Monday, January 14, 2019

Searching for a job as a Database Administrator

Iteration 2: Obtaining of knowledge on Database Systems and Database Administration
            The iteration two will get me involved with the obtaining of the knowledge on database management systems and the database administration. The actions will be research to have the better understanding of the database management systems as well as the overall database administration. The database management system gets to define the software that gets employed within the given company for the purpose of managing the database. On the other hand, the database administration gets to define the process of getting to management the database. It takes to have the understanding of the overall operations and workings of the different management systems so as to stand the chance of identifying the best database management system that gets to suit the company. The selection gets to depend on some factors.

            The planning for the gathering of knowledge about the database management system and database administration will get me subdivides the activities into different sections. The first section of the process will get me have the understanding of the on the concepts of database management, database management systems, the database administration. The definition of the commonly applied and used concepts will get me stand the chance of communicating professionally with the usage of the appropriate database professional terminologies with the explanation of the operations of the concept for the benefit of the company or the organization. The second section of obtaining knowledge about the database management and administration will get me have the research on the database management systems with the definition and the mention of the different database management system models or types. I will have to quote and discuss the strengths and deficits of the respective systems that can get applied within the organization for database management and administration. After the understanding of the different database management systems, I will then research to the determination of the factors that the organization database administrators should get to consider in the selection of a given system to get used within the organization. The knowledge will be quite essential in the case of attending the interview I will stand the chance of confidently mentioning the system with the support based on the factors I am going to take a research over. The last section of the activities of iteration two will get me define and understand the most responsibilities and duties of a database administrator. The results will provide me with the power to easily compose myself and get to know how the tasks get implemented according to the different environment of working. The activities for the iteration two will get done within the duration of two weeks to pave the way for the other following works and activities.
            The actions to get me have the appropriate knowledge will get me through the usage of the relevant materials of gathering information. The information will get accessed and obtained through the conduct of the research with the aid of different materials. The materials involved in the gathering of the information will be the online materials that include the journals, books, blogs and any relative online information source material. Subsequently, I will get to conduct small and simple interviews that will get to have the structured question that will guide me through the process.
            The activity of understanding the concept will get me through defining the concepts and have the understanding of the concepts behind the database management, database management systems, and the database administration. The definition will get to aid us to have the clear understanding of what it means with the terminologies that will give a wider knowledge of concepts. I will get into the cyber cafĂ© and at home undertake the online research over the concepts and have the documentation of the information so as I may have the backup for the future reminding and the reference purposes. According to online research, it is essential for the acquisition of the information because it gets to have lot information that gets to explain the phenomenon in different ways. Indeed, it is the easy method for me gets the huge and lot information. For the further clarification of the concepts definition, I will get approach my friends who are already in the field to share out with the explanation behind the understanding of the database related concepts. The activities of the second division will get to involve me through the extension of further defining the different modes of database management system. The discussion of the types of the database system will get to provide the identification of the matching database management system to the respective organization. The identification of the relative database management system gets to have a dependency on some given factors. To support my research, I will get to extend further my efforts to have the determination of the appropriate factors that gets to bring about the identification of the most efficient and reliable application for the management of the information. The last section and the final activity will have me list and acknowledge the list of responsibilities and duties with the destination of the procedures to get the tasks at home (Hellerstein, 2005).
            According to the research database management defines the relative activities that get the database administrator to create, operate and managed the database. The database management system defines the tools that get to aid in creating, storing and managing of the information within the database (Ward & Dafoulas, 2006). The basics of database management got examined to have the understood of the relative concepts for the easy further identification and explanation of the methodologies of getting o store the data in a predefined way of the database. Talk about the relationships, the replications, tables, procedures and as many as I may mention. Database management systems get categorized into the object-oriented database management system, relational database management systems, network database systems, hierarchical database management systems, and flat file database management systems. Flat file based database management system defines the simplest database designed to take the human readable text formats and binary formats. The database is guide recommended to the stand alone software, holding software configurations. The flat file gets formatted in rows and column with the assumption that the items in a given model have the same data. The database can be commas separated values or as Microsoft Excel. The hierarchical database management system defines the parent-child format same to as the tree-like a model. The model of relationship is one too many, and it is