Sunday, January 13, 2019

ICS Risk & Audit Methodology Project

Describe the Industry
The water treatment company is the company dedicated to the supply of clean water, in industries, urban areas, hospitals, and the county council sanitary and drainage systems. The water treatment system and the water catchment areas experience a high level of fluctuating pressure and in the constant bursting of pipes. The main reason as to why the water treatment company has continuously experienced losses is due to the poor monitoring of turbulence and the flow rates.  The company has opted to implement the Industrial Control system to control, manage and monitor the industrial flow of water (Jiang, et al… 2015).

The Importance of Water Treatment Industry in the Society
The water treatment industry provides water for drinking in the rural and the urban center (Jiang, et al… 2015). The water treatment industry provides water for the manufacturing and the processing industries.  The water treatment industry, supply water to the county council government for sanitary cleaning and the drainage systems in the urban centers. The water treatment industries provide complex and dynamic water catchment intakes to collect sufficient water required for agricultural activities and the irrigation purposes.
The Industrial Control System Process Employed
1.    The SCADA system is the primary control system implemented in the industry.
2.    The Remote Terminal Units (RTU), the function of the RTU, is to send and receive the control information (Baggini, & Sumper, 2012).
3.    The ICP and the programmable logic controller (PLC) used to manage and control the discrete flow of fluids and to monitor the turbulence flows (Cosman, 2014).
4.    The programmable automation controller (PAC) used to monitor the water catchment areas
Port number
Physical connection
Default account
930 L, 80
8080, RS232/422/485
Serial bus,  RJ - 45
Crossed crypto scheme
enabled on local server
502, 80
RJ - 45
Dial Up Modem
enabled on local server
RS 23
enabled on local server

Identified Security Controls
The major security controls enforced includes data and information confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) (Bailey & Wright, 2003). The data and information confidentiality approach ensure that the input and the output data have high security against unauthorized individuals. The parameters applied to enforce security include the verification and the authentication protocols. The data and information integrity approach ensure that the data and information have security against breaches. The system has settings and configurations that prohibit any modification of data by unauthorized individuals. The parameters applied include the use of the user accounts and personal identification number. The data and information availability strategy ensure that data and information have easy access at any point through the network enabled connections.
Application of ICS Security Best Practices
The water treatment company network should have an installation of the hardware and the software firewalls. The firewalls control and manage unauthorized packets entering or leaving the network through filtering (Baggini, & Sumper, 2012). The water treatment company should install the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect the network from possible attacks by the intruders. The water treatment company should install the Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) within the company network to fix and update the network system logs with the recent techniques for used by hackers to gain access to the company databases. The industries should take the concern of installing the monitoring devices like the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to make sure that the entire operations within the industry have secure monitoring to empower the security in the systems.
Unpremeditated Risks and Risk Strategy
The risks of the water treatment company that have classification as the unmediated risks include the natural disasters and artificial risks. The natural disasters refer to the risks that attack the industries unpredictable and have no human control. The causes of the natural disasters include the catastrophic disasters like the earthquake, thunderstorms, hail storms, Whirlwind and floods (Piggin, 2014). The strike by the lightening has classification as the natural disaster. The artificial refers to the risks and the loss caused by people. The artificial disasters have a direct human intervention. The examples of the artificial disaster disasters include the fire strike, theft cases, and planned burglaries, as well as the public, misuse of resources and vandalizing (Bailey & Wright, 2003).
The water treatment company should deal with the unpredictable attacks through the formulation of the disaster recovery plan under the contingency plan (Jiang, et al… 2015). The water treatment company should take the initiative of analyzing the risk and make sure that the major and the minor risks have identification. The water treatment company should then form a team that should formulate the disaster recovery plan as well as the business recovery planning. The disaster recovery plan helps in recovering the data and information lost as a result of the disaster strike. The recovery planning refers to the formulation of the strategies that enhance recovery of goods and assets belonging to the water treatment company. The methodologies applied in ensuring that the natural disasters and artificial disasters have come under control include the implementation of the data and information backup. The other plans involve practicing the application of the data and information security through the ethical issues like installation of the antivirus software on the machines (Ginter, 2013). The issues involving consulting the third parties to secure the industrial assets against attacks is one of the best practices that guarantee recovery of the industry after encountering a catastrophic disaster.
Vulnerability Continuous Planning Strategy
The Industrial Control Systems in should implement the application of the Bandolier modules to secure the industrial systems from vulnerabilities. The Bandolier modules have usage in the analysis of the Industrial control systems to determine the areas with flaws. The Bandolier modules tool identifies and reports the weakness of the Industrial control system. The tool helps the organization to know the sections causing the problem though the mapping applications (Bailey & Wright, 2003). The Bandolier modules have artificial intelligence capability that informs the system analyzes the possible loops holes within the system that the intruders can easily attack the system. The Bandolier modules tool is an IA-certified tool since professionals developed the tool through the application of the system development lifecycle. The programming team and the IT professionals develop the tool to assist in activities like the troubleshooting, repairing and diagnosing of the Industrial Control Systems. The Bandolier modules tool offer effective and efficient services operation that guarantees the industrial systems are having compatible attributes of compliance with SCAP quality metrics. The complaint of the Bandolier modules has a guarantee and ability to support other tools like Nessus and Snort. The tools like the Nessus and Snort have a high level of compatibility.
Script Rules for Each Industrial Control Systems System
The organization must implement the formulation of the rules and the regulations that govern the major activities and the processes within the organization. The major activities and functions involving the tendering and the purchasing of the hardware and the software components must follow certain procedures defined by the organization policies. The policies should guarantee that the sources of the hardware and software devices have verifications and certificates from the international organizations like the International standards of the organization (ISO) (Baggini, & Sumper, 2012). The company IT policy document should define the criteria applied in the process of ensuring that the correct procedures have proper adherence hence ensuring that the process requiring document approval have no omissions by the involved team. The team involved in the processes requiring the installation and the maintenance of the IT systems must take the correct formulations that adhere to the entire system of rules that govern particular activity. The industries should engage in constant training of the employees as well as taking the employees in the workshop platforms to gain knowledge and skills based on the ethical issues and the good practices.
Baggini, A. B., & Sumper, A. (2012). Electrical energy efficiency: Technologies and
applications. Chichester [England: Wiley.
Bailey, D., & Wright, E. (2003). Practical SCADA for industry. Amsterdam: Elsevier
Operator's Challenge. (Cover story). Chemical Engineering121(6), 30-35
Ginter, A. (2013). Securing Industrial Control Systems. (Cover story). Chemical
Engineering120(7), 30-35.
Jiang, W., Ma, Y., Sang, N., & Zhong, Z. (2015). Dynamic security management for real-time
Qembedded applications in industrial networks. Computers & Electrical
Engineering4186-101. doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2014.10.002
Piggin, R. (2014). Industrial systems: cyber-security's new battlefront. Engineering &
Technology (17509637)9(8), 70-74

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in cheap term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order from top research paper writing companies.

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