Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Counselor Content

Identify the terms listed below.  Be sure to be thorough enough in your identification that your understanding of the term and how it is used is obvious.
1.  College readiness
College readiness gets described as the level of preparation a learner requires to enroll and succeed in a credit-bearing general education course at a postsecondary college offering a baccalaureate degree. The college student can understand what is expected of a course, able to cope with its content knowledge and able to master core intellectual lessons of the course.
2.  Bureau of Labor Statistics
It is a principal Federal agency that collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates current significant economic information to the public. This information entails working conditions, labor market activity and changes in prices in the economy.
3.  NCES
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is a federal agency that undertakes oversight role in the education sector both within and outside the nation. Its activities include gathering, collating, analyzing and reporting full statistics about U.S, education, undertake and publish reports and reviewing and reporting what occurs in education.
4.  NCLB
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is an entity that promotes equality and educational excellence among learners by ensuring learner achievement and preparing them for world competitiveness.
5.  Blueprint for Reform
The Blueprint for Reform is a U.S. Act that that aims in providing world class education to American learners. This objective will get attained through improving teacher effectiveness, promoting equity and opportunity, promoting innovation and raising the bar and reward excellence.
6.  STEM
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (STEM) focuses on nurturing skills and giving knowledge to learners in these fields. It is a big concern within and outside America since the fields are critical around the world especially in problem-solving.
7.  NMSI
National Math Science Initiative has programs that aim at closing achievement gaps, closing gender gaps and improving teacher preparation, especially in STEM subjects.
8.  Race to the Top
Race to the top is an initiative that aims at promoting education excellence in the United States through various criteria. The criteria for funding include great teachers and leaders, state success factors, standards and assessments and turning around the lowest-achieving schools.
9.  Bioecological
Bioecological is a theoretical model of human development applied to students with the aim of improving their educational excellence.
10.  Assessment
Assessment is the documenting and reviewing student’s knowledge and skills to know their educational progress. It may get used for decision making in the educational sector.

Identify the theorists:
Give enough identification of the theorists below that your knowledge of these theorists is obvious.
1.  Bronfenbrenner
Bronfenbrenner is a theorist who concentrates on human development and is majorly recognized for his ecological systems theory of child development. He contributed enormously to the development of Head Start Program in 1965 in the United States. 
2.  Young
Young was a theorist whose work covered on gender, language, indigenous rights, development and ecology in human development.
3.  Parsons
Parsons an American sociologist gets known for his theory action theory for the study of society that has a basis of two principles namely the methodological principle of voluntarism and the epistemological principle of analytical realism.
4.  Holland
Holland undertook a comprehensive research on career choice and concluded that to experience greater success in a profession one must choose that suits their personality.
5.  Super
Super’s theory on professional development has contributed greatly to human development. The theory which gets widely referred to, classifies life into various life and profession development phases namely growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and growth.
6.  Gottfredson
Gottfredson developed a theory in career development (Patton, & McMahon, 2014). It assumes that career choice refers to a developmental process that starts in childhood, occupational aspirations show individual’s actions to execute self-concepts, and career satisfaction is dependent on how the choice relates to self-concepts.
Identify stakeholders:
Identify the role of each stakeholder below.  How can each of these people help children develop the skills needed to make informed decisions about career planning?
1.  Counselor
Career counseling is critical in identifying right career, as well as guiding a person towards the right career choice (Nathan & Hill, 2005). Career counseling also offers advice of the negative impacts of operating outside an individual’s skill or engaging in a career that does not suit one’s personality
2.  Teachers
Teachers are very important in a child’s development and especially career development because they greatly influence the learners. Teachers should guide them appropriately as well as identify competencies thus effectively guide on a career. Teachers should also support learners in their careers of choice to ensure they enjoy great success. Teachers should train children adequately to gain enough and relevant knowledge and skills for professional development (Herr & Cramer, 1988).
3.  Administrators
Administrators play a significant role in a child’s development hence should guide them appropriately on career choice. Administrators should also provide adequate information on careers as well as advising them on the suitability of a career. Administrators should monitor the changing trends in careers and pass that information to learners.
4.  Parents and Guardians
Parents and guardians influence learners greatly hence should give them correct advice on career choice as well as support them adequately in pursuing their respective careers.
5.  Community
Community plays a crucial role in influencing a child’s career. The community should have good models for the child to emulate when choosing careers. The community should assist children to develop their skills in the careers of choice.

Herr, E. L., & Cramer, S. H. (1988). Career guidance and counseling through the lifespan: Systematic approaches. Scott, Foresman & Co.
Patton, W., & McMahon, M. (2014). Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice (Vol. 2). Springer.
Nathan, R., & Hill, L. (2005). Career counseling. Sage.

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