is the matter with community corrections in the contemporary society? Crime remains
a threat to the society and calls
for serious interventions. Community corrections have been
developed to act as alternatives to custodial sentences
but are the community willing to accept criminals back
to the society? Is community correction
helping in correcting criminal behavior among offender? Is the community
safe in the hands of perpetrators who roam freely in the society? Is allowing offenders the freedom to stay in the community exposing victims to harm further
and proving leniency in the criminal justice system?
Then lastly, how can you feel
if a rapist reformatory gets built
near your home with your family
of seven girls?
Thesis Statement
continues to be the most social issue
hounding all spheres of functionality in the
society. Not socially, not, economically and not
politically, but all. Having community corrections
poses a great danger to the society rather than the perceived benefits it gets
associated. This alternative sentence reflects how the law
is so lenient to
perpetrators. The option exposes the victims as well as the community to the perpetrators to victimize
further them. The option does not serve
justice to the victims as their perpetrators will freely
move in the society. Constructing halfway homes in the neighborhood, for instance, can expose the area to criminal activities.
The option is, therefore, controversial to the social controls and should be terminated to serve justice to the society and avoid
encouraging potential
Community Correction Does Not Serve
Punishment Principles
correctional programs have existed since the 1970s and have grown
rapidly as an option to incarceration especially in nations with the largest population in the prison. In community correction programs, we have
probation and restitution programs. The convicted persons
serve sentences that do not involve prison
time but rather they get
in supervised programs in the standard residential. While there exist various advantages
on redirecting part of the
illegal population from overflowing prison complex, the adoption of this penal
system to the public have its drawbacks.
As critics of community corrections, these programs usually
widen the net in the state social control.
Most community-based correctional programs
do not serve as an alternative of imprisonment. Instead, they serve
as an add-on to the prison
sentences. These correctional
programs get used as an additional type of punishment, usually in cases where
there would have existed no formal punishment
in the absence of these programs. Therefore,
community-based correctional programs give an increase of not just numbers of individuals
under enforcement supervision
at a specified period but also it
spread offenders from particular
institutions such as prisons into the society. If community
correctional programs utilize
residential facilities in the neighborhoods, they usually enter
into the setback of
NIMBYism "Meaning not in my backyard)", this process involves
the neighbors who get upset
about the fact that offenders are getting housed
in their proximity to families
as well as homes. Even when the
offenders in the facilities
follow their course of learning or seek
jobs, it poses
far to the society. It is not a surprise that many
offenders who get custodial sentences or sometimes
commit severe crimes were initially
under community –based sentence
(Tindall, Michele, et al., 16-22). Therefore, this alternative sentencing continues to fail since it makes punishment
lenient and offers another environment for them to commit further offenses. The presence of the criminals in the neighborhood can end up socializing the children in the society to get into crimes. Security of the residents can also get compromised
if such offenders are in the society. These types of sentences
are also easy to compromise. Depending on the
relationship an offender has with his supervisor, he can end up left free.
These sentencing options do not serve justice
to the victims. It is very discouraging
and devastating if a victim sees
his victim working freely in the community. This process
can encourage people to device similar offenses
to avoid prison at the expense of the victims.
in the start defined two initial sentencing outcomes: fine or
prison. The two are enough but what lies in between – community sentence – is not fish or fowl: it’s a disposal cannot work as punishment but is used too late and
on many serial criminals to work on rehabilitation. Community sentences continue to become sanctions in many developed countries
having an unprecedented increase in their use. All this periods these
sentences options continue to fail. They get characterized
by low completion rates coupled with grave breaches. In 2010, only 52% community orders in developed countries were completed.
One-third was not completed satisfactorily while 1 in 10 terminated early due to a
cancelation to attract custodial sentences.
