Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Literature reviews and proposal

In a couple of years, there has been increasing the popularity of web based applications. There are some factors that contribute to that tremendous rise in their use by organizations and individuals in the provision of access to a variety of services. Today many organizations and individuals use the web-based applications to in securing critical environments like financial, medical and military systems.  Web-based systems consist of infrastructure components like databases and servers, as well as application specific codes like server-side CGI programs and HTML-embedded scripts (Kalani & Kalani, 2004). Experienced programmers are the ones that develop infrastructure components, and the programmers have little security training and have to develop the codes under a strictly time constraint. As a result, they develop and deploy to the whole Internet web-based applications that are vulnerable, creating easily exploitable points that can lead to compromising of the entire networks.  The amelioration of those security issues of web-based applications requires that you design and develop a web-based application that is secure. Testing of the web-based application also vital but it cannot take pace minus a thorough analysis of the current security threats.
Overview of Web-based Application
Today many enterprises are utilizing the web-based application as a solution that offers low-cost as well as a flexible way of distributed collaborative work.  A web-based application not only disseminates work, but it also interacts with the users in the processing for their business tasks so that they can accomplish their business goals. Thus, programming and analysis of web-based application need an approach that is different from the one for websites that offer information in a uni-directional manner on the user’ requests (Nielsen, 1995).  Programming the web application requires that the developer emphasizes on a good visual design and offer a systematic way of designing the logical structure of the application.  There also exists a method for designing a web-based application. Those models are very useful in the modeling of kiosk-type applications that help in navigating the users to the desired information on the web in a systematic manner.
However, for the users of web-based applications, the access of particular information they want is only part of their business goals.  There are other business goals such as processing of their business data, communicating and collaborating with their colleagues through the use of the web-based application.  The formal methods that exist do not provide solutions to critical questions pertaining the programming and analyzing of the web-based application (KolĖ‡sek, 2002).  Some of those questions that remain unanswered include, “How can users achieve their business goals while using web-based applications?” “How do users interact with their colleagues while using the web-based application?” Maintenance is also another crucial issue as websites are increasing in size.  Tools that exist such as the WebAnalyzer are useful in identifying the broken vulnerabilities, but they fail to offer a solution to or the way of avoiding those problems.  Organizations can reduce their maintenance costs if they can detect errors in the design and analysis phases (Davis, 1990; Humphrey, 1989).
There has been a continuous evolution of technologies for implementing web-based applications since the inception of the first mechanism for creating dynamic websites.  In the subsequent paragraphs, there are the steps in that evolution.
Common Gateway Interface
The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) was the one of the first mechanisms used in the generation of content (Laverty & Scarpino, 2009). The common gateway standard defines a mechanism the server uses in interacting with external applications.  It specifies the rules of that interaction; however, it does not dictate the usage of a specific technology for implementing those external applications.  That means the programmer can write the CGI programs in any language and execute them on virtually all web servers.  The goals of invoking the CGI were to offer a web-based interaction with the legacy systems (Kalani & Kalani, 2004).  In that case, a CGI program functions as a gateway between the legacy system and the web server.   There is the CGI specification that defines various ways on how the web server communicates with a CHI program.
Embedded Web Application Frameworks
 Nowadays, the most common method of approaching the implementation of a web-based application is the use of a middle way between the CGI mechanism and the sever-specific APIs (Umar, 1997). In this technology, you provide the web server with an extension that implements the frameworks for developing web applications.  Examples of those frameworks include the compiler or interpreter that is useful in encoding the application’s components and defining the rules that control the interaction between the application components and the server.  Frameworks do vary greatly depending on the support provided by the application developer. There are frameworks that only provide mechanisms for handling HTTP-specific features like cookies, connection handling, and authenticating mechanism among others.  These web application frameworks have provision through such programming languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Visual Basic, and JScript and C # (Keig, 2013).
Importance of Web-based Application
 Web-based applications are the way to take advantage of the current technology in enhancing the productivity and efficiency in organizations.  They provide businesses with an opportunity of accessing their information from anywhere across the globe anytime (Grove, 2010).  It also helps the organizations to save money and time as well as in improving the interactivity with their clients and partners.  A web-based application also allows the administration staff to perform their duties from any location and the sales staff has the ability for accessing the information from a remote location 24 hours a day and seven days a week (Curphey et al., 2005).  The only thing that one needs is to have their computers connected to the Internet, have a web browser, the username, and the password and then they can access the corporate systems from anywhere.
A web-based application is easy to use, and it can have an implementation without any interruption to the existing work process of the organization.  Whether an organization requires an e-commerce system or a content managed solution, they can develop a customized web application that can meet their business requirements (Grove, 2010).  The web-based software enables companies to interact with their applications as well as their data in a highly responsive and fluid manner.  With the right expertise in the creation and implementation of a web-based application, a company can have an edge over its competitors.
My internship in Sriven Technologies will help in performing web-based applications programming and analysis that will be of benefit to the organization at large and me. I will have an engagement in critical tasks such as the review of codes, the design, development, testing and supporting of the web-based applications. The internship will consist of five iterations with each having a cycle of planning, acting observing and reflecting to offer an opportunity to refine further the actions.

