Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Argumentative Essay Dealing with a Local Issue

The legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members of the public. The freedom embraced by the state to establish a strong foundation for creating the job opportunities has contributed to the individuals taking the opportunity to embezzle funds as well as attacking the society. Surely the legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members of the public.
The lack of proper working conditions due to poor wages and salaries has contributed to most of the individuals implementing new methodologies to earn their daily bread. The society has discovered smarter and more effective and efficient methodologies to gain monetary value without implementing difficult techniques and terminologies. The factors contributing to increased criteria of draining money from others are due to the wide gap between the rich and the poor. The individuals living below the poverty lines are increasingly defining tricky ideas to ensure that they have shared the wealth earned by the individuals working in white collar jobs like government offices, financial institutions, political positions, major industries (SzeWang, Fong, D Roussinov, and D.B Skillicorn, 2008, 1069). The aspect of the white collar crime, the cyber espionage, the money laundering, and other non-violent methods of draining money and assets has been replaced by effective and efficient social technique of sharing income with the rich in the society (SzeWang, Fong, D Roussinov, and D.B Skillicorn, 2008, 1076). The fact proves true with the cases in Wichita city in Kansas State where the young entrepreneurs have found an open niche for manipulating the public through establishing service-oriented businesses. The business acts as the blackmailing brand for facilitating the main goals and objective of the day to day activity. The demand, popularity, and status of the business attract many to engage in the business where they end up losing and even harassed. However, the big blame remains to the society for legalizing the implementation of innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business leading to increased illegal businesses that manipulate the innocent members of the public. 
The freedom of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to the establishment of a new strategy of earning and draining money in the name of establishing massage service industry. The case in Wachita city in Kansas State implements allows operation of massage service business without necessarily having legal documentations or permits to establish the business. Due to the simplicity of opening the business the Wachita city in Kansas State has flourished with numerous centers offering the services. However, individuals running the business have modified the main purpose of establishing the service industry by turning the business into different ventures altogether. The government has experienced some irregularities reported about the new message service industry. The trends in the innovated massage service industry have shifted from the major objective of providing opportunities for the youths starting industries, secure jobs and earn living to manipulation of the humanity (Petter, Gottschalk, Dean Geoff, and Glomseth, 2012, 18). The cases of victimization have been experienced and reported. The businesses have engaged in illegal businesses where the young ladies and males get harassed by the business owners.
The government argued that the open avenues for the implementing the business have led to the increased number of individuals participating in the illegal business. The current investigations revealed that the current operations are attracting other forms of business exchanges whereby within the massage parlors money is being exchanged for sex.  The Wachita city in Kansas State still upholds the status that they are promoting the entire society to embrace the need and support increased business opportunities. However, the trend seems becoming even worse for the society and the community at large. The recent cases have proved that the strategies applied in the implementation of policies regarding job opportunities have led to increased crimes (Friedrichs, David, 1997, 356). The crimes are trending from the local level to international level where workers from different states have experienced human trafficking. American workers were enticed in one of the message service centers where their capital was drained. The research has revealed that 3000 to 4000 youths in Wachita city in Kansas State are enrolled in the massage service industry.
The Refutation
The argument that the legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members of the public is eventually not convincing by considering several factors. First, the policy making body neglected its job and functions in controlling the number of massage industries within Wachita city in Kansas State. The city council allowed the nonlicensed massage industries get established. The individuals who established the massage industries could not be traced or tracked in case of irregularities. The lack of business permits gives the businesses freedom to establish and engage in any form of the business irrespective of the initial purpose of the business. Thus basing the argument on the failure of authorities to take necessary precautions and ignoring their responsibilities resulted in engaging of the massage industries in illegal businesses (Friedrichs, David, 1997, 363). Hence, the statement the legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members are not a tautology.
Secondly, the implementation of the massage service industries was within the policy, and the local government was aware of the principles and eligibility of the organization to establish the massage industries. The society ignored the etiquette and the legal procedures for conducting themselves. The society should take the initiative of teaching the society about the ethical issues and practices that should be emulated. The nature of the massage and its operation depend on the personal choice and not provocative measures. According to my analysis the manipulated society has the biggest solution to solve in dealing with social aspects, behavior, cultural values, and tradition (Friedrichs, David, 1997, 356). Thus, the arguing that the legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members is false. Since the good practices and moral values should exist within the society and as the culture of individuals. Hence, the innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business have cannot change the behavior and way people live.
The third issue is on the implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business mean that the entire system of inventing, innovating and creativity is a continuous process. The changes in the society are inevitable hence the various new things and aspects discovered do not always mean that they will lead to worst conditions in the society (SzeWang, Fong, D Roussinov, and D.B Skillicorn, 2008, 1070). The invented operations have nothing to do with the changes that occur within the society. The respective bodies have to take over the initiative of collecting and enforcing lawful acts. Therefore, the analogy behind the legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members cannot be true in this case.

The legalization of implementing innovation, invention, and creativity aspects in business has led to increased illegal businesses causing manipulation of innocent members is a basic statement that can pose great argument in the society. We have encountered several innovative ideas in information and technology contributing to serious crimes and dangerous attacks in the world. The innovation contributes the issues like the cyber crime, cyber espionage, cyber attacks, and other computerized operations. Similarly, the white collar crimes, credit card frauds, money laundering and wire crime are also contributed by the innovative operations. However, the crime culture does not exist within the society, like belief, practice, or inheritance. The crime must exist within the social and peer influence. The society should be trained and made aware of the best practices to emulate to prevent the society from engaging in crimes. The raw making body must be responsible enough to control the illegal practices.  
Friedrichs, David O. "The Downsizing of America: a Neglected Dimension of the White Collar
Crime Problem." Crime, Law and Social Change. 26.4 (1997): 351-366. Print.
Petter, Gottschalk, Dean Geoff, and Glomseth Rune. "Police Misconduct and Crime: Bad Apples
or Systems Failure?" Journal of Money Laundering Control. 15.1 (2012): 6-24. Print
SzeWang, Fong, D Roussinov, and D.B Skillicorn. "Detecting Word Substitutions in Text." Ieee
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 20.8 (2008): 1067-1076. Print.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in custom research paper writing service if you need a similar paper you can place your order for essay custom writing services.

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