about the storage of items with the description of their attributes, features. For the example store the book title, chapters, and pages information. The database model is not quite essentials to the storage of the real world operations. However, it is essential to the storage of recipes, songs, and models of items. A network database management system takes to operate the same as the hierarchical model of database management system on the basis that the network model has the capability to accommodate the many to many relationships thus the many parents to many child relational model. The network database management system posed a lot of challenges and resulted in the generation of the relational database management system. The relational database management system gets to store data in the form of tables. The tables get normalized from first normalization state to the third normalization stated to get Reed of redundancy and will get to accommodate as many tables as it can where the tables get linked. The data gets stored in fixed predefined structures and gets designed and manipulated by the use of the structured query language (SQL). The relational database management system may include the Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL (ITL Education Solutions, 2010). The actions of identification of the factors that gets to have the contribution to the specification of the database system to get used depend much on the reliability and the efficiency of the system to accommodate the organization data as well as the data format. Lastly, the responsibilities and duties get to depend on the qualifications of the personnel and the skills that the person gets to hold.
            The process of getting to acquire the knowledge that concerns the database management system and the database administrator is essential for the provision to the job seeker to have a better understanding of the of the concepts behind the database administrator and the database management system. I happen to conduct an interview to some of my friends in the field and the fear of them losing the job to the new fresh mind was high despite the working experience and this got them to have the fear of providing the appropriate, necessary information. However, the information sourced from the books, journals and over the internet was reliable and provided a wide range of understanding the operations of the database management system. The database management system gets to work for some defined specifications of having to store the information. It is essential for the database administrator job seeker to be flexible so as to fit in the case of applying the different types of database management systems.
            The database administrator job requires some special qualifications with the conversations with the specified kind of database management system as an added advantage for the easy use of the application for the undertaking the assigned tasks. The knowledge will easily provide an understanding of the different duties and responsibilities of the database administrator. The information gets to define the methods and the procedures to get followed in the process of providing the management or the design of the database. The gathering of the knowledge gets the database administrator job seeker to have the knowledge about the Microsoft SQL type of database management system. Thus, the job seeker will get to special in the understanding of the Microsoft SQL database management system.
Iteration 3: Explanation of the SQL Server Database management system version.
            The knowledge acquired from the iteration two gets extended to iteration three which will get me through the examination and explaining the Microsoft SQL Server database system model. The type of database management system gets applied widely by the many organizations and firms as well as companies. The model comes with some special features that will get me through to have their examination and understanding. The activities to get the iteration at home will get me involved in different activities that will get subdivided into divisions. The first division will get me through the examination and understanding of the Microsoft SQL Server database management system. The Microsoft SQL Server database system is an example of the relational database management system. After the understanding the concepts of the Microsoft SQL server, the subsequent iteration will have me perform the practical relating to the functionalities of the database basing on the mode of the database operations. Therefore, I will get to create some tables and do major operations on the tables. The actions will get me through the understanding of the Microsoft SQL Server database system operations. Relational database system does store the data in the form of tables. The tables get related and linked through the process of normalization. It will take me to have the explanation and a clear understanding of the database administration as any other aspect that entails practical and critical thinking at all the times. It will get me have the undertaking of the initiative to have the better understanding of the database administrator responsibilities and duties. The process will have me have the understanding of the entails and activities of the database administration. The last but not least activity, I will get to plan for the understanding of the procedures and activities to undertake for the maintenance of the database. In this case, the database maintenance gets to have the monitoring of the activities undertaken within the database so as to make sure that the service gets carried appropriately with the provision of the technical support in cases of the database failure to respond to the requests in case of querying.
            It's important to have a precise understanding of the aspects and concepts of the given model of database management system. The database management system is an application that will get to aid the database administrators in the creation of the database, updating of the database, management of the database and the undertaking of any activities related to databases such as creation and execution of the database procedures and queries. The database management system comes to have the work of the database administrator at the easiest level of performing. The job seeker of the database administrator should get to familiarize with the duties of the database administrator irrespective of the kind of the database management system gets applied within the respective organization or the firm. The definition and understanding of the functions of the database administrator should come into the possession of the knowledge on the models of database management system (Aiken, Gillenson, Zhang & Rafner, 2011). The responsibilities of the database administrator get to include several aspects.