Iteration 1: The Employment Process at Sriven Technologies
In this first iteration at Sriven Technologies Inc, I will carry out an inquiry to find out the employment process in the company in light of programming and analysis of web-based applications. I will meet with the human resource personnel from the company, and they will guide me through the employment process as a web-based application programmer and developer. The Web will also be of great help as it will be the platform of interacting with those resource persons.
Iteration 2: Brainstorming
In this iteration on brainstorming, I will meet with the company’s web-based application developers who will take me through the skills I require to qualify to be an expert in web-based application programming and analysis.  Many web-based application developers will be in the meeting so as to provide me with the knowledge of the skills I require to be competent in the area of web-based application design, development, and analysis.
Iteration 3: Training
In the training iteration, I will meet with the web-based analysts and the project manager to help me in understanding how to conduct a web-based application development and analysis. They will train me on various approaches to developing a web-based application and enhancing the proper security features on the same. The project manager will also guide me trough the stages of project development and the deliverables in the various stages of the work breakdown structure.
Interpretation 4: Understanding the Analysis and Design of a Web-application
In this iteration on understanding the analysis and design of a web-based application, I will meet with the web application developers, and they will help me with the way to go and the right methodology to use in designing and analyzing a web-based application.  That will be the background for the next phase of performing a penetration test project on a client’s web application. The method I will understand is the one that entails entity relations analysis, scenario analysis, and architecture design since it is one of the most reliable methods of analyzing and designing a web-based application.
Iteration 5: Project on Penetration testing of the Client’s Website
In this iteration, I will have involvement in conducting a penetration test for one of the company’s clients as my main project in the company. I will use the skills gained from the previous iterations and ensure that I perform comprehensive penetration tests for the client. I will carry out this task with one of the company’s junior web-based application analyst to act as my supervisor. I will carry out all my activities while consulting that supervisor. The quality assurance team will then help in the remediation of any vulnerability found as will deem appropriate.

Nielsen, J. (1995). Multimedia and Hypertext the Internet and Beyond.  Academic Press.
Laverty, J. & Scarpino, J. (2009). Web Application Security Instructional Paradigms and the IS Curriculum. Issues in Information Systems, 10(1), 87-96.
Kolsek, M. (2002). Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web based Applications. Technical report, ACROS Security.
Curphey, M., Wiesman, A., Van der Stock, A. & Stirbei, R. (2005). A Guide to Building Secure Web Applications and Web Services. OWASP.
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Grove, R. F. (2010). Web-based application development. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
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Umar, A. (1997). Application (re)engineering: Building web-based applications and dealing with legacies. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
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Kalani, A., & Kalani, P. (2004). Exam Cram 2: Developing and implementing web applications with Visual c# .Net and Visual Studio .Net ; [exam 70-315]. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que Certification.
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Keig, A. (2013). Advanced Express Web Application Development. Packt Publishing: Birmingham.  

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