contain means and standard deviations for all sampled groups for the
test items. The administered items should show additional statistical
transfor6mation of raw scores like percentiles
Test items selected
should represent skills that require to be measured. Results are analyzed to
establish normal distribution cores. Normal distributed scores is represented by
bell shaped curve with wide range of scores or values measured aligned on
horizontal axis while number of participants receiving scores aligned on
vertical axis. Bell shaped curve result because more people are concentrated at
middle at center of tendency at median and mean scores. Decrease in
concentration of people is noted as one move away from middle.
Peak of bell shaped
curve represent central tendency representing mean, median and average score on
performance of test called 50th percentile. Mean represents
statistical average of individual’s performance. However individual scores may
not correspond with the mean they may show deviation. The extent in which
individual scores deviates away from mean is referred to as standard deviation.
Raw score of an
individual refers to initial score given based on correct responses to items being
tested. Raw scores of different individuals can be compared with one another.
Most standardized scores are statistically transformed to other scores referred
to as derived scores or scales. They are compared to show strengths and
limitations. Methods of transforming raw sores i0nkto scale score include
percentiles scales, standard scores, and stanines.
Percentiles: represents
percentage of people in standardization sample scoring below, at or above a
given raw score.
Standard Scores
(Z- and T-Stores): represents a degree at which child score deviates from mean
score it is usually expressed in form of standard deviation (SD).
Stanine: it statistical
product based on nine unit scale having a mean of 5 ,it represents average performance
and an SD with an approximation of 2.
Gregory, R. J.
(2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson.
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