Tuesday, November 20, 2018


 We watched a video about the effective teacher for 45 minutes. I have written notes about the important areas and points for the presentation. Fortunately, the presentation comprises of the important aspects of being a successful teacher. I learned why every student can learn. It is because the problem is not the student; the problem is the teacher who may fail to make a connection. If teachers believe in the law of No Child Left Behind, then they will have to work hard to find the appropriate method to improve the student’s skills and knowledge individually. So, teachers have to figure out ways of helping all the students to be successful because not all the best strategies work to the advantage of all students individually. All students must learn better from the high expectations they have from their teachers and having the opportunity to feel they are the fraction of the educational process.
The teachers are the strongest element effective education. Therefore, they need to prepare and create the right path for learning and attract the students to learn. In fact, not all students understand in the same way, so the new strategies have a role in the education functioning. However, using the new strategies in teaching provides an opportunity for the students to increase their comprehension. The differences between teachers are their educational methods and the strategies that they use in the teaching process. Teacher, who uses the beneficial strategies in the classroom, must have the influence to change the students mind, and encourage them to learn. It is possible by looking at their accomplishment to keep learn and build their learning from practicing their knowledge form the activities which teachers provide them to work. Students will relate these activates as the teacher’s strategies. This part made me asked me, which kind of the strategies should I use in my teaching process and how I am going to start to teach? I also learned from the meaningful presentation, that teacher is a part of the process of making the schools with high student failure rate or the schools with high student success rate. The negligence of time and the education systems from the teacher has a negative impact on the students’ level of performance.
Most of the students have parents who teach them only the right things. One of them is to respect and follow the teacher’s instructions. When they leave their home to go to school, they start to obey the teachers’ instructions. So, that automatically affects the students’ rate. If their teacher does not have or let the students committed to his or her instructions, still students will fail. Therefore, a great teacher who seeks to achieve student success and to improve their rate is through participating with the students and families to identify problems. They will work together to come up with solving problems. After all, the presenter declared that each teacher can choose the teaching method. So, although teachers know their subjects, some of them do not choose the right way for teaching the subjects because they follow the other teachers thinking without thinking how free they are in choosing the best method and strategies in teaching. With different generations, the past teaching method has a negative impact on the new generation.
The flexible teachers have to adapt to changes from substitution, or from the non-purposeful education method, to an education method that leads to the successful learning. The education needs the knowledgeable teachers from taking a beneficial attitude towards learning, acquiring information and our profession. However, teachers must have the ability to adapt to all the life variables and take the benefit of the changes to improve themselves and accept the others development. I understood from the presentation that many teachers spend their entire lives teaching, and they need change their path to the educational process to becoming effective. Another important thing is that it is easy to become a teacher, but to becoming an effective teacher needs effort. Teachers must believe in themselves and trust to their capabilities through making a distinction in the students’ lives.
Each of us, we are nature’s greatest creation. We are nature’s most magnificent invention and God the creator has given us unique talents and knowledge to make inventions that benefit humanity. Teaching through the most modern methods is the only way for us to improve the current educational processes. Modern day technologies have for example provided a wide range of ways to improve student interactions. There are also other new methods of teaching that have broken down the authority boundaries and others which place emphasis on enjoyment learning more than grades. Thus, as teachers, it is vital to teach while at the same time remain engaging. We now have greater responsibility in working on our lesson plans and ensure that they are working.
Humans are the only living things capable of improving the quality of their lives as we can see in the great inventions of human history. For example, the calculator is one of the amazing inventions that man has able to create. Other technologies include the discovery of construction tools, plumping system, language invention, microwaves computers telephones, mobile phones and many more. Therefore, as teachers, we swim in a pool of inventions. There are new ways of teaching that are out there waiting for us to discover. It is possible by keeping our minds open and ready to try new things.
A professional is defined not by business a person is about by the way that person does his or her business. It means that to provide professional and effective teaching is only possible when teachers understand their roles working towards improving their teaching so that more students can benefit from an experience of successful education. Thus, what it means to be a professional teacher is not just about teachers exhibiting professionalisms. Knowing this aspect will help to prevent the common notion outside the field that anyone can teach. Instead, the element of being a teacher is all about more than believing in the standards of professionalism, to personal work that teachers do in defining then to be novice teachers in developing new ways of improving teaching and appropriate evaluation structures. Thus, teachers have to improve continuously in their research and search for new knowledge of improving teaching.

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