            Any database administrator will get expected to have the accomplishment of the administration of the SQL database. The database administrator is responsible for maintaining the database server to the normal operating standards and getting to have the database at the elementary working level that gets the database to run subsequently. At this level, the database administrator will get to involve in the actions of undertaking database backups, the addressing of the security issues, the patches, and replication processes within the database. The operations above are indeed relatively related to the actual SQL server software. Subsequently, the development of the database will get the database administrator through the exercise of the activities of working to build and create the queries responsible for the extraction of the respective data depending on the need of the organization or the client. Furthermore, the database administrator will get involved through the building of the stored procedures responsible for the controlling of the working of the database that gets to the meeting of the business need. The activities mentioned above get to test the programming level of the database administrator because they get to involve the aspects of designing and development of the codes that are programming. The architect based database administration gets to have the database administrator to be responsible for the designing the database schemas, tables and the FKs as well as the PKs. The purpose as to why the administrator gets involved in the activities is to have the development of a database structure that will have to meet the general needs of the respective business. These developed aspects are quite essential to have an implementation of the actual application by the database developers and the development database administrators. The data warehouse database administrator, on the other hand, will get involved and responsible for merging the data from multiple different sources of the information into a data warehouse. Therefore, the data warehouse database administrator will have to undertake the activity of designing a data warehouse, clean the warehouse and undertake the activity of standardizing and scrubbing data before the information gets stored or loaded into the data warehouse. Since, the concerns, in this case, takes a concentrate on the SQL server, the database administrator will get to apply heavily the DTS in the undertaking of the mentioned activities within the data warehouse (Jorgensen, Ball, Wort, LoForte & Knight, 2014).
            The database administration will get to ensure the achievement of the respective functions. The database administrator will then get to undertake the installation, upgrading and configuration of the Microsoft SQL server software and the application related aspects. The administration one more should get to evaluate the Microsoft SQL features and the related products to make sure that the applications are working according to and responsible for meeting the business needs. The database administration goes further to the establishment and maintaining of the sound database backup and applicable and reliable database recovery policies and procedures. Also, the database administrator will take care of the SQL database design and the overall implementation of the database. They will have to extend the actions to the implementation and maintaining of the security within the database through the creation of the users of the database, assigning them the roles and the respective privileges and take the control of the users activities for the enhancement of the security. Database administration gets to extend the functions to the undertaking of the monitoring the database performance and tuning the database to work for the reach of the business needs. Subsequently as a very important activity, the database activities will get involved in the setting up of the documentation and the standards within the database that they again get to maintain their applications and extensibility within the application. The database administration gets to cover every component of the database. Thus, the actions related other growth and planning for the expansion of the database are all the work of the database administration.
            The installation of the Microsoft SQL database gets to define the requirements necessary to have the Microsoft SQL software deployed within the system of the organization. The all required Microsoft frameworks supporting the software should get installed and updated to have the stability of the application at the highest level possible as well as the making that the SQL Server database is compatible with all applied communication equipment within the organization. It got observed that the job seeker should have the best understanding of all aspects relating to the database administration and maintenance because they take to cover all respective aspects of the SQL Server database management system. Before the job seeker takes to consider applying for the job, he/she should take to have the best knowledge of the installation and configuration of the SQL server that takes to follow the maintenance and all the concepts are include the functions of the database administration and maintenance.
            Job seekers need to have the highest understanding of the concepts that takes to entail the field of searching the job. The clear definition of the duties and responsibilities of any given database administrator takes the job seeker to stand the chance of determining the possibility of getting to meet the expectation of the organization. The process takes to have the establishment of the strengths and weaknesses entailing the type of database management system. Microsoft SQL server takes to have the implementation of the concepts differently from the other database model systems. The installation of the Microsoft SQL server gets to operate on a relatively wide range of operating system frameworks. The database administration must have the experience of handling and executing the expected activities of installing and configuring any database management system to have the accomplishment of the functions of the database to the meeting of the business needs (Wood, Leiter & Turley, 2007).
            Database administration is a broad field and requires the composure to have the better saying of the procedures and process that gets to the making the database reliable. The process of taking to understand the database administration, and the maintenance of the database is involving and not easy to learn at once instead it takes to have the application of the acquired knowledge, and the experience will build on till become an expert. Therefore, the database administrator job seekers need to acquire the relative knowledge, and more will gain while on duty. The understanding of the installation database administration and maintenance takes to the understanding of the database security and documentation.
Iteration 4: Database Security and Documentation
