The purpose statement should not have incomplete ideas
and concepts since that may confuse the
reader or cause
a diversion to the intended purpose. In addition, it acts
as the basis for the thesis
statement (Lewkowicz, 2010).
The purpose statement should always have consistency
with the other sections of the research
project. The title, purpose, problem,
and the research
questions should have correlation throughout the progress of the research
(Isadore & Duane, 2013). It assists
in enhancing the quality of the research.
Since the purpose statement serves as the basis for
formulating the research questions, it has to be clear and direct to the
a purpose Statement
Project Title: Lack of accountability
in the Special Education in Nigeria
The main purpose of the
study is to examine the extent of the
lack of accountability in the Special Education systems in
Nigeria that results in the slowed progress .
Special Education in Nigeria is not at its best state due the
failed institutions and systems that continue
to lack accountability in various ways. By tackling
the issue of lack of accountability in the Special Education in Nigeria; it
will be a step towards the
overall improvement of the education attainment of the special children .
The lack of accountability
in the various sectors dealing with special Education in Nigeria makes it lag behind the
other educational programs. Accountability issues range from the resources allocated,
responsibilities, and the individuals entrusted
with the administrative duties of overseeing the operations of the Special Education programs (Ewoh,
Among the goals that the study
intends to achieve is assessing the use
of the resources allocated to the Special Education programs .
The resources should serve as
a driving force for the progress of the
programs but in many instances, it
gets the diversion
to other areas. Thus, it ends
up not benefiting the programs as planned by the government. The
service delivery systems in the Special Education programs lack accountability
that results in slowed progress. Another issue to examine is the channels that
the funds follow
after releasing to avoid the diversions. It
ensures efficiency in the mode of delivery
of the programs.
The other issue to examine
in the accountability of the special education
programs is the services available to the special education
students. Most of them face challenges in accessing transport, medical, counseling, and accommodation services among
others. The people concerned in the delivery
of the services do not handle the
special students as required. Most of them shy off from
cruising their way into getting the services
that they require due the nature of their status. The practice
is also common in the corporate world in which individuals with special needs undergo through various challenges in accessing the vital
services that they need.
The other goal of the
study is assessing the level of accountability in the legislative arm
of the government in passing acts that help in enforcing policies in the special
education sector. There are many countries globally who have laws
that govern the administration of the special education programs. However, Nigeria has been slow in enacting
such laws that hinders progress in the special
education sector. It hampers any efforts
for the persons
with special needs in agitating for their rights.
Additionally, the
study will examine the special education
system’s accountability in the involvement of parents. They have
a crucial role to play in the decision-making process
of their children’s education
attainment. Studies by
Mukuria and Obiakor (2004) reveal
that there are people who silence the
voices of the Nigerian parents in their children’s education. Parents are part of the important
stakeholders whose voice
cannot be neglected. They understand more
about the children than their
educators and instructors. It is necessary that parents
and the institutions
work together to tackle the challenges
of the children in the social, emotional,
intellectual, or the linguistic aspects.
Another aspect to examine is the lack of accountability
in the provision of quality education to the students
with special needs. They lack adequately
qualified educators unlike those in the regular
programs. Most of the qualified educators
divert their attentions to other ventures other
than assisting the special education learners (Akon, 1991). In addition,
their institutions have limited resources that make the programs
offered ineffective.
The assessment of the various areas lacking
accountability in the special education sector will be through the common research methods
like use of questionnaires and interviews with selected participants. After the assessment, the
findings generated will help the relevant
agencies to move with speed in addressing the issues.
E.O. (1991). In-service teacher education in Nigeria: A case study. Journal of
Education for Teaching, 17(2), 189–199.
I. E. Ewoh (2011) Public Administration Education and Training in Nigeria:
Problems, Challenges, and Prospects Journal
of Public Affairs Education 20 (4), 455–468
Newman & Duane M. Covrig (2013) Building consistency between title, problem
statement, purpose, and
research questions to improve the quality of research plans and reports: New Horizons in Adult
Education and Human Resource Development, 25 (1) 70- 79
A. Lewkowicz (2010) Purpose statement, Encyclopedia of Research Design: Sage Research Methods Pp. 1-5
G., & Obiakor, F. E. (2004) Special education issues and African Diaspora:
Journal of International Special Needs
Education, 7, 12–17
I., Ridenour, C., Newman, C., & DeMarco, Jr. G. (2003) A typology of research purposes and its relationship to mixed
methods. In Abbas Tashakkori & Charles Teddie (Eds.) Handbook of mixed methods in social and
behavioral research, Sage Publications
A statement should give a summary of the research project’s
main goals and
objectives. In addition, it helps in developing
the research questions for the
entire study. It provides a point
of reference for the research project
as it gains complexity. It is not advisable to have a rigid purpose
statement since it may require changes as the research process
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