Friday, November 16, 2018

Answers fro case study questions and planning for disaster recovery

Chicago Tribune's Server Consolidation a Success
1.    The order of the characteristics of infrastructure
Infrastructure architecture is the hardware; software as well as the telecommunications equipment that are combined to offer the underlying foundation that supports the goals of an enterprise. The solid i9nfrstactur architecture as highlighted in the case includes flexibility, scalability, reliability availability, and performance. The correct order is as follows.
1)    Performance
2)    Availability
3)    Reliability
4)    Flexibility
5)    Scalability

2.    A disaster recovery cost curve. Where the Tribune should operate on the curve
A disaster recovery costs curve shows the cost an organization occurs due to the unavailability of technology and information as well as the cost incurred when the organization is recovering from a given disaster over time.  That is to say that the cost recovery curve is used to show how much it will cost a company to recover from a disaster and the amount it will cost the company in case of unavailability of critical technology and information. The curve should take into consideration the costs of losing technology and information in each department as well as the entire organization. In the first few hours of the disastrous event, the costs may be low, but as time goes, they begin increasing. In case a disastrous event occurs and causes failure of the data center, there will be high costs incurred, but that may also mean faster recovery (3-minute delay in our case) that can, in turn, lower the costs (Baltzan, 2009). That means Tribune ought to operate on the left side of the optimal point in the disaster recovery curve.
3.    Backups and recovery. Risks to Tribune’s business due to lack of an adequate backup
A backup is data copy that is taken from the database and is useful for reconstructing the data. Recovery, on the other hand, is the ability to get a system back to its normal functioning after the event of a disaster that causes failure of that system.  If Tribune fails to execute a backup plan properly and it loses its servers, that can handicap the company’s operations.  For instance, it is shown that a 5-hour intermittent operation led to $1 million loss of revenue and expenses (McMeekin, 2004). The lack of an adequate plan can also make the organization to lose its reputation, court sanctions, compromised legal position, bankruptcy, and fines.
4.    Why a scalable and highly available EA is critical to Tribune Company’s current operations and future growth
Scalable enterprise architecture is the one that increases in performance after the addition or removal of hardware. On the other hand, availability of a system is the percentage of time that the system normally works and attempting to reduce any unscheduled outages.  High availability will help Tribune to have agility and flexibility in changing as per the changes in business needs.  High availability to the company would mean new servers, redundant data centers, virtualization, among others.  Scalability of their systems would help the company to change appropriately and meet the demands of the ever-changing competitive industry.
5.    Need for information security in Tribune Company
The company is one of the top media companies in the US, meaning that it if prone to the man-made harm of its information system (McMeekin, 2004).  A natural disaster is also common, and they may occur anytime and disrupt the company’s operations. It is, therefore, crucial to have information security in the company.

6.    How the Tribune Company use classified Web services across its businesses
The company had to write a Web service code and then use it across the different businesses. In Web services, one only writes a code once and reuses it as many times as they may want.
Planning for Disaster Recovery
It is crucial for Beltz to develop a disaster recovery plan due to its location in an area that experiences hurricanes. A disaster recovery plan provides the strategies that are essential to restoring the hardware, data, and applications in time so as to meet the company’s business objectives (Snedaker & Rima 2014). The vulnerability of the company to hurricanes and other natural disaster means that it is operating in an unsafe environment. The loss of its data and information and assets through the disasters can threaten the survival of the company. The disaster recovery will help the company to recover quickly from disasters with minimal loss of operations.
Disaster Recovery Scenario
The scenario specifically addressed in this disaster recovery plan is the loss of access to information, the computer center and the data processing capabilities resulting from the hurricanes and natural disasters.  The disaster recovery plan will only entail the recovery of the critical information systems. In the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster, key personnel will have to take immediate action of alerting the disaster recovery center (Factor, 2002).
Recovery Strategy
The strategy for recovery addressed here is the relocation of the critical information systems to the alternate site. The recovery services will have recoverability at the DR services provider location of the hot site.  It will be the responsibility of the DR services provider to ensure that the information system configurations and the network related requirements are correct and technically feasible all the time.
The Recovery Phases
Phase 1
    In the event of the declared disaster, the operations will have to be moved to the DR backup site as well as the emergency operations center.  That activity should commence with the DRP activation. The period that will be allowed for the organization as well as the turnover of the backup site is only 24 hours. The recovery operations will be under the guidance of the disaster recovery manager.
Phase 2
   The second phase will entail the recovery of critical business functions, the critical network connectivity and recovery of the critical applications.  The goal, in this case, is to recover critical systems so that the company’s clients can continue business. Before the restoration of the critical business functions, the secondary site should be thoroughly tested so as to ensure that it is safe and that all the facilities like technology are working properly (Factor, 2002).  The testing of technology and other facilities will be led by the technical officer.
Phase 3
   The third phase will involve the returning of data processing operations to the primary facilities after it has been ensured that the primary site is safe from the disaster.  The disaster recovery manager should ensure that the disaster recovery team performs their tasks as required so as to have a successful recovery within the recovery time objective.

Phase 4
 The fourth phase will entail highlighting the lessons learned from the disaster and the recovery activities so as to make the necessary changes to the plan. The lessons learned will help to refine the DRP and make sure that in the future in case such a disaster occurs; the recovery will be much easier (Snedaker & Rima 2014).
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Baltzan, P. (2009). Chicago Tribune’s server consolidation success. In P. Baltzan, Essentials of Business Driven Information Systems.
Factor, A. (2002). Analyzing application service providers: [ASP business models, designs, architectures, methodologies, enabling technologies, economics, and more]. Palo Alto, Calif: Sun Microsystems Press.
McMeekin, T. (2004). Chicago Tribune invests in technology to guard against disaster. 
Snedaker, S., & Rima, C. (2014). Business continuity and disaster recovery planning for IT professionals (2nd Ed.). Waltham, MA: Syngress.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in research paper services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for professional research proposal writing services.

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