            As a database administer, it is must and essential to have the knowledge on implementing security within the database. The security issues take to have the making sure that the data within the database is the highest integrity and no compromise at all. During the understanding of the implementation of security, the following activity will get involved. Firstly I will get to identify the most security concerns. Subsequently, I take to have an understanding of the effects of insecurity on the information and the business in general and lastly take to have the identification and explanation of the relative mitigation of the identified security issues. The enhancement of security is quite challenging within any given environment, and the most business takes to have the much focus on the security concerns for the austerity of the customers of the safety of their information. The database administrator job seeker should get to have the concentrate on the understanding of the security implementation within the database to secure the information.
            I will take to classify the security concerns according to the respective database type such as the related issues to the relative database management system, and the other respective database management system. The identification and understanding of the security concerns within the database will get me undertake the installation of the Microsoft SQL database management and fail to configure the relative security aspects and act as intruder within the database and identify the relative security threats and vulnerabilities (Erickson, 2009). It takes to have the experimental of the database and identify the faults within the database. The subsequent measure of identification and understanding the security concerns I will get to research from the online materials as well as the available documentation that provides recommendation relating to the security concerns. As I will be undertaking the experiments, I will get to understand and determine the effects of failing to enhance security within the database. The effects may fail the business or get the business to the closure as the reputation of the business will be to the worst level. Lastly, I will take to identify, understand and explain the relative mitigation to the database security concerns. The immediate action to set out the iteration activities will take through the understanding of explaining how to undertake documentation of the database.
            The provision of the highest security to any information takes the way of enhancing security within the database because the activities within the database get to define the safety of the data. The database securities get addressed from the persons who get access to the database. The authorization should get given to relatively responsible and reliable personnel that should not take the advantage to compromise the information within the database. Some of the security concerns within the database include excessive privileges granted to the organization staff that accesses the database. The privileges get to exceed their requirements and failure to update the privileges in case of a change in roles. The legitimate privilege abuse as the users takes the advantage of the legitimacy to abuse the given privileges. Database injection attacks are risks that are vital. The SQL injection takes to target the traditional database management system while the NoSQL takes to target the platforms with the big data. Malware quietly used for the stealing of the sensitive data within the database. Storage media exposure that is the backup storage media that is gets exposed to attack hence unprotected. The human factor that causes almost 30% of the data breach includes the negligence of undertaking roles (Maurer, 2015). The observed mitigation gets the management of the user access to the database and taking the measure to monitor all the database activities. Block of the malicious web attacks and arching the external database data and encrypting the databases. Also, get the employees trained of the security mitigation measures (Nemati, 2008). For every action that takes place in the administration of the database within any organization, the database administrator gets expected to have documentation so as to aid in the future management of the database. Documentation takes to have the simple ways of undertaking tasks within the database, and each database management system takes to have the respective documentation. The security should have to relate to the documentation for the identification of the possible ways to provide mitigation to the security concerns.
            Database security is quite essential to the ensuring that the business needs get at home. The security should get implemented and enhanced by the organization database administrator. The actions get the database administrator job seeker to get fully equipped with the knowledge about the security concerns, their effects on the business and the possible mitigation of the threats and the vulnerabilities. Database security is the most concern to the most organizations, and the recruiters take a much focus to the job seekers who have a deeper knowledge and understanding database security concerns. The job seeker as a database administrator should get to have the understanding of the respective database system security concerns to have the winning power of the recruiters. I have had the best knowledge over what gets the job seeker to understand and prepare to have the idea and get prepared for any job interview. The iteration has been essential for the understanding of the security issues, and it’s essential for the skills I have gained.

Aiken, P., Gillenson, M. L., Zhang, X. & Rafner. D. (2011). Journal of Database Management. Data Management and Data Administration: Assessing 25 Years of Practice. 

Erickson, J. (2009). Database technologies: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science.

Hellerstein, J. M. (2005). Readings in database systems. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press.

ITL Education Solutions. (2010). Introduction to database systems. Delhi: Pearson.

Jorgensen, A., Ball, B., Wort, S., LoForte, R., & Knight, B. (2014). Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2014 administration.

Maurer, R. (2015).Top Database Security Threats and How to Mitigate Them

Nemati, H. R. (2008). Information security and ethics: Concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.

Obbayi, S. R. (2011). Types of Database Management Systems. 

Ward, P., & Dafoulas, G. (2006). Database management systems. London: Thomson.

Wood, D., Leiter, C., & Turley, P. (2007). Beginning SQL server 2005 administration. Indianapolis, IN: Wrox-Wiley Pub.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in cheap term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order from top research paper writing companies.

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