Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Literature Review

One well-known impact of the web application has been the reassessment of the process as well as the content of the competitive strategy as well as the information technology strategy.  In the web application space, particularly in the pure-play Web business, both strategy domains seem to act as one while emphasizing strategy making as well as strategy implementation via rolling out plans (Earl & Khan, 2001).  Any business strategy that is not integral to the IT strategy is folly and for that reason programming is one of the areas that help in the development of applications that can help align IT with business.  Not only can we ensure we develop IT applications or build IT infrastructures supporting the current business strategy, but we also need to use the most appropriate technology for developing those applications (Segars & Grover, 1999). For that purpose, the use of Dot Net technology helps in the deployment of business applications that helps businesses conduct their transactions easily efficiently.  People can also carry out their activities effectively and efficiently with the use of powerful web applications developed by Dot Net.
The functionality of any software application has provision via a framework that makes it possible the building of solutions.  It offers infrastructure functionality like scalability, communications, reliability and so on; as well as an application model that enable the developers easily create and assemble applications using different programming languages and tools (Walker et al., 2011). The Dot Net framework offers exactly that functionality that helps developers build; software solutions that have their basis on the Windows platform.  The Dot Net framework comprises of class libraries that as well as a runtime environment for rapidly developing and operating the Web services as well as applications on the Windows OS.  Its vision is to combine a programming paradigm that has easy-of-use with the open protocols of the Internet (Thai & Lam, 2003). Thus, Microsoft, who are the developers of the Dort Net framework, wanted to deliver some goals. 
The Common language Runtime

Fig 1: Major components sof the CLR. Source: Microsoft Corporation (2003). Retrieved from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms954601.aspx
The Common language runtime abbreviated as CLR is a high performing Dot Net engine that is useful for running applications built with the Dot Net framework.  The CLR is very efficient and effective in managing the codes while the development or execution process is taking place. It performs such functions as creating objects, calling methods and so on and it also offers additional services to the code during execution.  Because the CLR automates the code and memory management, it makes the work of developers very simple.  It helps reduce the amount of code that the developer needs to manage due to its features as cross-language exceptional handling, dynamic binding, reflection, lifetime management, event management and strong type-naming (Farrell & Harrison, (2011).

The Unified Class Libraries

Fig 2: The Dot Net Framework unified class library. Source: Developerin.net (2016). 
The earlier programming languages such as Visual C++ and Visual C++ used Microsoft Foundation Classes and the Windows Foundation Classes respectively while Visual Basic makes use of the Visual Basic runtime.   The classes of Doty Net unify all those classes creating a unified set composed of all their features across all languages.  That simplifies the work of developers because they do not have to learn class libraries or multiple object models.   It creates a common set of APIs for all the common programming languages, thus enabling such crucial features as error-handling, cross-language inheritance, and debugging (Richter, 2003).
Metadata and Self-describing Components
The Dot Net framework enables the developers to create self-describing components that aid in simplifying the application development and deployment as it improves system reliability (Goldstein at al., 2012). The accomplishment of self-description is via metadata that is the information residing in the binary for supplementing executable code and offering details regarding dependencies, versions, etc.  The major benefit of self-describing components is that the developer does not need other files so as to use the component.  That contrasts with the typical application developments today that require separate interface description language, type libraries, class definitions, stubs and separate proxies. 
While doing my internship in Dot Net development, I will want to have the experience that I have always desired to have pertaining Dot Net application development.  An internship program provides the student with an experienced learning that amalgamates the knowledge learned in class, enabling one to gain practical experience in his/her profession under the conditions that can enable educational development (Max, 1999).  I will structure it according to the activities in which I expect to have involvement in as in intern in the company.  I will critically evaluate every action and decision, and that will provide me with the basis for making the needed changes for as an intern and for the company. Below is a general outline of the Internship process. 

Iteration 1: Intern Orientation
A great way to introduce an intern into a company is to engage him in an internship orientation meeting that should act as an information delivery as well as a building experience that can make one get to know the organization better (Gault et al., (2000). The orientation will get me off to a good start as it helps me avoid the misunderstandings during the internship period.
Iteration 2: Brainstorming
In the brainstorming session, I will meet with the Dot Net developers for the company, and they will provide me with the relevant information as pertains the collection of business requirements, analyzing and evaluating problematic situations and interpreting findings. The meeting will also introduce me to project development requirements and how to write documentations.
Iteration 3: Requirements Gathering and Planning
In this iteration, I will go to the field and meet with the relevant people that will provide me with the information pertaining the Dot Net application development.  I will analyze the requirements gathered as per the guidelines provided during the brainstorming session and then make the necessary interpretations of the findings.
Iteration 4: Application Development and Problem Solving 
In this iteration, I will work on the assigned project and help in the solving of impending problems that require the development of that application. During the development, I will also test the units of code so that they work harmoniously before the actual testing of the entire application.
Iteration 5: Testing and Backup
I will participate in the testing of the application together with the project team so as to ensure that the project meets its specifications and that it meets the user and system requirements. I will then perform the backup of the project and the company data so as to help in safeguarding it from disastrous events.
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Earl M. J. & B. Khan (2001). E-Commerce Is Changing the Face of IT. Sloan Management Review, 43(1), 64-72.
Farrell, C. & Harrison, N. (2011). Under the hood of .Net Memory Management. Place of publication not identified: Simple Talk Publishing.
Gault, J., Redington, J. & Schlager, T. (2000).Undergraduate business internships and career success: Are they related?  Journal of Marketing Education, 22(1), 45-54.
Goldshtein, S., Zurbalev, D., & Flatow, I. (2012). Pro .NET performance. Berkeley, Calif.: Apress.Top of Form
Max, M.  (1999, April). Establishing a successful intern-ship program. Business Credit, 101(4), 42-43
Richter, J. (2003). Applied Microsoft .NET framework programming. Redmond, Wash: Microsoft Press.
Segars A. & Grover, V. (1999).  Profiles of Strategic Information Systems Planning. Information Systems Research, 10(3), 199-232.
Thai, T., & Lam, H. Q. (2003). .NET framework essentials: Introducing the .NET framework (3rd Ed.). Beijing: O'Reilly.Top of Form
Walker, S., Scarbeau, B., Hardy, D., Schultes, S., & Morgan, R. (2011). Professional DotNetNuke 5: Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
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