Official figures present very high
rates of recidivism too, with
individuals serving such sentence in committing
approximately 251,000 crimes
in the following year. Unfortunately over 1,500 become extra serious
crimes like rape and murder. To my surprise, community sentences public opinion
is very. Many people take it
as a ‘soft option’. The public usually
supports these sentencing options for first
offenders. Unfortunately, courts
are increasingly using community sentences for recidivists and more so on violent
criminals (Rhodes, William, 391-413). Crime Statistics says that the proportion
of violence coming from community sentence continues to rise. Failures of community sentences come from the flaws in its design as well as operation. Communities Payback seems
to be most punitive of the orders continue to be insufficient. Orders take years,
few hours, and
week and so
on. Many times
used by criminals involve doing light
duties that are not punitive
in nature like working charity shops. These
sentences need to match priorities that
the public and the sentencing principles have on punishment. Proves of what works shows that
focus on the discipline, with full orders involving purposeful
duties, may give results. The reason
is that sentences having punitive elements
provide better outcomes and helps
in arresting the escalation of crimes, which is a serious offense prevention
aim. It is even
better to advocate for new Work Orders regime rather than community sentences. Such initiative is more intensive, visible
and closely supervised having sanctions for breaching such as benefits withdrawal
(Tindall, Michele, et al., 16-22)
the main perceived advantages associated with community corrections are the greatest disadvantages to the population. Can drug programs as well
as boot camps developed in the community expose the community to the danger of drugs? .Of course, the answer is yes. There is no hundred percent prove that placing
such offender on community programs help to treat
all the offenders. Placing
them in such reformatory environment offers them to continue the drug pursuit since the law is soft on them. The presence of such individuals
in the society can end up incriminating the youths in the locality and the end
the society can rot with criminality. In situations where the perpetrator landed in the court after a victim reported him, the offender can come to revenge against the person As I previously said, drug interventions,
as well as boot camps, eases crowding
when they place
prison-bound criminals in a community
treatment program that allow chances of avoiding
incarceration. Additionally such
programs get filled with criminals who should not get a lenient sentence. The situation is called
net-widening and it usually happen when
judges, as well as
prosecutors, fill such program with criminals who do not need
such interventions (Tindall,
Michele, et al., 16-22). Prison-bound criminal gets chance placed
in programs having access to the services. This process
increases punishment cost. This situation
occurs because the officials always feel that
they have to maximize the program capacity since it is available. Community correction usually compromises public safety. Offenders quickly become able to go
on with criminal activities
than if they remain confined in prison (Rodriguez, Nancy, 181-215). With funds
going custodial institutions,
resources never keep pace with the community corrections development. With the resources spreading thinly, correctional officers
supervise more criminals and spend
less time on offenders.
Technology continues to replace
human supervision. Unfortunately, even if home confinement
get combined with monitoring
technology, enforcement authorities
cannot get assured that perpetrators will end up refraining from crimes. For instance, the fact that
community confinement programs allow the offender to leave residences for different
activities like work, shopping, and recreation,
it is easy that
crimes can end up getting committed even when the
offender is legally out of the
home. Various community supervision interventions get disconnected from treatment services aimed at addressing the problems o f the offenders. This disadvantage affects offender’s success to get rehabilitated.
My personal opinions,
community corrections do not serve the principles of punishment. The fact
that it decongests prison cannot hold water to support it.
In fact, it aims at spreading the offender in the community posing security
threats to the society. It also
gives another opportunity for the offender to go on with criminal activities. It can be very worrying
if institutions to handle offender in the community gets developed
in the community.
This process can escalate crimes and
public fears because there is less prove that this
option corrects behavior. The correction
does not serve justice to the victims as perpetrators will be back
in the society even laughing at their victims. From the statistical facts that many convicts had
at one time put on a community sentence, it is daylight truth
that this option
does not serve as a crime control strategy.
To conclude; therefore,
policy makers in the criminal justice system need
to come up with other
sentencing option apart of community sentences. Crimes should remain crimes, and they
should meet the full force of the law if
the society wants to eliminate crime. Abolishing this sentencing option send a deterrence message to the potential criminal who take
advantage of the sentence to inflict harm on their victims. The fact that
punishment is supposed to be victim friendly, community
sentences turn and make the
criminal friendly. I therefore strongly stand against this sentencing.
Ng, Irene Y.H.
"Where Juvenile Serious Offenders Live: A Neighborhood Analysis Of Wayne County, Michigan."Journal of
Criminal Justice 38.2 (2010): 207-215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Rhodes, William.
"Estimating Treatment Effects and Predicting Recidivism for Community Supervision Using Survival Analysis with
Instrumental Variables." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26.3 (2010): 391-413.Academic
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Rodriguez, Nancy.
"Concentrated Disadvantage And The Incarceration Of Youth: Examining How Context Affects Juvenile
Justice." Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency 50.2 (2013):
189-215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Tindall, Michele, et
al. "Factors Associated With Recidivism among Corrections-Based Treatment Participants in Rural and Urban
Areas." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 56. (2015): 16-22. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in cheap term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order from top research paper writing companies.
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