goes without saying that no association or any enterprise wants to lose its
data or the control over the data that forms the center for any organization’s
effective running. The data administrators are straightforwardly identified
with the responsibility of overseeing security and proper administration of the
data being stored in the databases. There are various issues in the
organization in this case study that pertains to the wrong structure that
hinders the coordination of activities where the data management is
inclusive. The most prevalent issue that
can be observed in this case study is the nonappearance of an information
management methodology. The company
management wants to pursue a national brand, but there is a lack of better data
frameworks that can help to enhance their vision. The firm has been undergoing some issues
while attempting to solidify the business.
The structures that have also been identified with the information are
conflicting with one another, and so the company needs to lay out a strategy to
resolve that.
The Key Business
Challenges that are facing Homestyle
The information
is being collected by analysts and then given to the hostel management to make
the required decisions on running the chain. The major dispute that is
observable is concerning the level of management that should best utilize the
information and the managers that are responsible for making decisions.
There are two
distinct divisions in this hotel chain namely, the hotels and the resort
section, whereby each has its directors.
The LOBS making the merger have
retained a solid identity from before the merger. There is a lack of connected corporate vision
since each side has retained its individual identity.
It is also apparent that the separate visions
in the chain are putting a constraint in the information gathering process
since each presents different perspectives.
There was a decision to initiate a third party
application investment application that would help in the information
management, but the problem that is observable is that the chain has been
unable to determine the best vendor out of the two that are possible
The merger has
not conceived the essence of having an information management systems save for
one person who broad on board the insight concerning the capability of IT in
information management and delivery.
The issues
concerned with the controls and the organization vision have resulted in a
conflict of interest concerning the approach that can be used to implement the
information management in the company.
Discussion Questions
1. Does it
make good marketing sense to integrate across the various lines of business
represented by Homestyle Hotels? What exactly would you combine (beyond
financial information) and why?
is imperative to integrate the systems between the two lines of business even
if the merger should realize the organizational vision. The integration of the
system would make it possible to for the senior management to keep track on
every aspect of the enterprise at all its hotels. Additionally, the integration
of the system can aid the management in learning about the capabilities that
can be offered by each line of business thereby choosing best alternative
possible from each side. Having a
streamlined system all throughout an organization helps in the development of a
better national brand (Keller,
Parameswaran, & Jacob, 2011).
Therefore, clients get the same type of service as well as experience at all
the Homestyle locations in the country.
things that I can recommend to be integrated include human resources system,
the financial system, and a common information and information management
strategy where the management can access the information regarding performance
for each hotel. The integration of the
human resource system that can support the business plan is recognized as a
fundamental part of any the business planning process (Briggs & Keogh, 1999). Researchers argue that integrating the HR strategy
as well as the strategic planning is paramount to achieving the business
excellence. The achievement of excellence in organizational business strategy
is the most important factor that aids in achieving the vision, mission as well
as the corporate goals (Larsson
& Finkelstein, 1999). That offers a
unique opportunity to having a holistic view of the organization, with the
primary focus being on the entire organization as well as the total team as the
main concepts. Also, the people will get to do things as required as there will
be a better management that has a holistic view.
2. Outline an approach for Homestyle to follow in to
decide between the two software alternatives (i.e., HC and CR)? What selection
criteria would you use? Who should make the decision?
first thing that should take place in the company while it is pursuing the best
software options is outlining of organizational goals for this initiative. That will make it necessary to devise an IM
policy and have a corporate sponsor for the same will be very useful. The leaders
from both lines of business will need to meet and figure out how and where the
will get involved in the organization and the application under
development. Any plans that are being
made in the organization should be clearly communicated to all the leaders of
the merger. The business also needs to work with the information technology
section in a bid to implement a cohesive technology and information management
system. Many times this work has been left to the IT people only. The overall
vision should then be laid out, and this will overrule the visions for each
hotel forming the merger.
selection criteria that I can propose to be used in selecting the best software
vendors can is the consideration of each vendor’s alignment with the corporate
vision that has been developed.
According to Ben Garett (from the text page 197), it is important to
align the information technology with the business as that would help the
senior managers to have better control over the branding, marketing, and
operations. The focus on the overall
vision will help the company in moving towards one direction, and that is the
improved organizational performance (Amaratunga & Baldry, 2002). The Hotels confidential can be a better
alternative if the hotel managers are the ones that will be managing the
hotel’s issues via the organizational vision.
The decision criteria that will be used for choosing between the two
vendors is control and knowledge enhancement as well as how these add value to
the business. The decision should also
come from the top with a substantial buy-in from the divisions.
issues that have been discussed pertain to the Homestyle hotels where there is
a problem with information management. That issue is brought about by
conflicting visions for each line of business and therefore merging their
visions can help to verge towards one direction of improved performance. The
paper has outlined what should be done, and if this carefully put into
consideration, then the organization will select the best vendor who can
deliver value to the organization. The information management will also be
streamlined therefore helping to achieve the corporate vision and objectives.
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S., & Keogh, W. (1999). Integrating human resource strategy and strategic
planning to achieve business excellence. Total Quality Management, 10(4-5),
Keller, K.
L., Parameswaran, M. G., & Jacob, I. (2011). Strategic brand management:
Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.
R., & Finkelstein, S. (1999). Integrating strategic, organizational, and
human resource perspectives on mergers and acquisitions: A case survey of
synergy realization. Organization science, 10(1), 1-26.
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